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Quote:I agree. This was a huge revelation for me only this year. I used to always scoffed at enhancement sets of all types, and never stocked my characters with more than white IOs for years.You say you're a "casual gamer" using "regular IO's" -- are those generic IO's like "Invention: Damage" or regular set IO's like "Thunderstrike" and "Cleaving Blow?" If you're currently just using "Invention: Accuracy" type IO's, you might be pleasantly surprised at what you might be able to accomplish with regular non-purple set IO's for a fraction of the cost of purples.
I found out different trying to save a terminally lame energy/energy brute I was nonetheless fond of. I dove into the Incarnate system and realized it wasn't enough to overcome energy armor's inherent limits, so I dove into IO sets as well.
The brute had no great reserves of cash, so I wasn't able to slot many top-end sets. I had to spend about 200 mill to fully outfit the brute to the best of my ability. I was surprised how often it was the yellow sets that fit my needs better than the orange. I spent about 75 mill on 90% of the enhancements (the yellows and some orange) and most of the rest on a relatively few high-end oranges.
200 mill is NOT much to spend and is easily acquired in this game. With just a little market expertise, money just about grows on trees in CoX.
I used Mids hero builder to lay out what set bonuses I wanted to go after and what sets gave me what I wanted. When I was done, the difference was surprising. It was my first time doing a comprehensive IO set build. I read no guides. My noob-est attempt still made a much improved character.
Sets, any sets, do two things for you: The set bonuses are obvious.
The other thing is they pack more enhancements into your power than you have slots.
You'll get a mix of acc, damage, recharge, and end reduction that you couldn't do with white IOs and to a better degree than you could possibly do with white IOs. If you fully 6-slot a power with Set IOs, it will have the equivalent of about 8 white IO's worth of enhancement effect in it. That's before we even talk about stacking set bonuses. -
Any chance of getting an update in the light of powers changes, maybe some recommended sets and incarnate abilities?
I am still perfecting my IO-Set-Fu. One of my favorite characters is a SS/Electric tank so this thread is right up my alley.
I had written off trying to build serious amounts of defense with Electric Armor. Happily, I find I must revise that notion.
Thanks for the posts. -
This stuff lends itself nicely to Excel. I built a sheet to track this stuff (and white IO salvage reqs) a few years ago.
I don't break it out by IO level, just [low, medium, high] grade salvage. I can remember what grade of salvage goes with which levels of white IOs and it's SOP for me to check the salvage needed on Set-IOs.
I'm sure there are better sheets than mine out there, but I'd be happy to make mine available if someone wants it. -
Agreed on Electrical Armor. I have 3 brutes, a tank and a stalker with EA. I love the set. It was a "good" set with conserve power. I chafed under the lack of a self-heal, but it still performed admirably. I just stocked up on Greens. With the switch to Energize, I was in heaven.
The ONLY reason I wouldn't do a KM/EA brute in a hot minute is I'm electric-armor'ed out. Doing IO Set suggestions for a friend's stone/SS tank got me interested in stone for armor and I've played alongside a KM scrapper a couple of times which rekindled my interest in KM.
I was originally tuned off by Kinetic Melee because it seemed the attacks have an especially long windup before striking. Also I couldn't see that power siphon was doing that much for me as compared to buildup or SS's Rage. -
I've dug 10 screens deep into the archives and not found anything on Kinetics melee.
I'm considering a Kin/Stone brute because I haven't done much with either and would like to play with them.
Is there a Kin melee guide somewhere and I missed it?
Better, is there a kin/stone Brute guide and I missed that?
Lacking either, any good advice? -
Your necropost got it to my attention on one of my infrequent forum dives. Edit: Well it wasn't so buried that I couldn't necropost it a second time anyway.
For my 50 SS/Electric brute, I preferred 6x Crushing impacts in each melee damage power for the +2.5% psi res to build on the psi res from static shield.
I went ahead and got boxing and tough (but not weave). To conserve powers, I declined to take Jab and slotted out boxing to replace it. I barely use it, but the bonuses are still nice.
The three electric shields + Tough are frankenslotted with 3x Titanium coating (R/E, R/E/R, R) and 2x Impervium Armor (R/E and 3% Psi Res). I drop a 5th Imp Arm Psi Res along with the Aegis Psi Res in Grounded. The net +28% psi res was worth the slight loss of res in the other categories.
When I was new to sets, I use Aegis (R/E and R) with the Titanium Coatings and only got like +3% more than I do with this. That's ED for you. Changing to Impervium Armor was kind of like pulling 2-3% off each damage type and stacking it all in Psi. -
I think we'll see some effects on the Markets. Since I'm relatively new (to the forums) maybe I'm missing something that's old hat for you guys, so please check my logic here.
Who's likley to leave CoX for COL? Those who are flighty to begin with. Those who are only here to rack up some 50s and move on. Those are also likley to be heavy users of AE for PLing. So we're looking at a disproportionate loss of AE PLers as compared to the general population, at least initially.
I couldn't help noticing that supply on the markets got a shot in the arm about 2-3 weeks ago. I think that coincides with high school and college-age players logging off in favor of school. I expect these players are also heavy users of the AE for power levelling, so we have a recent example of a drop in AE PLers = drop in market prices.
So as long as player losses are limited to people with a high tendency to jump around anyway, we should see another net drop in market prices. If COL somehow becomes a serious player magnet, all bets are off.
That make sense? -
Meaning no offense to the creator of the Warriors, it's hard to square a Warrior cringing before a Freak group and begging them to take his money and go with the ruff-tuff hardball-playing street gang they're supposed to be.
Heck, I might argue that it's the Freaks themselves that are the most powerful street gang in Paragon city, not the Warriors.