The Grim Heaper

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  1. Hmm... I'm kinda neutral on the merits or this idea, but the one thing that comes to mind is we'd either need a new interface (similar in function to combining inspirations), or it would be done through current crafting tech, which would likely mean that EVERY possible combination of two pieces of salvage would be it's own recipe.

    ... Personally, If anything like this were implemented, I'd like to see them re-use the brainstorm salvage in some way... Scrapping "x" commons yields "y" brainstorms...

    On a side note; one thing I would LOVE is if the ticket vendor would sell SPECIFIC individual common salvage, I think the ability to spend a certain amount of time in the AE and being able to purchase a specific uncommon/rare piece has kept those prices in check on the market. But the same is not true of commons which you must still roll for.
  2. Other than the standard "make sure your drivers are up to date" and "try disabling any resource hogs running in the background, like virus scanners, etc"...

    I'd consider looking at the tech boards and reading this post before starting your own there. Paying specific attention to the "how to post" link about using CoH Helper (link in the post may be incorrect, so use this one), and HijackThis when posting in order to maximise our fellow tech minded forumites in ther effort to resolve your problem.

    Although; if the issue is network related (especially if it's outside your home network), it may be more difficult to pin down.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MYYST_BLAKWIDOW View Post
    Well at least I know the price now. I been a loyal follower of this franchise since the start. Price isnt the real issue for me. I just don't want to continue playing a game where finding people to play in the hours I do is difficult to do. If I wanted to solo all the time. I would fire up my PS2 or Unreal Tournament PC games instead. maybe I will buy one expansion for one of my accounts or both. Depends who I feel at that moment. I'm getting a good sized tax return this year. So I shouldn't be hurting for cash anytime soon thats for sure.
    Hrm... Is Westly still flaunting his challenge? Need him here, stat!
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Airhammer View Post
    I have been playing this game since 2 months after Beta. I simply cannot accept anymore that Electric Blast is ok. I have an Electric/Electric Blaster level 50 who I enjoy. Had an Kin/Elec defender at 50 who I deleted because it was so pitiful and I have an Electric/Kin Corruptor currently at level 35. I have not played Electric Assualt on a Dominator. I was waiting for the Electric Control set that was mentioned before giving that a whirl.

    I honestly think that Electric Blast is woefully underpowered and I believe it misses more than any set I have played. Also highly annoying is the animation which shows a HIT even when you MISS. That should have been fixed years ago.

    I have yet to see any Dev comment officially on Electric Blast, yet univesally it seems that the community agrees that there is something that is lacking from this set. It needs some love.
    I think part of the problem is electriciy's secondary effect. When the blast set is paired with something that complements it; it can be godly. The only problem with the endurance draining is that it is very much an all or nothing effect. particularly against the npcs.

    Although I think, within the past year, elec blast was brought more in line with other blast sets. the tier 1 and 2 powers anyway...
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by graystar_blaster View Post
    I would like to end this thread but since so many want it to continue here goes..
    FLAME ON!!!!!
    You know how big blocks of text tend to be turn offs to the average reader, and result in calls to utilize some white space? ... I think you've made a compelling case for "too much white space"...
  6. The Grim Heaper

    IO Question

    Unless you're just doing it for fun... putting as many procs in brawl as you can is always amusing.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Silverado View Post

    You can put a Regenerative Tissue proc in Physical Perfection and slot it for heal, that will increase the regeneration provided by the proc.

    You can also put a Miracle proc in Physical Perfection and slot it for endmod, that will increase the recovery provided by the proc
    huh.. I could have sworn this was not the case, but looking ingame, you are correct... Numinas slotted in health.... base regen of 0.42%.. should only give 0.084%, but it's reporting 0.14%; which is correct if you factor in a 63.1% enhancement value (and then rounding).

    Learn something new every day.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by brophog02 View Post
    We're filled with witches, monkeys flying out of your %%**, lying "wizards" and midgets?

    I think you have the metaphor backwards.

    Witches; much of croatoa & magic bous pack...
    Monkeys; Well, they're either on fire, have a bad case of gas, or are betted on in a cage match that is probably only legal because it occurs in another dimention... (and I'm not sure who, beyond PETA, would argue in favour of the of the little mutants in a cruelty to animals case)
    lying "wizards"; ok, you've stumped me here...
    midgets; We have our fair share of min-height heroes/villains.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    No, the market always take 10% of the selling price.

    You put something up for sale and you say the minimum selling price is 10,000. The market takes 500 right there and then as a posting fee. Now when it sells, lets say for 20,000, the market pays you back your 500 and takes 2000 so you end up with 18,000.
    Technically, not always 10%.. Considering the minimum fee appears to be 5inf up front, and 5inf after sale... If you place it on the market for 1inf, and it's bought for 1 inf... market fees are.. over 100%...

    That's why I like to sell for 119 minimum. It's that magic number before they charge you 6 upfront.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by graystar_blaster View Post
    So ill ask this when GR comes will i be even richer if thats possible.

    Will prices drop when everone is back or will they go up?
    If previous issues are any indication; the following is likely to occur.

    Many people are going to be creating new characters. There's at lest 2 known about sets; a new MM primary that will be popular if for no other reason than it being a new MM primary, and dual pistols - which will likely be rather popular if past action in the suggestion boards is any indication. And if there's any additional set proliferation on top of that, more new characters.

    What does this mean? As they level up, there will be increased demand on current IO recipes (Dual pistols alone will likely place more demand on the ranged damage and targeted aoe types.) Increased demand of recipes will also increase the demand on salvage. exponentially.

    Unfortunately, generation of supply of both the salvage and recipes will remain, AT BEST, constant relative to demand. But I expect, to some degree that is not going to be the case for recipes, which people often like to purchace at certain levels - usually 30-40 - So until these new characters reach this range, there won't be sufficient new supply to compensate for the new demand. Purples? I recommend getting them early, because once these new alts start hitting 50... you thought prices were bad now?

    Add to this that a good number of these new characters are going to have stockpiles of inf on alts that they can transfer to fund these new builds, market prices are going to go in a generally upwards direction. Eventually, as more and more of these alts either get abandoned, or make it to 50; market prices will stabilize and reach an equilibrium similar to what we have now.

    However, because Praetoria is new content, there will be people playing their 50s through much of the content.... but this presents an unmeasurable variable. side switching. How many villains are switching to heroes? Will red side players switch over, take advantage of the lower prices of blue side then go back? how will this effect prices on either market? *shrug* that last bit is something that's harder to predict. We've had issues with new/proliferated sets before, so we can reasonably predict how THAT aspect of GR will impact the market... but side switching is an unknown.

    Me? I've already got a plan. I've got a stockpile of Winter's Gift Recipes that cost me, at most, 3mil each to buy from the candy cane store. Which is now closed. That closure has already cut off the supply, and market prices have gone as high as 20mil in less than a month. Imagine with all the new alts being roled in "x" months with GR?
  11. I seem to recall that at one point they gave insane rewards for the (trivial) effort of downing one... I guess it's just another example of adjusting with a sledgehammer.

    But I agree... did that one solo on my corruptor while it was spec'd for buffing, not damage, that was not fun... (went a bit more smoothly after the first 50%. )
  12. Almost like that one EB that dimension shifts you every so often... If I didn't have spiderlings and such, my crab would have never been able to counter his regen, due to being locked down half the time.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by squishor View Post
    I am working on the portal jockey accolade and was wondering if I kill av's as epic bosses does it still count towards credit?
    Although, be aware that there is one mission against AntiMatter (I believe) where he is scripted to teleport out, and doesn't count towards the badge... That has confused many a running tally that I've kept.
  14. The Grim Heaper

    Elite Four

    Originally Posted by Prof_Backfire View Post
    Great, now I'm going to have to come up with themed Pokemon teams for each Arachnos patron, with Lord Recluse as the Champion.
    Black Scorpion; Probably want to go with Drapion for the high leveled one in the party, Gliscor, and probably fill the rest with the previous forms of those two and bug/steel types like Forretress, Scizor, and Wormadam. Might want a Metagross for good measure.

    Sharpedo, Carvanha, Corsola, Qwilfish, Garchomp, and, for lulz, Mudkip (or, for less lulz, Swampert)

    Scirocco; Here, I'd probably deviate from the type norm, and go for things like
    Scyther, Shedinja, Weavile, Kabutops, Hitmontop, Gallade, Farfetch'd, Marowak, or Lucario

    Ghost Widow; Heavy focus on Ghost/dark types, with move sets that involve curse, status effects, and self healing. Mismagius, Spiritomb, Dusknoir, Froslass, Sableye, Umbreon

    Y'know? doesn't look that different from your standard Elite 4 load-out... Got your one-trick ponies up front that a single damage type could mop the floor with... the tough-guy and ghost/dark bringing up the rear to soften you up before the champion.
  15. The Grim Heaper

    Elite Four

    So... based on the topic title... did anyone else think this would have something to do with pokemon?
  16. The Grim Heaper

    Veteran Respec

    Originally Posted by Zamuel View Post
    Ah, that's what I was needing. Felt like Arbiter Sawyer didn't like me for a moment there.
    Oh, he doesn't... but his feelings towards you are kept separate from his respecification duties.

    EDIT: curses. beat by under a minute.
  17. Yeah... they really need to re-examine those recommended PC specs... I think those stopped being reliable benchmarks around the time CoV came out...
  18. The Grim Heaper

    Best server

    Originally Posted by graffiti39 View Post
    thanks for all replies.
    One more thing a bit off topic...
    If i buy city of heroes/city of villains i get acess to both characters... but can villains go into heroes world ?
    What about expansions... should i get architect and going rogue? ( not right now, but possible someday)
    1. No, at the moment, you cannot bring villains to hero zones (or the reverse). That is, however, one of the main features of the upcoming expansion Going Rogue. (edit: exception being PvP zones, and co-op zones, which are shared between both sides.)

    2. Architect edition is not an expansion as much as a bonus pack. It grants full access to the current game, adds 1 free month to your account, and your choice of booster packs; Cyborg, or Magic. You do not need the Architect edition to access the mission architect building an it's functions.

    3. Going Rogue, when it is released, will enable access to Praetoria, wherein there will be mission arcs that will allow characters to switch sides, should they wish to. This is an expansion, and will likely require purchase to unlock it's features. There are still many unknowns about how much of it will work. the devs have been rather tight lipped.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post




    Aaand; there's a special subset to a number of these:

    LIMITED TIME AVAILABILITY: A couple of our yearly events have things that can only be obtained for the duration of the event. Often, during the event in question, market prices will plummet. But the further you get from that event, and the more reason people have to use the things, the higher the price will go.

    Halloween salvage
    ; not as good an investment as it used to be, as there's about 2k units each on the blue side market right now. Prices drop like a rock around Halloween, and tend to spike during periods where people make new alts (2x XP, issue releases that include new/proliferated powersets). However, as these are easily stored in supergroups for free use, or just in an alt's salvage; it's not exactly hard to come by in the off season anymore.

    Winter event; although you may consider doing the same with the Candy Cane salvage, this is a more long term investment, because with the exception of certain rare dev events, the ski chalet is closed for most of the year, and you can't use the candy canes unless the chalet is open. Although I did find that the salvage had a decent price spike about a month or so before the event started (people loading up the salvage to get all the shinnies as soon as the chalet opens, I guess).

    Winter event profiting is mainly in redeeming the candy canes for stacks of Winter's Gift recipes. During the event I paid at most 77,000 per candy cane (often, much less). each recipe costs 40 salvage (3,080,000inf per recipe). Currently, at barely a week since the event ended, those recipes are going for 5-10 million each. And the further we get from the event, the fewer of them on the market, and higher prices. I somewhat expect a spike around the next 2x XP, or the Going Rogue expansion. As people make new alts and builds to fill with IO sets.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden_Avariel View Post
    Thanks guys! That was exactly what I was looking for.

    I think I'll go ahead and replace my Swift enhancement with a Run since it isn't doing me any good now. Probably respec from Swift to Hurdle later.
    Personally, I still find swift useful in missions, and it does take some of the sting out of hover's slowness if you use it in combat. With swift and quickness (and a couple set bonuses), my scrapper has near sprint speeds while hovering, and is almost at the flight cap when I hit the GvE booster pack.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
    That avatar is awesome, macskull. *hypnotized stare*
    I know, right? After figuring out WHAT it was... I YouTube'd it.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Beggly View Post
    I decided to consolidate my toons on a few choice servers, rather than have a few tunes everywhere. As a result, I've got toons on Virtue, Freedom, Infinity, Guardian, and Liberty rather than all but one of the servers.

    I keep thinking this is a nice opportunity to get a higher population on Virtue and Freedom (or some of the other servers) so that more people are available to team and in general have fun with. Some servers (like Liberty and Infinity) seem all but deserted.

    (I stayed on Liberty and Infinity because they are my first two servers, and after filling up Virtue, Freedom, and Guardian, I didn't want to move what I had left there just to join another potentially low population server.)

    So, where are people going? Are you staying there or going back? Any speculation on why they decided to give free server transfers? I think it's a great idea, naturally.
    I moved every single character I have a smidgen of desire to level up over to Triumph. ... ... I'm going to have to start buying slots soonish.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hube02 View Post
    And yes, most of my experiences have been on Virture. Please don't take this as saying that everyone on Virtue is rude. I have met some very good and helpful people there as well. It just seems that I run into more rudeness than niceness and that I've had bad luck. I'm not going to condemn the entire server simply because of the bad apples I've seem to run into.
    Perhaps... perhaps the 'gift' has chosen a new host...

    If I could direct your attention here, you might be able to harness it for the amusement of everyone. Just make sure to change names to protect the (not really) innocent.
  24. Yep... just your standard MMO penalty for dying, City Of style.

    Where other games remove XP, force body runs, and/or equipment repair fees; we just.... halve your XP gain for a short while after you hit lvl 10.

    I recall it used to kick in much earlier, and the cap for accumulated debt was higher... I remember on occasion there was heck to pay for causing people to earn debt. Now, with xp smoothing an a plethora of ways to reduce it... xp debt is just an epic badge.
  25. We. Don't. Know.

    Look; I'm sorry for being short with you on this, but the glue factory wants that horse, and people won't stop beating it!

    And you question is more or less covered under here, an' that topic hasn't even made it off the first page yet...

    EDIT; Although I believe it's been said that the moral positions are something like Hero > Rogue > Villain > [i forget] > Hero

    Hero/Villains can access only their respective zones + praetoria.
    Rogues (falling heroes) have access to blue and red side zones + praetoria. Can only use Wentworths for market purposes.
    [I forget] (villains in the process of redeeming themselves) Have access to red and blue side zones + praetoria. Can only use the Black Market for their auctioning needs.

    Based on this, I'd assume that in the transitional stage, you can stay with your group, but complete the switch, and you're kicked to the curb. Of course, as far as I know, there's still no beta, and anything can be changed at the whim of the devs. so; we don't know.