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  1. I too, took the last 2 days off from work, just so I can get my last immersion of this great game. Cheers to all of those I have had so many great times with and all those I won't be able to join. Perhaps we will find our way together, again.
  2. I haven't been able to get on at the appointed time the last couple weeks. I sincerely hope you were able to get the badge this last weekend.
  3. TriNitroToluene

    Really Hard Way

    I'll be there to help yet again. I'm just a little late for the sign-up
  4. It seems that my DSL is acting up. I am working to resolve it but I have little hope of making the party. I hope, despite my absence, that this run is successful.
  5. Once again I will show up. Let's put a hurt on Tyrant.
  6. Sign me up, good sir. I'll be there once again with Long Shock.
  7. TriNitroToluene

    Magisterium: RHW

    I don't think I can make it at the appointed time this week.

    The earliest I can log in, for the foreseeable future, is a few minutes past 4:00 pacific.

    But if you should try a second run, I ought to be available.

    Good Luck, hope it works out. Even if I can't partake
  8. I was there for the previous attempt, I'll be there again. I just might spend a billion or 2 on a respec to eek out a little extra power. What am I going to do with it otherwise?
  9. I'll grab a spot on this run. I have all of the pre-reqs. on my main Long Shock, mark me down, @TriNitroToluene.
  10. "Having to check an obscure statistic before knowing how a power will behave seems similarly distracting/frustrating."

    Don't you think that the Dev's will be adding the orange "ready" circle to the snipes, to indicate that FastSnipe is ready to go? We're already seeing that in many powersets. That would be a quick and easy way to ascertain how the power will behave. I am excited to see the change to Zap, it will be my 3rd tier ranged attack. I currently don't have it but will be respecing into it.

    I will add that I would prefer not losing my Short Circuit, despite the shortcomings already mentioned. I enjoy the challenge of sapping groups and occasionally faceplanting. I wouldn't mind a shorter activation time. But I've spent 5 years playing the set as a "jump in and out of melee" combo. I remember long ago reading not to neglect your secondary and I still live by that creed.

    If single target range-only damage is the priority, then I can't say that elec. is the powerset for you. There are many other sets that can satisfy that particular need.
  11. I didn't realize that they can reply. I learned something new today. It is most likely that new players don't know that they can either.

    I do watch the LFG channel, but sometimes it is hard to see the dialog which is meant for me, some days it is zipping along. And I have noticed, on my server at least, that now most of the free players use only LFG channel, even for topics that ought to be sent via Help, which clutters my chat box.

    I think I will amend my invite dialog to include the reply option. Thanks for the help.
  12. Here's my issue. I like to use the find team member list, to locate and invite players. When I do this I always send a tell asking the player whether they would like to join. Then I send an invite, only after receiving a response. If I don't get an answer I assume that they don't want in and I leave them be.

    With the advent of free players, without the ability to send tells, I cannot receive a response from these people. So I have had to resort to sending tells and then sending an invite a few seconds later. My quandary is, I don't like getting or sending blind invites.

    Is there a way for the devs to add an icon to the team locate list which denotes players which CANNOT send tells. That way I can send, sort-of blind invites, only to those that can't reply. Thus I would feel more comfortable with only sending non-response invites to those that would appreciate joining a team, yet can't voice that willingness.

    Any thoughts on this possibility. How do you handle forming teams while accommadating free-to-play players.
  13. Couldn't this have something to do with the fact that we can't target the door with TAB or double clicking an attack power? Thus you need to actively find the door and attack it.

    I personally haven't had an issue with my pets attacking the vault and I play both Thugs and Necro MM's.
  14. ^^^^^
    Ditto. I have to agree with this. The medical staff were there at the moment of death and they would have to be top notch. Otherwise why would they be in a highly-funded clandestine operation like SHIELD.

    I fully expect to see Coulson in a future film.
  15. Damnable Delegator MM

    Necromancy / Thermal Radiation
  16. This may be too late for you, but some other venturous soul may come across this and have the same question.

    You can still access Galaxy City via Ouroboros. Go behind the building, where the med bays are, you will see a portal called Echo of Galaxy City.

    Thus you should still be able to get these badges.
  17. TriNitroToluene

    Elec Blast

    You can only have 1 Voltaic Sentinel out at a time, if you have extra recharge and activate the power, the original is replaced by a new one. As far as scourge, I don't know, I only have an electric Blaster.
  18. Well that was convenient. I was just about to make up a similar list for myself. Congratulations, you just saved me some work.

    Many Thanks
  19. TriNitroToluene

    Lag history?

    You may also want to consider turning down the shadow quality, or even off. I know that my previous system bogged down when I had shadow effects turned up. Otherwise I have only had occasional lag issues, usually during zone events when said zone is full.
  20. TriNitroToluene


    I blame Leo, he was calling for an invite when we crashed
  21. yessirree, the server is down at the moment