Common Arcane and Tech Salvage Level Ranges
Well that was convenient. I was just about to make up a similar list for myself. Congratulations, you just saved me some work.
Many Thanks
Your level designation is a little off:
- 10 should be 4-25
- 26 should be 20-39
- 41 should be 35+
Here's another list, though, it's not alphabetized.
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Your level designation is a little off:
Here's another list, though, it's not alphabetized. |
Useful Wiki link too btw !
Justice Shall Prevail Where The Laws Of Men Fail
22079 - Best MMO of the Year : "Heroes of Paragon City "
137005 - Introduction to Mission Architect : the Heroic Badge Collection
149433 - The Fall of Mender Moebius : Part 1 : The Beginning of the End
Thank you thank you thank you ! That just saved me a bunch of tickets I would have wasted ! Awesome list, thanks !
Very helpful
"Translation from the nerdish, please?"
331532 - Best MMO Expansion of the Year : "Villains of the Rogue Isles"
448387 - Introduction to Mission Architect : the Vigilante Badge Collection
149433 - The Fall of Mender Moebius : Part 3 : The Abductions
Quite useful, thx
"Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end."
221617 - Unification of Villainy
263730 - The AE Mainframe AI has run amok !
263823 - The Fall of Mender Moebius : Part 5 : The End of the Beginning..
Saved me some time and guesswork, so thanks
Freedom is the right of all sentient beings.
206108 - Introduction to Mission Architect : the Villainous Badge Collection
448313 - Introduction to Mission Architect : the Rogue Badge Collection
331466 - The Fall of Mender Moebius : Part 2 : Arachnos Park
Colors threw me a bit but otherwise quite handy
"Followers have been exposed for having overactive temperal lobes. ."
217401 - Creature Feature Cruise of Terror
373248 - Fight Teh Sewerz. . Get Teh Wingz. .
263911 - The Fall of Mender Moebius : Part 4 : Penultimatum
Good work, thanks for doin' that
Here's the same list broken into type and level categories ;
Ancient Artifact Arcane 10
Clockwork Winder Arcane 10
Luck Charm Arcane 10
Runebound Armor Arcane 10
Spell Scroll Arcane 10
Spiritual Essence Arcane 10
Boresight Tech 10
Brass Tech 10
Computer Virus Tech 10
Human Blood Sample Tech 10
Inanimate Carbon Rod Tech 10
Simple Chemical Tech 10
Alchemical Silver Arcane 26
Ancient Bone Arcane 26
Demonic Blood Sample Arcane 26
Masterwork Weapon Arcane 26
Rune Arcane 26
Spell Ink Arcane 26
Circuit Board Tech 26
Improvised Cybernetic Tech 26
Inert Gas Tech 26
Iron Tech 26
Scientific Theory Tech 26
Stabilized Mutant Genome Tech 26
Demonic Threat Report Arcane 41
Fortune Arcane 41
Nevermelting Ice Arcane 41
Regenerating Flesh Arcane 41
Ruby Arcane 41
Spirit Thorn Arcane 41
Ceramic Armor Plate Tech 41
Hydraulic Piston Tech 41
Kinetic Weapon Tech 41
Mathmatical Proof Tech 41
Silver Tech 41
Temporal Analyzer Tech 41
Minimal color just to differentiate levels
Justice Shall Prevail Where The Laws Of Men Fail
22079 - Best MMO of the Year : "Heroes of Paragon City "
137005 - Introduction to Mission Architect : the Heroic Badge Collection
149433 - The Fall of Mender Moebius : Part 1 : The Beginning of the End
Here's the list yet again only alphebetical by Arcane vs Tech ;
Alchemical Silver Arcane 26
Ancient Artifact Arcane 10
Ancient Bone Arcane 26
Clockwork Winder Arcane 10
Demonic Blood Sample Arcane 26
Demonic Threat Report Arcane 41
Fortune Arcane 41
Luck Charm Arcane 10
Masterwork Weapon Arcane 26
Nevermelting Ice Arcane 41
Regenerating Flesh Arcane 41
Ruby Arcane 41
Rune Arcane 26
Runebound Armor Arcane 10
Spell Ink Arcane 26
Spell Scroll Arcane 10
Spirit Thorn Arcane 41
Spiritual Essence Arcane 10
Boresight Tech 10
Brass Tech 10
Ceramic Armor Plate Tech 41
Circuit Board Tech 26
Computer Virus Tech 10
Human Blood Sample Tech 10
Hydraulic Piston Tech 41
Improvised Cybernetic Tech 26
Inanimate Carbon Rod Tech 10
Inert Gas Tech 26
Iron Tech 26
Kinetic Weapon Tech 41
Mathmatical Proof Tech 41
Scientific Theory Tech 26
Silver Tech 41
Simple Chemical Tech 10
Stabilized Mutant Genome Tech 26
Temporal Analyzer Tech 41
Justice Shall Prevail Where The Laws Of Men Fail
22079 - Best MMO of the Year : "Heroes of Paragon City "
137005 - Introduction to Mission Architect : the Heroic Badge Collection
149433 - The Fall of Mender Moebius : Part 1 : The Beginning of the End
This stuff lends itself nicely to Excel. I built a sheet to track this stuff (and white IO salvage reqs) a few years ago.
I don't break it out by IO level, just [low, medium, high] grade salvage. I can remember what grade of salvage goes with which levels of white IOs and it's SOP for me to check the salvage needed on Set-IOs.
I'm sure there are better sheets than mine out there, but I'd be happy to make mine available if someone wants it.
Methan martini.
Shaken, not stirred.
I needed a particular piece of common salvage, had AE tickets with which to turn in for said piece of common salvage, yet did not at the time know which level range to select from as tickets for common salvage are completely random nor could I find a simple "need this ? click here" list. .
As a result, I present this Guide for Cashing In AE Tickets vs. Common Arcane and Tech Salvage Level Ranges ;
The list is presented in the format of all salvage listed alphabetically with which tier / category it falls under. .
Alchemical Silver Arcane 26
Ancient Artifact Arcane 10
Ancient Bone Arcane 26
Boresight Tech 10
Brass Tech 10
Ceramic Armor Plate Tech 41
Circuit Board Tech 26
Clockwork Winder Arcane 10
Computer Virus Tech 10
Demonic Blood Sample Arcane 26
Demonic Threat Report Arcane 41
Fortune Arcane 41
Human Blood Sample Tech 10
Hydraulic Piston Tech 41
Improvised Cybernetic Tech 26
Inanimate Carbon Rod Tech 10
Inert Gas Tech 26
Iron Tech 26
Kinetic Weapon Tech 41
Luck Charm Arcane 10
Masterwork Weapon Arcane 26
Mathmatical Proof Tech 41
Nevermelting Ice Arcane 41
Regenerating Flesh Arcane 41
Ruby Arcane 41
Rune Arcane 26
Runebound Armor Arcane 10
Scientific Theory Tech 26
Silver Tech 41
Simple Chemical Tech 10
Spell Ink Arcane 26
Spell Scroll Arcane 10
Spirit Thorn Arcane 41
Spiritual Essence Arcane 10
Stabilized Mutant Genome Tech 26
Temporal Analyzer Tech 41
There you have it. Hope it proves useful for someone or at least reduces some of the guesswork for cashing in tickets.
Justice Shall Prevail Where The Laws Of Men Fail
22079 - Best MMO of the Year : "Heroes of Paragon City "
137005 - Introduction to Mission Architect : the Heroic Badge Collection
149433 - The Fall of Mender Moebius : Part 1 : The Beginning of the End