Lag history?




Ok, just wanted to check with all you vets here. Is lag always an issue? I do not think I have rubberbanded on a game more than this one, but I do not want to quit. (Yes my connection is just fine =P) What I have seen and played so far is pretty fun. Definetely a good change from WoW.
I lag in Praetoria (spelling) and in instance's. I do not lag in any other online game I play except Lineage2 (free trial). Your feedback would be greatly appreciated as I don't want to pay for frustration. Thank you guys and gals.



Originally Posted by Belatrin View Post
Ok, just wanted to check with all you vets here. Is lag always an issue? I do not think I have rubberbanded on a game more than this one, but I do not want to quit. (Yes my connection is just fine =P) What I have seen and played so far is pretty fun. Definetely a good change from WoW.
I lag in Praetoria (spelling) and in instance's. I do not lag in any other online game I play except Lineage2 (free trial). Your feedback would be greatly appreciated as I don't want to pay for frustration. Thank you guys and gals.
"Lag" is not a very useful term to use because it doesn't describe what's happening.

You can have poor performance due to a low-end graphics card, insufficient RAM, slow Internet connections, too many players in the same instance/zone causing the server to bog down. Rubberbanding can be caused by packet loss, which usually means a bad connection. Spotty Internet connections can be caused by weather, construction, even sunspots.

Because the Internet is a large and extremely interconnected system, your connection may be fine, and the server's connection may be fine, but the route used to connect you to the server may become slow and spotty. These routes can be recalculated when they become unreliable, but because everything is dynamic it makes things hard to reproduce and track down.

If you're encountering graphics lag in Praetoria it's probably due to a low-end graphics card. In this case, try turning off the high-end graphics functions and reducing your particle count. Or get a better graphics card. You may also need to increase your system RAM.

Certain powers can really drag your graphics performance down. I couldn't stand playing my Dark/Dark scrapper because the graphics lag was so terrible. Eventually I found a way to increase the distance for suppressing personal graphics effects to 300 feet (thanks, Castle, wherever you may be) but now that I've bought a new graphics card it's not an issue anymore.



Not my computer doing it. It's not high end but almost there. Only thing I can think of by what you said is maybe an outside source. I live in southern Alabama and northern Alabama just had those tornadoes. But if I remember correctly we connect through Panama City, Fl. Beats me. I know I stream video fine, WoW and Battlefield 2 BC run without lag... I'll give it a few days and see. And it's also not to many people running around. It's almost deserted out there in Prae-whatever.



Once you hit level 20 and leave Praetoria, ask around for which channels to join. More people tend to make a hero or villain then go into Praetoria whenever they want. Unless you just bought Going Rogue.



You may also want to consider turning down the shadow quality, or even off. I know that my previous system bogged down when I had shadow effects turned up. Otherwise I have only had occasional lag issues, usually during zone events when said zone is full.




yeah, i normally do not get much lag except for in
Hamidon Raids
MotherShip Raids
the 2 Trials
Invasions that actually attract people to participate

It's most likely some setting you have that is a little high, like the others have said. Pratoria is pretty graphically intensive. Maybe try rolling a new toon that is Hero or Villain, and see if the lag is carrying over to those zones.



Unfortunately like they said above, it could really be anything. On the note that you live in south AL, I live in the Auburn area and my girlfriend and I were doing a task force when the internet cut out the night of those storms. That was all that happened to our internet, but then again I don't know where ours is based out of. We use Charter and get 8mbs (I think 12 actually, they said there was an upgrade) and between both of us running the game the only lag we typically get is when we set the graphics settings to high.

Is your computer overheating? My girlfriend's laptop which had been able to run on pretty high graphics started having some issues with lag and she tried everything from reinstalling/updating graphics drivers to system restore. It then occurred to her that her laptop after a while of lag-less gameplay would mysteriously begin lagging about the time the side of her laptop would nearly burn her when she bumped the vent o.0 she got a chill-mat thing for it and problem solved.

Although, it could just be the game right now. With the release of any major issue like i20 there is always some stuff that accidentally gets fudged up and slows the game down a bit. The devs are pretty good about getting it fixed though. If none of the suggestions presented help, wait a few weeks and watch the patch notes to see what was fixed/corrected/updated/removed and do like Blitzkrieg88 suggested and get out of "prae-whatever" (yeah its a mystery to us too) or make another toon and start in hero or red side.

K Thx Bai