Purple IOs
This is more a forum to *post* guides rather than ask for tips. I haven't seen a guide specifically about purple recipes, but here's a link to ParagonWiki's page listing the different purple recipes:
And here's one for the PVP recipes:
These recipes/IOs tend to be *extremely* expensive. If you are currently using common IOs and are not a multibillionare, I would recommend you first consider cheaper options such as frankenslotting, using the more useful uncommon sets, getting the very useful single IOs like Miracle +recovery or LOTG+7.5% recharge, etc.
If you want purples and PvP IOs then you most likely need to spend some time reading the guides in the Market section.
FYI, purps and pvp IOs are nice, but theu're really not the be-all and end-all of IOs. They're good for what they're good for, but that may not be the best choice for your toon.
Recently, a friend made a build for me using mostly purple enh. and I was blown away at the damage being dealt and less dmg. taken.
You say you're a "casual gamer" using "regular IO's" -- are those generic IO's like "Invention: Damage" or regular set IO's like "Thunderstrike" and "Cleaving Blow?" If you're currently just using "Invention: Accuracy" type IO's, you might be pleasantly surprised at what you might be able to accomplish with regular non-purple set IO's for a fraction of the cost of purples.
Exactly -- unless you really NEED a large truckload of recharge that you can't get with 5 LotG's, purples are mostly just good for bragging rights, late game grinding, and/or costing billions of INF per set.
"But it wasn't anything some purples and oranges and lots of screaming in fear couldn't handle." -- Werner
30 level 50's: 12 scrappers, 7 other random melee types, 11 blaster/blapper/support squishies, two accounts, and a TON of altitis since 4/28/04
Justice Blues, Tech/Tank, Inv/SS
Fighting The Future Trilogy
And exemping if he runs a lot of lower level TFs or Ouroboros a lot.
Unless you're going to spend a great deal of time in the teens and below, regular IO sets can still beat out Purples when exemplaring. Not always, but they can.
Again the purples just get beaten by not having all of the set bonuses that one might want and by virtues of being sort of piss poor on the cost/benefit ratio because of their high costs. But it's quite possible to build toons that perform well and get set bonuses from say lvl 24 and up w/o purples.
If what you're wanting is some extra end, acc, and recharge @ lvls 1 - 21, then Purples are suddenly not that optional.
You say you're a "casual gamer" using "regular IO's" -- are those generic IO's like "Invention: Damage" or regular set IO's like "Thunderstrike" and "Cleaving Blow?" If you're currently just using "Invention: Accuracy" type IO's, you might be pleasantly surprised at what you might be able to accomplish with regular non-purple set IO's for a fraction of the cost of purples.
I found out different trying to save a terminally lame energy/energy brute I was nonetheless fond of. I dove into the Incarnate system and realized it wasn't enough to overcome energy armor's inherent limits, so I dove into IO sets as well.
The brute had no great reserves of cash, so I wasn't able to slot many top-end sets. I had to spend about 200 mill to fully outfit the brute to the best of my ability. I was surprised how often it was the yellow sets that fit my needs better than the orange. I spent about 75 mill on 90% of the enhancements (the yellows and some orange) and most of the rest on a relatively few high-end oranges.
200 mill is NOT much to spend and is easily acquired in this game. With just a little market expertise, money just about grows on trees in CoX.
I used Mids hero builder to lay out what set bonuses I wanted to go after and what sets gave me what I wanted. When I was done, the difference was surprising. It was my first time doing a comprehensive IO set build. I read no guides. My noob-est attempt still made a much improved character.
Sets, any sets, do two things for you: The set bonuses are obvious.
The other thing is they pack more enhancements into your power than you have slots.
You'll get a mix of acc, damage, recharge, and end reduction that you couldn't do with white IOs and to a better degree than you could possibly do with white IOs. If you fully 6-slot a power with Set IOs, it will have the equivalent of about 8 white IO's worth of enhancement effect in it. That's before we even talk about stacking set bonuses.
Methan martini.
Shaken, not stirred.
thank you everyone!
Load up on purples =/= awesome.
I found that out to my misfortune early in the invention era. Use a purple *only* if you need the set bonus it offers, or if this specific power really demands the higher bonus scale Purps offer.
You might want to also look at other aspects of the build. With very few exceptions (specific powersets), purples do not contribute to "less dmg. taken". You've got something else in your build making that happen.
I love purple I/Os. I love them too much lol. I tend to run melee characters, and on 2/3 of the builds I go for they are useless. A noted exception is on high recharge buildfs. High Recharge high end builds run on Purps like nitrous oxide. Look carefully at what you want out of a character before you start investing in purps. They are for very high end builds, and for very high end builds sometimes they are exactly wrong. Good luck.
I mostly only invest in them for control-types because they benefit so much from the stacked recharge and the attack sets are so ludicrously expensive. I'm working on my market-fu, but still, buying a single purple attack set would be more than my net worth at the moment.
@Draeth Darkstar
Virtue [Heroes, Roleplay], Freedom [Villains], Exalted [All Sides, Roleplay]
I24 Proc Chance = (Enhanced Recharge + Activation Time) * (Current PPM * 1.25) / 60*(1 + .75*(.15*Radius - 0.011*Radius*(360-Arc)/30)) Single Target Radius = 0. AoE Non-Cone Arc = 360.
I love purple I/Os. I love them too much lol. I tend to run melee characters, and on 2/3 of the builds I go for they are useless. A noted exception is on high recharge buildfs. High Recharge high end builds run on Purps like nitrous oxide. Look carefully at what you want out of a character before you start investing in purps. They are for very high end builds, and for very high end builds sometimes they are exactly wrong. Good luck.
![Big Grin](images/smilies/biggrin.gif)
Justice Blues, Tech/Tank, Inv/SS
Fighting The Future Trilogy
NOR-RAD - 50 Rad/Rad/Elec Defender - Nikki Stryker - 50 DM/SR/Weap Scrapper - Iron Marauder - 50 Eng/Eng/Pow Blaster
Lion of Might - 50 SS/Inv/Eng Tanker - Darling Nikkee - 50 (+3) StJ/WP/Eng Brute - Ice Giant Kurg - 36 Ice/Storm Controller
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
NOR-RAD - 50 Rad/Rad/Elec Defender - Nikki Stryker - 50 DM/SR/Weap Scrapper - Iron Marauder - 50 Eng/Eng/Pow Blaster
Lion of Might - 50 SS/Inv/Eng Tanker - Darling Nikkee - 50 (+3) StJ/WP/Eng Brute - Ice Giant Kurg - 36 Ice/Storm Controller
Edit: Beta threadage http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=269102
I've been playing for around 2-3 (yrs casually gaming) and I've always used regular IOs for my heroes. Recently, a friend made a build for me using mostly purple enh. and I was blown away at the damage being dealt and less dmg. taken.
Purples are good at recharge, which can be a useful thing for some builds. My Dominator has a couple purple sets because she has a lot of long animation times and click powers. My best character however, my Widow, has plenty of room for purples but I don't use them (except one set in her ranged AoE because there's nothing better for ranged AoEs). Instead I use Makos and Obliterations to get +DMG. She has +30% DMG through set bonuses; something purples can't really do (one set does +4% DMG but that's it).
If you want defense, you should look at Thunderstrike, Kinetic Combat, Mako, BotZ, and things like that. Purples don't really add any defense. My Blaster is outfitted with a bunch of Thunderstrike and Mako. She has like 35% ranged DEF. None of that is due to purples.
Don't fall into the newbie mistake of thinking that purples are the answer to your build, or that purple = best. Depending on what you want you may be more inclined to totally avoid purples, or just use a few here and there. If you only care about recharge, purples are good. If you want accuracy, you can generally get enough without resorting to purples. If you want damage, HP, DEF, or a variety of other bonuses, you'll find them in much cheaper sets.
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.
As all have said, Purples and their close cousins the PvP IO are niche use sets to achieve special purposes.
Things like very high recharge for perma-whatever often live on Purples.
Exemplar use.
There are some PvP IO's that have combo's of enhancement values that don't exist in other sets. Example: Javelin Volley - Accy/End/Rchg. I often use that to one to replace the Damage/Range Positron in a Fireball 6th slot.
You can use a single 53% Damage only Purple to get a 4 slotted power to enhancement diversifcation red level damage on a tight build. The single aspect Damage is often discounted compared to the doubles, triples and the proc. Beyond that a single aspect Purple can be +5 Boosted to 66.25%. Or of course you could just +5 boost a generic Damage IO and have 53% Damage boost that way.
Now, with enhancement boosters, you can give any level 50 set IO the same percentage value as an unboosted Purple if you are willing to do a +5 boost. That may be awesome, especially as that will allow Purple level percentages in Defense and Resistance sets! It is easy to see why they are being offered for sale in the 90 unit economy size .
I hope to see Purple set prices fall a bit when everybody realizes this.
I've been playing for around 2-3 (yrs casually gaming) and I've always used regular IOs for my heroes. Recently, a friend made a build for me using mostly purple enh. and I was blown away at the damage being dealt and less dmg. taken.
After much thought, I have decided to respec my hi-level heroes and search for purple. recipes. What are some good guides that offer more information on purple IOs?