169 -
I like Flight, simply because it is the lowest Maintenance. Click the toggle, press auto-run and go AFK for a few minutes or chat with my SG.
I like Super Jump because of its combination of speed and vertical movement. It's also handy in PvP. It's a maintenance power, though. It's difficult to chat when you constantly hold down the spacebar. (Yeah, I know...remap the key!)
I like Teleport due to it's speed and PvP benefits. It takes a lot of getting used to, though.
I like Superspeed mainly due to speed. I typically take it in combination with another travel power, though.
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Actually, you can make a little macro for long distance traveling with superjump. /macro "jump" "++up". Hit auto run, click the macro, and you're set. You can even chat while you're going.
Press the space bar (or jump key) to shut it off and start jumping manually. -
Gauntlet power effects (including taunt auras) have no effect on ArchVillains, Giant Monsters, Mitos, and Hamidon. This is by design.
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I think there is more at work than it just not working. Either the base taunt duration is what does not work, or AT modifiers are coming into play.
I have successfully held AV aggro with just punch and auravoke.
I have not been able to pull a giant monster off of a tank with 3 taunt duration enhancers in their invincibility with my hastened taunt(two taunt).
I have pulled aggro of GM's off with taunt(two taunt)+epic ranged attack, and I have pulled aggro off a heavily +recharge buffed tank who was taunting hamidon using: my invincibility (one taunt), taunt (two taunt) and attacks (no taunt).
Ive stood on a rock and held full aggro on 3 giant monsters 2 days ago, one with taunt, under full attack by what would be come the hami-raid umbrella, a second with intermitant ice blast, with one or two stragglers attacking him, and the third with block of ice, with one or two stragglers on him.
3 days ago I stood in the middle of 4-6 members of the freedom phalanx on the last mission of the RSF, holding aggro with footstomp alone. When someone would sleet them, they would all run away, I'd go after the main target, hit them, and all the others would generally come back after me when they turned around, with the occasional encouragement of using mu lightning on a hero that deceided a corruptor looked like a better target (given that they are +4 Hero's and the AV/Hero targetting change, mu lightning should not distract them without taunt, right?).
Either the resistance things like AVs/GMs/Hami have to taunt isnt 100% working, (see split second immobilizes when a death mage hits you with tentacles, even though you have a far greater immob resist than the power they just used on you), they still hate tanks by AT modifier (which we were told was eliminated for most of the foes mentioned), they only resist "base" duration slotting or you just get "lucky" and keep the attention of the AV because you are attacking fast enough (I doubt it).
Regardless, either the full story isnt out, or something is bugged. If gauntlet is not supposed to work on foes like hamidon/mitos/av's/giant monsters, finding out now is kind of a nice surprise when three weeks ago we were told about gauntlet:
It's the minimum necessary. Taking Taunt adds flexibility.
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I've had similiar (or identical) experiences to Q. I also experienced what appears to be the opposite problem during the short-lived CoP trial when I stepped up to tank the AV, tossed 3 taunts on him, and watched him completely ignore me and continue pounding on everyone else. I had to run up to him, get him in my aura, and start attacking him to get aggro. -
well, after that, and hearing about all the pain and grief stalkers were doing, i decided to do something about it.
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Which was... -
I do not know for sure. Ive always heard the "one for every person and pet..." line, but I dont know if that has actually been tested or not.
I can tell you that hami wont aggro if you are phased, from trying to tell if his damage was buffed in i7. Oddly, returning from my SG base with quills on and phased would slip one damage tic in and make him aggro, but w/o quills, he'd just sit there.
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Well it's definitely one for at least every player. Pets I'm not so sure about, because when a spawn has happened it's been more than we could possibly count and correlate with corpses. We've always assumed it was every valid target, player and pet alike...but the fact that a minibud isn't spawned for every pet when Hamidon's defeated really makes me wonder if that's actually the case.
If the anitbodies are actually NOT spawned for pet targets, then we could leave a small core of damage dealers in to tip Hamidon over the 50% threshold, guarded by PA...who SHOULD pick up a lot of the aggro from the spawned mitos. That should give us enough time to get everyone back in to clear those out, and then repeat again at 25%.
I'm also thinking that the powers that spawn mitos only happen once past a certain threshold, but have some sort of recharge time on them. So letting Hamidon get back up over 50% health and then dropping him again would PROBABLY not cause an immediate spawn. But that would have to be tested to confirm or disprove. That might give us a small window to defeat Hamidon without needing holds. -
Yes, they spawn just like the buds for the most part.
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But they don't spawn next to pets, right? That would indicate that Hamidon's antibody spawns MAY not affect pets in the goo, just players.
Something to think about... -
Heck, a tanker one shotted my stalker before. (Rage + KB)
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Rage + Knockout Blow alone isn't enough to one-shot a Stalker - the Tanker was very likely buffed up the wazoo and you were probably also debuffed.
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agreed. Fully slotted rage and KO Blow is good for about 50% of a squishies HPs. I'm not sure that glutting yourself on damage buffs would even do it, the tanker cap for damage isn't that high. -
That's an acceptable answer. Sometimes I forget you're more responsive then other devs.
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Everyone should keep in mind only certain people are even allowed to respond on the forums. Publishers typically are very guarded about what statements are allowed into the general public because they're almost always taken as gospel. It's a bit of a catch-22. You don't want devs posting because they might say something they shouldn't. But you also do want them posting because it's better for the community if they feel the devs are responsive. The best solution seems to be limiting the number of people who can dialogue with the community.
But I bet they would if they could. -
17) Damage done does not affect a Taunt effectÂ’s effectiveness at any time, ever, not Duration, not AoE, and not Magnitude.
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I could have sworn that the devs said that the damage done by an attack effected the RANGE of the Gauntlet Taunt. I've been going on the assumption that this is the case, as my Tanker draws aggro from remarkable distances, and I always assumed this was due to the fact that I slot damage so heavily.
However, this may not necessarily be due to the actual damage, as you say, and may instead be a factor of the slotting. You state that Taunt Enhancements effect duration, perhaps Damage Enhancements effect AoE.
Unfortunately, having never played many more Tankers than just my main one, I don't really have a comparison. It's also possible that level effects the range, since the few alt Tankers I've played are still much lower level than my main.
I do wonder, however, why the devs would say that damage effects the range if that isn't true. (But then I may be thinking of discussions of the original "punchvoke" concept)
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What was probably meant was that they were related, in the sense that the the radius (and duration) of gauntlet is defined larger for attack powers that do more damage.
I am curious about this note:
10) The Magnitudes of Taunt effects stack differently than other effects in game. Instead they stack from the same source (but not the same power), and do not stack from different sources.
This would indicate that there is a maximum amount or taunt that a single tank could stack on a target, as there's no way for the taunt from the same power to stack on itself. Recharge reducers or taunt durations would have a hard limit as each individual power would would basially just reset the duration timer for that portion rather than overlap and stack as expected.
I'm also not sure why the radius on gauntlet is so low, particlarly now that there is a hard cap on the number of targets that can be aggro'd in total and the number that can be hit by the gauntlet from a single attack. I really wish that range would be expanded by a factor of 2 or so. Testing while the AOE bug was on test seemed to indicate that the very low damage attacks might have a functionally useless radius defined for their gauntlet, and could only hit more than one target if the MOBs were stacked...certainly not large enough to hit 5 MOBs as they were spaced in a normal spawn (even the densly packed spawn in a hazard zone). Maybe it is working correctly and the AOE bug radius was something completely unrelated...if so, I have to wonder where that radius came from. -
Please consider changing taunt enhancements so that they will boost accuracy and duration in PvP. I can't stand the thought of slotting a power for PvP use what will provide ZERO benifit in the PvP game.
It looks like the devs finally figured out how to count to one.
Single target attacks now hit only one target no matter how many you have stacked.
There might be a bug though. A couple times when I had a few stacked up, it would say "Readying attack", but then nothing. No hit, no miss, no nothing. Cone/AoE attacks worked fine there, but single target wouldn't do anything. I'll have to play with it some more and see what's going on.
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I think I may cry. I'll have QA test it.
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Castle, could you please please please have someone take a look at gauntlet. When the AOE bug was on test, I noticed that most of my lower attacks would rarely hit more than one target when they were spaced in a normal spawn (I tested in PP, where the spawns are large, packed groups). Even KO Blow would only hit 2-3 targets in a normal spawn. We were kind of assuming that the AOE bug was related to gauntlet, and that it sort of represented how many targets would be hit with the punchvoke effect in normal circumstances. If that is actually the case, then the radius on gauntlet is way too small and is only really effective if you can stack enemies by corner pulling. Gauntlet also did not appear to be active on any attacks outside of secondary powers, including brawl and tanker APP powers (based on a lack of AOEs from those powers on the bugged test). We've always kind of assumed that guantlet works on any attack from a tanker.
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The punchvoke radius varies by power. Low level powers have a much smaller radius than level 38 powers. For instance, Total Focus, Knockout Blow, and Seismic Smash all have a radius of 17.8 feet; while Barrage and Jab have a radius of 3.4 feet.
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That's the way it appeared to be working, powers that do more damage had a larger 'punchvoke' radius...which basically means gauntlet is only working effectively on high damage powers in the tanker secondary. There is no gauntlet on epic powes and the radius is so small on lower damage powers that it's effectively doing nothing (unless you're stacking mobs) other than adding some additional taunt to the single mob you're hitting.
The radius on the 1st tier attack power should be large enough to hit 5 mobs as they are spaced in a normal spawn. Bump up the base radius and reduce the multiplier...and make gauntlet work for the APPs, pool powers, and brawl if possible. -
It looks like the devs finally figured out how to count to one.
Single target attacks now hit only one target no matter how many you have stacked.
There might be a bug though. A couple times when I had a few stacked up, it would say "Readying attack", but then nothing. No hit, no miss, no nothing. Cone/AoE attacks worked fine there, but single target wouldn't do anything. I'll have to play with it some more and see what's going on.
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I think I may cry. I'll have QA test it.
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Castle, could you please please please have someone take a look at gauntlet. When the AOE bug was on test, I noticed that most of my lower attacks would rarely hit more than one target when they were spaced in a normal spawn (I tested in PP, where the spawns are large, packed groups). Even KO Blow would only hit 2-3 targets in a normal spawn. We were kind of assuming that the AOE bug was related to gauntlet, and that it sort of represented how many targets would be hit with the punchvoke effect in normal circumstances. If that is actually the case, then the radius on gauntlet is way too small and is only really effective if you can stack enemies by corner pulling. Gauntlet also did not appear to be active on any attacks outside of secondary powers, including brawl and tanker APP powers (based on a lack of AOEs from those powers on the bugged test). We've always kind of assumed that guantlet works on any attack from a tanker. -
It's something that has always irritated the hell out of me, and I have learned to accept it. But at the same time, I really dislike when people say "It's something that anyone can pick up," because it's not. I'll admit that I am jealous of people who can pick up a piece of paper and just draw.
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Okay, well that's a different case entirely and I apologize for painting with such a broad brush and offending you.
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No offense taken.It's just something that some people don't realize and a point that I like to haul out every now and again. You folks who can draw, make sure you appreciate it, because despite what some people say, not everyone can do it.
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Everyone can LEARN to do it, that's the basic point of this post. You may not be able to learn to be the best, but you can learn enough to practice and become quite competent. -
OH NOES! This might mean that solo stalkers may have to go back to stalking players and looking for lone heroes to slaughter rather than being able to rush into groups, 2 hit someone, and then escape with impunity 3 out of 4 times.
Maybe the stalkers should just team up? -
75% of Hide is 375 -perception.
Grant Invis is 611 -perception.
Stealth is 390 -perception.
So it just means that a Stalker needs to have a friend or a Buffbot to do the same thing. It won't actually prevent the problem.
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Hide Suppresses for 10 seconds when you attack or are attacked.
So does Stealth.
Grant Invisibility and Group Invisibility cancel the stealth bonus all together when you attack or are attacked (you keep the +Def though.)
EDIT: Additionally, this change was mostly aimed at the Bloody Bay and Siren's Call levels where Stalkers are so far above any other AT in Kill Count vs Death Count that it isn't even funny. In higher level PvP zones, players have plenty of options of dealing with Stalkers, which *should* force Stalkers to Team more.
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That sounds an aweful lot like a dev is saying Stalkers are overpowered in Siren's Call...but surely that can't be the case because we all know that stalkers aren't unbalanced (as evident by previous repeated assurances of said stalkers) -
My main was 50 before badges were added to the game. I have collected nearly every badge that I can, outside of a few of the epic badges and a couple of PvP badges (which I can't earn myself until I7)
It's always been a disapointment that I couldn't get isolator. I certainly don't mind grinding for it, I got Zookeeper back when it was 10k monkies. While I can understand that adding it into the game now might cause people to skip through the tutorial, knowing they could just pick it up later, it's the only really fair solution for other players in a similar situation as me. When the badge was added there was no way to get it outside of starting over. How can anyone think this is fair?
Please add a method into the game, even if it's something as simple as putting one infected into a PvP mission in Recluse's Victory requiring you to do that same mission 100 times. -
Night Widows are probably my favorite creations, with the possible exception of Jack in Irons. geko designed them, and I built their powers. (Jack was a big team effort, I just love the way he looks.)
The majority of their defense come from their Precognitive abilities. The Stealth doesn't add anymore than three slotted Stealth would for a player. The Smoke Grenade, on the other hand, is brutal if you are lower level than they are.
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Just want to relate something that happened to us in an Arachnos mission once.
We went in to fight a group that had a Night Widow in it. Being the brute that I am, I rush in, start clubbing away and after a little bit all the bad guys are gone. Being the brute that I am, I start making my way down the hallway. Then I notice that my teammates are taking damage. Then I notice that I'M taking damage. Then Ms. Widow's smoke grenade wears off and I understand why. The group I thought was gone because we'd effeciently and brutally dispatched them was, in fact, just temporarily invisible...and the new group I had unknowingly run into wasn't too happy to see me either. :P
Teach me not to pay more attention! -
Starting today until Feb 14 Monkey will ask someone to be her Valentine....
<---- Watch the avatar... It might be you!
Keep watching.....
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Monkey is a her?
*blink blink* -
We are still working on the system (there are a lot of corner cases), but in general:
* If you think that "doing X" while going rogue will be abusable in ANY way, you can bank on X not happening.
* If you think that "Y happening" would seriously break something, you can bank on Y not happening.
* Badges are already coded with two titles, Hero and Villain. The side you are on determines the title you get with said badge. Just because your hero was "Statesman's Pal" does not mean your villain will be. He'd more likely be "Statesman's Betrayer". Some badges have the same title across both hero and villain, some do not.
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I can forsee a lot of people switching to villians JUST so they can get the Statesman's Betrayer badge :P -
PvP zone contacts need to offer missions to players of all levels. I can't get badges for running missions in a PvP zone if I can't run missions in a PvP zone.
When will you make the tutorial zone badge (hero side) available to people outside of the tutorial? I was out of the tutorial zone long before badges were even put into the game and now that's one badge that I can absolutely never get. -
I love playing this game, but I often get strange reactions from people when I tell them I play MMO's. How do you guys justify/explain playing the game/use of the game?
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Tell them it is your entertainment. Compare the fact that going to a movie with a date ($20-$40, depending on concession stand usage) for 3 hours is roughly the same amount you pay for 20+ hours of entertainment a month.
And if that doesn't work, put them on /ignore.
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Try 180+ :P -
Couple of quick shots from Chaos Legion's base on Justice...
Transport Room
Assembly Hall
Requisite Bar
Pictures don't really do these things justice...you have to be inside and get a feel for the space -
My appologies if these have been suggested before:
Originally suggested by: Tic-Toc
Category: Decorative
Customizable? Somewhat
Type: Purchased in the edit window.
Description: Various banners and flags that can be hung from walls, ceilings, or stands. They would have the SG emblem and ideally a costumized emblem color/background color.
Enhancement Exchange
Originally suggested by: Tic-Toc
Category: ?
Customizable? No
Type: Purchased or crafted.
Description: A device that could purchase enhancements from a player at the same value as an origin specific contact would, and sell them at that same value (ie, cheaper than contacts, but not free)
Another big feature change I'd like to see would be a change to crafted items. Instead of crafting an item and adding it as a personal item, I'd rather see it unlock that item in the normal purchase window with a quantity. Ie, you craft a lay tap, it shows up in the normal buy window with a 1 next to it. You place the lay tap in your base, it now shows 0 in the window (meaning you couldn't place another). If you delete it from the base, that number goes back up to 1. If you craft 2 lay taps, the number shows 2. This would make storage rooms pretty much un-needed, as you could just delete crafted items, and replace them from the normal buy menu. -
Right now, there's a real good reason to convincelower-level newcomers to join your SG - even give them "signing bonusses" of a few thousand infamy, say - because the amount of prestige they will earn for the group, by "living in SG mode" until they hit level 25, can be HUGE.
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100K by lvl 25 is what I made starting in an SG at level 2. 40K of that after lvl 20.
My scrapper earned 100K between levels 32 (when Prestige was implemented) and 36 (now).
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I averaged about 100k per level. Sitting at level 35 and have just shy of 360k prestige earned. But that was pretty serious hardcore prestige earning, never leaving SG mode, zipping through many many newspaper missions for quick prestige gain, etc. -
Whatever you decide to do PLEASE make it backwards and forwards compatible with larger groups.
Meaning that if a small group of people start a supergroup, realize they've only got 5 or 6 people they decide to focus on the small group amenities. Then 2 months later thier group has exploded into 50 members. Don't force them to completely abandon whatever efforts they've put into the small base and start from scratch on the normal base building. Let them upgrade or sell off everything and roll it into a new larger base.
Likewise, if a large active group starts out, earns 20-30 million prestige but then slowly start losing people until they're left with 4 or 5 members, allow them to downgrade into the smaller base and keep most or all of their earned prestige for easy living and a pimptastic base.
Honestly, the easiest thing to do would be to make the basic worktables cheaper, not consume power or control, and allow them to be placed in any room, including the entrance. Then groups could at least refine salvage until they'd earned enough prestige to build rooms that could actually use it.
And one more thing, you have got to introduce a way to get prestige from crafting. Even if it's something as simple as crafting items rather than purchasing them. If a crafted item is much cheaper or free to place, but served the same function, that would be pretty darn cool. -
Can we assume that newspaper missions count toward this badge as well?