Didn't get the Hammer Down badge?
This has happened to me before, on a Signature TF (I think it was Synapse), and all I did was petition a GM for it, and by the next day (it was like 4 a.m. when the TF was completed) I logged in and had it, along with a lovely note from the GM that it had been awarded.
I can only suggest you do the same.
However, (Though I may be mistaken on my Giant Monster mechanics) Scrapyard has a tendancy to disappear before he dies. If that was the case, you didn't receive the badge because you didn't, in fact, defeat him.
Edit: If you still have the '<player> has defeated Scrapyard' message in your rewards log, copy and paste that into your petition as 'proof' that he did die.

[Admin] Anti-Matter: I was in ur dimenshun, killin ur d00ds.
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: Good job, Anti-Matter. Troll them.
Freedom, Virtue, Exalted
Without more details, I couldn't really tell you if it was a bug or something that should be happening.
First off, the Ghost of Scrapyard likes to run around and commit suicide-by-droning. It also has a despawn timer which can run out while you're fighting, causing him to disappear in the middle of the fight. Either of those could be the reason. Passing the star or having pets dealing the majority of the damage won't affect the badge and you don't have to talk to Crimson Revenant to get it, but if there were several other teams and your team got off to a late start against him your team may not have dealt the required amount of damage.
Given my personal observations of the number and frequency of teams that I see fighting him, I find it unlikely that there were enough people attacking him in other teams that you were unable to get enough damage unless he happened to be fighting with a Winter Lord or something for a while prior to your team starting.
Which means it was likely either a despawn or a bug. Did he suddenly seem to drop an inordinate amount of hit points at the end?
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Then I'd petition it as a bug. Hands down.

[Admin] Anti-Matter: I was in ur dimenshun, killin ur d00ds.
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: Good job, Anti-Matter. Troll them.
Freedom, Virtue, Exalted
I'd have to double-check but I'm pretty sure that it reports despawns as "defeats" in the chat window using the last person who dealt damage as the final hit. It doesn't rule out a bug, but if you didn't get any experience, inf, or anything else I'm leaning towards the timed despawn.
Petition anyway, though. Worst case scenario is that you're in the same position you're in now.
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
Edit: If you still have the '<player> has defeated Scrapyard' message in your rewards log, copy and paste that into your petition as 'proof' that he did die.
Also there is the 10% total damage, if you didn't do at least 10% damage. That is, if he was attacked and then left alone several times, it is possible to not get the badge even if it appeared that you did 100% of his health. This frequently happens with the Jack/Eochai fight in north Croatoa.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters
Was on a team about two weeks ago that saw him while were were doing a SF, so we jumped him, beat him down to about 5% health, then he despawned and no one got the badge. He's either on a timer, or he just likes to give the players the bird now and then.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters
@Mistress Rue
Yes, I RP and play Redside on Virtue - No, Rumors of its demise have been greatly exaggerated

Do you suck at COH/COV? not yet...
No, the game tracks the damage done per character until defeat/despawn/suicide...when on a team, all teammates' damage dealt is applied to each character - I have tested this by being on a team until just before defeat and quit team...still got the badge
Paragon Wiki: http://www.paragonwiki.com
City Info Terminal: http://cit.cohtitan.com
Mids Hero Designer: http://www.cohplanner.com
Was on a team about two weeks ago that saw him while were were doing a SF, so we jumped him, beat him down to about 5% health, then he despawned and no one got the badge. He's either on a timer, or he just likes to give the players the bird now and then.
Came back a bit later and got him.
"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-
Where to find me after the end:
The Secret World - Arcadia - Shinzo
Rift - Faeblight - Bloodspeaker
LotRO - Gladden - Aranelion
STO - Holodeck - @Captain_Thiraas
Obviously, I don't care about NCSoft's forum rules, now.

GoS is also irritatingly prone to bum-rushing drones when he starts losing. Any more, I don't even bother fighting him when he's down near the market. He and Deathsurge love to 'KS' themselves...
Where to find me after the end:
The Secret World - Arcadia - Shinzo
Rift - Faeblight - Bloodspeaker
LotRO - Gladden - Aranelion
STO - Holodeck - @Captain_Thiraas
Obviously, I don't care about NCSoft's forum rules, now.
Recruited a team on Sharkhead Isle and defeated the Ghost of Scrapyarder. But, did not receive the Hammer Down badge (http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Hammer_Down_Badge). (Neither did others on the team. One team member indicated he did not receive any XP.) Don't know why not?
During the battle, the team leadership star was passed from my level 32 character to a level 41 toon and later to a level 50. Did I not not receive the Hammer Down badge because the star was passed twice to higher level characters?
Did my character not do enough damage to the giant monster to earn the badge? I was playing a mastermind, and my robots did damage while I healed and debuffed.
I had not talked with Crimson Revenant (http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Crimson_Revenant) prior to defeating the Ghost of Scrapyarder. Did I need to talk to CR first?
Or was it a bug?