Discussion: Midnight Squad Video
For Polaris: First POST!
This was a cool video. I hope they do more with the Rularuu.
Actions speak louder than Vets.

Looks good! Can't wait.
50 Claws/Regen Scrap, 50 Energy/Energy Blaster, 50 SS/Invuln Tanker, 50 Robot/Traps MasterMind, 50 Fire/Kin Controller, 50 Ninja/Ninja Stalker, 50 Elec/Shield Brute, 50 Elec/Time Controller
I'm digging the Roman armor.
I can never get videos on that damn website to work. Oh well someone let me know when it hits youtube
That was a LOT of fun to watch.
Interesting though, to hear them say "We will find a way to rid the world of the Rikti forever." I think this is just establishing a goal for the group rather than a real I-12 development, since I think Posi and Hero 1 said that they plan to use the Rikti for a long time to come. Nonetheless, good stuff.
So, if it were humanly possible to be more excited about I-12, this would have pushed me over the edge. As is, I'm already so excited that the boost is meaningless =P
It is critical that you pay attention at this time.
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That sounds a lot like Alec Baldwin.
edit: typo
There's this new thing called Youtube, all the cool kids are using it.
Click here to listen to the sound of the video while staring at a mmorpg logo.
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Do y'all have some blocker or something going on? It played fine for me. And I'm using Vista.
I can never get videos on that damn website to work. Oh well someone let me know when it hits youtube
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Don't worry - Lighthouse was SCOOPED!
Edit: when they release the downloadable version I'll post it on my CoH / CoV YouTube page
Click here to listen to the sound of the video while staring at a mmorpg logo.
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i cannot get more excited for i12, my levels of excitement have peaked.
i need a bad announcement/business decision to level me off.
Website worked for me using IE7 and Vista. However, my firewall came up and said it was trying to do a Bad Thing that needed to be blocked. I don't know what that website is doing but I sure don't trust it.
Midnight squad banished Rularuu to the Shadow Shard?? Huh?? What about all the survivors that are still in the SS? So did the Midnighters just shove him off to the next dimension and let Rularuu trash our neighbors instead of us??
And what was that about stopping the Circle of Thorns from trashing Orenbega? I think I need to read what War Witch says about the origens of magic again.
I liked the video. Made me wish that we could just have shields as a costume piece instead of waiting for it to become a power, which I think would prove lame.
And what was that about stopping the Circle of Thorns from trashing Orenbega?
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The Midnighters stopped the Circle from *raising* Oranbega, bringing it to the surface; not *razing* Oranbega, destroying it.
And yes, that sure sounded like Alec Baldwin to me, too.
"Trust me, it worked in the Simpsons." - Calash
The video says they locked up Rularuu but in fact shows video of Ruladak the Strong, one of the 7 split up components of Rularuu.
My 50s:
Hero: Armor Assassin (scrapper), Cross Dresser (scrapper), Surly Seaman (blaster), Defensive End (Tank), Rad Rhino (Cont)
Villain: Beast Infection (Corr), Sweet Zombie Jesus (MM), Milk Weasel (Stalker), Orgullo (MM), Agent Eris (Crab)
Pretty awesome video. Hehe I am glad I wasn't the only one that thought hmnnn sounds like Alec Baldwin. =p
Sweet. Can't wait for this to go live.
The video says they locked up Rularuu but in fact shows video of Ruladak the Strong, one of the 7 split up components of Rularuu.
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They say the Devil is in the details,
I say Details, Scmetails
I don't use Windows Media Player, so I can't see the video. That sucks.
*waits for YouTube version*

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Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:

Well done video, VERY well done - I'm glad I got mine done first, coz I'd hate to have been forced to follow that...
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Story Bible Geek time:
- The Midnight Squad was "hit hardest" by the Rikti because they hit the Rikti real hard first (good for them) and got vaporized (bad for them) for being such a big threat to the non-magical Rikti (a point that the current I12 story-arc is accentuating and hinting will be the source of future plot development).
- The locale of Oranbega was hidden from the Midnight Squad until the Rikti stumbled upon it. So when was this event where the Midnight Squad kept Oranbega from being raised?
- Numina and Buck Salinger are angry they didn't get a shout out as Midnighters. It's true!
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Please use this thread to discuss the below announcement.
MMORPG.com brings us an exclusive first look at an official video telling the story of the Midnight Squad. The Midnight Squad is featured heavily in the next free expansion coming to City of Heroes / City of Villains - Issue 12: Midnight Hour.
Click here to watch the video.
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