Silver Gale

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  1. There's many potential jobs that suit Gale - Student/Scholar, Mystic, Buisnesswoman... But ideally, I'd love to be able to make her a Rich Idiot With No Day Job.
  2. "Exclusive first look"? You mean aside from the open beta that anyone can freely check out, and the pictures and discussions of it that are posted all over the official forum and various fansites?
  3. Okay, wait, so if someone watches that movie do they get meta-Rickrolled?
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    A few times now, I've tried to tell my friends and co-workers something new I've discovered about this game only to realize how dumb it actually sounds after I've said it out loud.

    "Hey, guess what? City of Heroes has a new expansion pack out. It's only $10! It looks like it features.... a wedding dress. And a tux. And a couple redesigns of pre-existing costumes. Umm... and an emote to throw rice at people?"

    "Oh, it looks like City of Heroes just released a new pet that buffs you. To get it.... you have to keep playing the game for four years."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So instead, why don't you tell them "you get to create your own superhero character, pick up powers from a wide variety of choices, and design a costume that can be spandex, armor, an alien race, anything you like, and then you beat up bad guys just like in the comics"?

    Yes, it's not a new thing to *you*, but it's a new thing to *them*.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    Honestly Im gonna give my most honest opinion here, unlike the sheep that just say "GRATS UR TEH BEST" and actually have nothing informative to say.
    I think I speak for many that will remain quiet about the situation when I see that the winner of the costume contest didnt really deserved best hero overall. When you look at the detail and colors Komic Kitten selected and or found, you can see who the real winner is. And no before I get any tail bitters, I dont know Kitten never played with her nor have i met or ever will meet. All that aside in MY honest opinion she had more detail and honestly a better look. The contest winner chose black and pink... the most simplest color combination for women since Clueless the movie. I have spoken to quite a few people and while they do agree she deserves to be part of the list, she doesnt deserve best overall. Its good to see the Devs are as clueless as people who pick Cow Costumes as winners in the game. If you dont like my post fine your entitled to your own opinion, just dont bother posting back at me as I will ignore you. For those who have a solid reason/opinion to why you think Cutest little hero should have one by all means do post. also for those who think anyone else deserved it, please post up.
    Again I dont care what you think of me or my opinion, just post your own.

    [/ QUOTE ]

  6. It was kind of boring to have the same old Snaptooth mission again. I especially hate the ambush waves on that one.
  7. And here it is. While you're there, you can hunt Gremlins, CoT lasher demons, CoT mages, and Clockwork bosses.

    If you're using a slower travel power, like Fly, you can make a tighter loop (dashed line). If you have SS or SJ, I reccomend you put in the extra time to visit the four spawns on the left, to give the others time to reset.
  8. UPDATE: Looks like the spawn locations are the same this year, so both present loops are still viable. I've been working on one in Cap au Diable, too. Stay tuned.
  9. When I claim my Preorder Sprint Power reward, the button doesn't get removed from the badge window. I can keep clicking on it and seeing the "Veteran Reward Claimed!" text pop up over and over again.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I really wish people wouldn't use "newb" and "n00b" interchangably. There's a very useful distinction to be made there.

    [/ QUOTE ] that is not readily apparent to those not bathed in the internet's popular culture. My highschool literature classes failed to prepare me for such distinctions.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Noob vs. newb

    I apologise in advance if your high school literature classes failed to prepare you for reading comics.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    I just wanted to chime in that if you take the time to stop and politely help someone understand the tactics more, or are open to people who want to tell you about their own tactics, a lot of times you can make a good addition to your friends list. In short, ya gotta lub da newbs!

    Of course, some jerk who plays like a fool and gets everyone killed and won't listen to anyone is certainly a pain. I usually play a bit more conservatively with a new pick up group to test the waters before I open myself up for the rollercoaster ride to Debt City

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I really wish people wouldn't use "newb" and "n00b" interchangably. There's a very useful distinction to be made there.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    The forum bugs seem to be randomly pulling threads up...

    Pay attention to what you reply to guys and girls.

    [/ QUOTE ]

  13. [ QUOTE ]
    What if we could work towards:

    [/ QUOTE ]

    My guess is, it would inspire the following whining on the boards:

    [ QUOTE ]
    1) new costume enhancements (besides capes and auras), such as boots, gloves, jetpacks, wings, etc.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    "Waaah why can't I have part X unless I do Y, my hero concept depends on having part X from level 1, Superman never had to go without boots until he did a specific thing, this isn't fair the game sucks."

    [ QUOTE ]
    2) extra enhancement slots and/or extra inspiration slots. These would be awesome rewards for something big

    [/ QUOTE ]

    "Waaah when I go into PvP zones I'm instantly ganked by players with no lives who did trial X dozens of times and are way more powerful than me, it's not fair that you can't be competitive in PvP unless you churn trial X all the time, this is way unbalanced"

    [ QUOTE ]
    5) 'deeper' mission content, with missions that occur randomly during your gameplay -- why do bad guys always stand around waiting for you to show up? (Picture this: you get called by your custom 'bat-signal' (I can't believe this game doesn't have such a concept)..."there's a bank robbery in progress in Independence Port, the bad guys are fleeing South on Valour Bridge, in a grey sedan...stop them!")

    [/ QUOTE ]

    "Waaah I got a random mish when I was Killing Skuls in King's Row today and by the time I got there some level 50 jerk hacker killed all the bad guys, Devs do something about the KSing!!"

    [ QUOTE ]

    "The Baxter building is on fire! There are 20 people trapped on the 87th floor! Save them! You have 15 minutes!")
    ...if you choose to let the poor people of the Baxter building burn to death, or you FAIL to save them, your reputation suffers.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    "Waah a random mission popped up when I was trying to do missions with my SG and then my cable modem died and now I have a big reputation hit! This game sucks I'm leaving."

    Worse part is, some of those complaints would actually be *legitimate*.
  14. Edit: Trimmed the huge Gob 'O Exposition.

    Silver Gale sat cross-legged on the stone bench in the corner of the Do-Gooders base that was her designated "room". Eyes closed, breathing even, she muttered five short words over and over.

    "wind, ice, snow, rain, zap..."

    Perhaps there was a better one-syllable word, in some ancient language or other, that represented lighting, but as Gale's magical education was somewhat lacking in verbal traditions, she didn't knew any.

    Meditation was an important part of using her power. It helped her keep the mental balance necessary to work her spells effectively. It provided a measure of rest after a long day's heroing (even if it could not, in fact, replace actual *sleep*, as Gale had discovered rather painfully some time previous). It also had the useful effect of increasing her divination abilities, or as Gale would put it, "letting her hear what the wind's saying more clearly".

    The air in the room swirled like water in a rotated glass, causing the flames of the torches to bend and flicker. The breeze passed through the vents in the ceiling and out into the world, and Gale's perception flew along with it.

    At first, she allowed herself to be swept up by the wind, and caught several glimpses of the city as it ruffled the cape of a hero striking the final knock-out blow against a Tsoo Green Ink Man, howled under a bridge where two Trolls were negotiating Dyne prices, stirred the leaves of a tree over two Skulls carving their names on a car door, blew a speck of dust into a Family Capo's eye at the wrong moment causing him to take a right cross to the face, and finally brushed against the hull of the downed Rikti mothership. At that moment, Silver Gale took control again, and reached out over the sea to a small but problematic clump of islands.

    All she found was a deep, murky darkness where her mind's eye couldn't reach. Arachnos was safeguarding its territory well. Mu Mystics worked tirelessly to block the attempts of the mages and diviners of Paragon City to peer into their realm, even as they searched for weak points in the City of Heroes's own magical barriers. The war between heroes and villains went on tirelessly in many invisible realms as well.

    Gale tried to bypass the barrier - a minor and altogether futile attempt, lost in the sea of many more cunning and powerful attacks - and then, smiling slightly to herself, followed a mental link that took her right through it.

    She found herself floating in a dark void, filled with the distant sound of the wind, and the quiet whisper of her own doubts and fears. Painful memories resurfaced from the corners of her mind - she winced despite herself as she recalled a particularly disastrous mission that she and her friends had only survived thanks to the near-miraculous work of the MediCom network.

    The memories became more vivid, and suddenly a figure emerged from the void in front of her. Silver Gale came face to face with an embodiment of the darkness inside herself.

    "Hey", she greeted it with a small smile.

    Azure Freeze looked back at her with her perpetual cool, slightly bored-looking expression. "Yes, what is it this time? You're going to rack up quite a bill if you keep calling me like this."

    By an odd quirk of her powers and a subsequent chain of events, half of Gale's mind - the decidedly less pleasant half - was living in the Rogue Isles as a fledging villain with strong ties to Foxtrot Company. The two halves, while essentially being separate people, shared a deep mental link that even the combined barriers of MAGI and Arachnos could not block. Gale wasn't sure if this link was known, or if it could be spied on, so she tried to be careful about using it. But sometimes, the need to have answers was too pressing, and this was one such occasion.

    "Az, everyone's saying that the Foxtrots killed Super Patriot. What the heck? Why would they do that?", Gale asked.

    "Hm. Are they now? That's quite an accusation to make", Azure mused. "It seems to me that the Foxtrots have two reasons for killing someone unprovoked. Either it's because they have been paid by someone to do it, or because... well, they feel the person *deserves* to die." She didn't elaborate, but Gale had a momentary impression of roaming hands and helplessness and disgust.

    Surpressing a shudder, she replied with another question. "So which one was it this time?" She considered for a moment the frightened and confused Lightspeed Lad, and the relief on his face when Emily van der Straum (known to most Do-Gooders as Aunt Em) told him that he was welcome to stay with them as long as he liked.

    Azure Freeze shrugged. "Maybe. I am rarely privy to all the secret plans. Like all good military operations, Foxtrot has a need-to-know policy."

    "You don't know?"

    "They didn't *tell* me."

    Gale understood. Azure Freeze would never openly admit to not knowing something. She was hinting that she may have found out on her own, but at the same time refusing to share her findings.

    She could tell by the satisfaction radiating from her double that she knew *something*. She could probably pry it out of her mind forcefully - but that would be a violation. After acknowledging Azure's independance, Gale was determined to protect her integrity, just as she would protect any human, spirit or other entity. Sometimes the easy way was the wrong way, and being a hero meant not taking it, however conveninant it might be.

    "I'm lucky you're the good twin, aren't I?", Azure Freeze made a small sarcastic smile at the thought she'd just felt in Gale's mind. "Is there anything else I can do for you...?" She was always very polite, for someone who had once planned to destroy Gale's mind. But that was before she discovered that doing so would pretty much mean death for her.

    "No, thank you", Gale answered, getting ready to follow the link back into her own mind. "If I think of anything else, I'll let you know."

    "Of course. I'm always here if you need me", Azure said with an exaggerated bow.

    Then she was fading, and the darkness was giving way to a blue sky, and a second later, Silver Gale opened her eyes and found herself back in her own body in the Do-Gooders base.

    With a sigh, she got up and started changing back into her civilian clothes for the trip back home. She had the feeling she had missed the beginning of something really big and was now running just to catch up with the problem - never mind trying to solve it.
  15. This is a serious nerf to my Hurricane. I can't say I'm happy to see this pat-

    [ QUOTE ]
    * Spider Smasher badge is now granted properly.
    * Fortunata Seer badge is now granted properly
    * Not all Ancestor Spirits were counting toeards the Swift Steel badge. This has been fixed.
    * Longbow Tanker gladiator is now properly unlocked when the Politician badge is granted.
    * Firebase Zulu Security Detail/Shadow Shard Sovereign is now being correctly awarded.
    * Troll Task Force Member is now being correctly awarded.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    YAY!!!! ^___^
  16. "If they want to know who killed Super Patriot", Jen Rogers announced to the assembled Do-Gooders, who were looking at her in various states of shock, "Tell them I did it, in the Patriot Cave, with the Really Big Fire Sword. And now, I'm going to go home and sleep with my husband!"

    With these words, she departed through the base portal and was never seen again.
  17. One morning in the wing of Emily van der Straum's mansion that served as headquaters for the Supergroup known as the Do-Gooders, a young woman in blue spandex entered through the shimmering portal to find Samantha Straum sorting through some letters.

    "Mornin', Sam", Silver Gale said cheerfully. "Hey, could you hand me one of those letters...? I've been trying to learn a new spell and I want to see if I got it right."

    "Uh... what does it do?", Sam asked cautiously. Gale's magic powers were known to have rather dramatic effects sometimes.

    "Just a sort of simple scrying spell. Baisically I can tell what a given letter is about by gleaning the aura of people who touched it."

    Sam shrugged and handed her an already-open envelope from the top of the stack. Gale closed her eyes and murmured a few words, then slowly said: "Okay... it's a message from... some unlikely allies... who are... looking for information!".

    Sam chuckled as she took the envelope back. "Not even close, I'm afraid. It's a letter for our new guest from some school's cheerleading club. Apparently they're fans of his, and they want him to come to some charity event or other."

    Gale's face fell. "...oh. Ah well, back to the eldrich tomes", she announced, as she made her way along the coridoor and into the room where she kept most of her magic books.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    (sorry, I haven't had time to read this whole thread yet.)

    What's to stop a disgruntled team member from deleting your whole stored inventory?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It's a Supergroup Permissions thing.

    You need to have the Permission set for your level to put things into the Storage.

    You need to have the Permission set for your level to take things out of the Storage.

    A log is also kept showing you who put things in and who took things out.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Wouldnt it have been a whole lot easier and much more functional to have just made 1 bucket to donate stuff to the Group that the leadership can draw from set to whatever SG level your group chose, then have each member have a personal stash that only that member can access? Kinda like Gym locker or something?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Uh, every member *does* have their personal Salvage inventory already... That would be kinda pointless.
  19. RP stands for Role Play. Baisically you use the in-game chat to "talk" in the voice of your hero, as if they were a character in a story.

    So instead of telling your SuperGroup "I've got a Freakshow mission in Talos. I need 2 more xp bars to level 24", you'd say: "My contact tells me the Freaks are causing trouble again. I'm gonna teach them a lesson. If I do well, I may get promoted a Security Level".
  20. The Do-Gooders base was supposed to be a pure RP base made of nothing but decorative rooms. Luckily, I managed to persuade the leaders that form and functing could be combined.

    IC, the base is a wing of the Straum family manor. Some of the better-established Do-Gooders are designated "Roomies". Each of them gets one 1x1 square all to themselves. (OOC, we try to let each player have one "Roomie" character. The group is alt-heavy.)

    Here is the layout of the base so far. As the one who fiddles with the base editor a lot, I've become a sort of unofficial Overall Theme Co-Ordinator - I often set up the wall textures in the new rooms to make sure the overal feel of the base is consistant. I'm also responsible for the minor "oddities" like the tiny Tech workshop and the Oranbegan-looking Power Crystal bit.
  21. Silver Gale

    Badge Questions

    [ QUOTE ]
    Why is the badge list so screwed up?

    Well, it's not. At least to me.

    You see each "Issue" has their own badge list (Ish 2 and 3 are combined, but 4 thru 7 all have their own list). Each list comes after the other one in the badge display order. Thats why newer badges appear towards the bottom of their combined lists.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Actually, from my observation of the Achievement badges, it seems that the Issue lists stack this way:

    Issue 6 (CoV and PvP zone badges)
    Issue 3 (Hollows, SS, various events)
    Issue 2 (original badges)
    Issue 5 (events, epics & Croatoa)

    [ QUOTE ]
    Now why is City of Villains badges so so so screwed up? That's because CoV also repuposes at lot of Ish 2 through 5 stuff, and thus those badges are on earlier "lists".

    [/ QUOTE ]

    But why does the Issue 6 block has "Defeat X" badges, "PvP zone time", "PvP missions", "Gladiator battles" and "SG Raid" badges all mixed up together? Would it be possible to at least sort them by type within the block? First the PvP mission badges, then the ones for time spent in zones, then Gladiator matches, then SG Raids, then the "Defeat X" badges alphabetically.
  22. If he's supposed to be the alternate version of the little brother, who is a good guy, why not make him a bad guy...? EM/EA brute ftw.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    A while ago, peoople have requested something be done. Well, we've done a bunch of work and done this. Defense powers will now work equally well against critters, regardless of their rank or level. For instance, your defense powers will work equally well against a Boss or any critter up to 5 levels higher than you, as it does for an equal level minion. This change has no effect on a player who does not have any Defense.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The devs get 20 points for listening to the playerbase, 10 points for giving a boost to SR Scrappers, and 10 points for the same to Ice Tanks.

    ...however, they get -50 points for making yet *another* fundamental alternation to their game engine without warning.