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  1. ThugOne

    Spend My Money!

    I'd vote for Good Vs Evil. The Teleporter and Jump pack area really useful transportation aids to all lower-level characters, and the jump pack continues to be invaluable to superspeeders.
  2. ThugOne

    The Television

    Originally Posted by Torell View Post
    Im gonna have to get a new HDMI cable welcome to the land of Red Names!
    I wonder what you have to do for your name to con purple around here......
  3. I'd say the Ally Rez and the WW/BM teleporter, for the same reasons you gave.
  4. ThugOne

    Winter Lord

    Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
    Usually there are high level heroes during a WL event. Just keep an eye out and pick up a 50 and pass the star to them. It's a nice fix to the issue I think and requires no development time.
    You can't always find enough 50's willing to lead every team in the event. Going into LW's domain with one 50-lead team and two teams lead by mid-30's doesn't work so well.
  5. Changing facial expressions. It's not noticeable when zoomed out. But in close-ups, the moving human-shaped figures with frozen faces really creeps me out.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Of_Misery View Post
    I was wondering if it is possible to get particular temporary powers AGAIN (as in, after they have been fully used up) through the flashback system.
    Some can be earned again that way. Some of those are less powerful than the original versions. Best source of info on that would be here:
  7. ThugOne

    Snow what if

    Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
    This is what im picturing in my head right now.

    Hellion steals purse
    Hero interupts
    Hero fights hellion
    Hellion about to lose
    Paragon City freezes
    Hero freaks out thinking its the hellion
    Hellion . . . . . . wins?
    Reminds me of an incident from a Pen&Paper Champs game awhile ago:
    We had a hero who turns into a giant raccoon when hit with cold water. Yes, it's a Ranma thing.
    Said hero was simultaneously splashed *and* hit by a villian's shrink-ray, and therefore became a normal-sized raccoon. The villian escaped, and then spent forever trying to figure out how his shrink-ray had transformed somebody into an animal. Mostly by zapping his teammates constantly to see if it happened again.....
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Smurch View Post
    I think Doctor Aeon could launch a mad scheme in just one day that'd be totally worth my time.
    What are we going to do tonight, Aeon?
  9. ThugOne

    Winter Lord

    Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
    I was only looking to get the Toy Collector badge, so I was just clicking and moving on, leaving the little frostys behind. I didn't even defeat 1 of them, and nobody else was around either... unless if the foes automatically "unspawning" when you get too far away from them counts also...
    I've gone around beating up Frostlings that other people had summoned. Theyu don't unspawn until the next present re-spawns.
  10. I arrived towards the end of the test period. Logged in at first with a lvl 43 Scrapper, and had no real problems defeating the Lord/Winter/Winter/Lords as part of team of mostly lvl 50's, with several teams in the zone. Then I switched to Redside on a lvl 14 Fire/Kin Corruptor, and had no fun at all. I think there was either one or two full-up teams of lvl 50's already there, nobody had room for a sidekick spot. I generally only got off a shot or two before dying, and hence spent most of the battle repeatedly running back from the field hospital. Fortunately I had help from Ninja Running with that part.
    It seemed like the Winter Lords were summoning actual lvl 50 Frostlings, not GM-coded ones. I couldn't get anywhere near them with a lvl 14.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
    I wish those were visible in game somewhere, but because of localization the actual emote name gets replaced.
    How about as an answer to a query you can ask a tailor?
    "Tell me how to change costumes more easily."
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
    How does one pronounce a parenthesis?
    I believe the ability to pronounce parenthesis is a superpower unto itself.
  13. I was using the Mac Edition Mission Transporter when it happened to me. I was teleported directly to the AE lobby.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StarGeek View Post
    The portals should not be required to complete the mission, even on a defeat all.
    Err, yes, that's what I said.....
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Smash_Zone View Post
    Here's the problem I'm having. I have a mission called "Rescue a Midnighter" from Montague Castanella. It's too hard for my lowbie defender to complete, so
    A tip: That mission has many big Stargate-like portals that spawn an infinite number of Behemoths; a Defender has little chance against them. If you're trying to beat them all, you likely can't win. I've found that it's generally possible to perform the rescue without spawning any Behemoths. There's typically a big pyramid-room with a small wooden bridge entrance that's full of summoning portals; the hostage is generally NOT in that room. Look elsewhere, way in the back of the map.
  16. Happened to me last Tuesday, on a timed mission from contact Madeleine Casey. I /bugged it at the time; the little auto-email gave me an incident number of 091006-000946. No GM help; I just logged off and let the timer expire as a "failed" mission.
  17. I've had that problem too, although the ponter ususally vanishes around the edges. Sometimes I have to wiggle it a little and wait for a menu item in the Nav bar to highlight to find it. I've got dual monitors: One 20" and a 22", with the game on the larger one.
  18. ThugOne

    COH Mythbusters

    Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
    Dear Devs, please delete all the server and character data and all backups of that data if and when this game finally gets shut down, in order to prevent such a silly thing from ever happening.
    I doubt your request would be honored. Presumably, the only reason they'd shut the game down is because they ran out of money. If so, then all that IP would be one of the few valuable assets left; I doubt any corporation would just scrap it.
  19. ThugOne


    Well, I did toss a packet of yellow sticky notepads under Positron's chair.

    Methinks everybody can guess the punchline of that one.....
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Positron View Post
    Current implementation on Training Room is "character" friends list.
    I'd like to put in a vote to select for email from the Global friends list.
  21. ThugOne

    Hey devs!

    Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
    Whoever the other individual was who put his/her money where his/her mouth is (please remember to use protection when putting your mouth on my website - this has been a public safety announcement), thank you. *hugs*
    I suspect that would be me, but one would hope that this thread would've generated more than two donations.

    Yes, people, I'm trying to guilt-trip *all* of you into donating. Methinks I need to slot "Dark_Respite's Edit: Chance for Cut-Scene".
  22. The switch to turn off Exp. No more character suicides :-)