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  1. I am buying a new latop and i cant decide what i want. I willing to spend about 2000 bucks. I have been looking at aliewares laptops and of couarse there nice, but to get better stuff in the guts i would have to go with the 15 inch display. I would prefer a 17 inch screen or bigger. So i just cannot decide any suggestions or ideas, i am open to laptops other then alienware.
  2. Anybody know which red name would be the best to send a pm about the badge not awarding? Me and my wife both got all the badges for demonic as well with no accolade rewarded. Just wondering if any devs know about it yet.
  3. Yeah I have triple checked the badges and the bar that tracks the status of the badges is full. I bugged it in game no responce yet.
  4. I have a level 27 brute that has earned all the badgesf or the demonic accolade but it hasnt been awarded to me. Is there a level requirement for the accolade?
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ConFlict View Post
    They are level 50 now instead of 54. So are turrets. Its a very welcome change.
    well there's the problem didn't even notice but that would explain it.
  6. Has anybody else noticed the heavys getting owned by minions and lts in RV?
  7. Our sg did raids about once a month had a blast doing them. It was something the group looked forward to. We are bummed that they were takin away and most have moved on now. Bring em back!!!!
  8. nexxus898

    Sign me up

    I am also throwin my vote in for liberty being the sexy server. Oh and we have been doin a little arena battles on sunday night. I grabbed some of ya out of lbx a couple weeks ago. Im the leader of the elite burners vg. We are always up for some fightin but pay no attention to anything on the boards. Send me some invites @Awesome-Sauce
  9. ta/archery def slowest ride to 50 ever. And you get the added bonus of hearing bitchin from everybody who feels like sending you tells like why no heals.
  10. Looks fine to me fight the power
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    thanks. I guess we'll all just pick earth controllers since it doesn't matter.
    Just kidding.

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    Works for me. But I *really* like Earth, so...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    that would be sick i got an empty slot lemme know when were gonna start an all earth super team

  12. Once upon a Positron there was a bug. It's purple Mankey liked saving walruses deaths. Until a green shoe fell off a pretty cloud of root beer fluff cleaving off seven little toes while chewing Bubblegum. After seeing the drunk Pinnacle-ite puke chunky bits of magnets, it stumbled into a garbage carafe. Feeling pretty depressed, it died a Lonely death.

    Elsewhere, there were some hungry hippos dancing on me for every time one slurps from the fountain of Wayne. In the early dawn, sirens wailed under a pale little moon made of nothing. People thought they saw Ghost Widow munching on Doritos with Valerie. But it wasn't Doritos, it was
  13. or go around the boards padding your count +1
  14. pay no attention to the bored post count padder +1
  15. well guess ill just go around and start padding the post count then +1
  16. [ QUOTE ]
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    Yeah they screwed the pooch on this guess they figured everybody bbqs today.

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    I BBQ'd yesterday. Ribs-n-Chicken. Mmmmmmmm....

    Ate so much meat I think I grew a tail.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Gratz on the new tail remeber to lift it when your done with your bbd dont wanna get it dirty
  17. Yeah they screwed the pooch on this guess they figured everybody bbqs today.
  18. I have tried 2 raids on Hami on red side. First was a cluster second started good and fizzled fast. I can still offer up about 7 or so ppl that wanna do the raid from my vg. Problem on red side being, that villains tend to try and solo everything and dont take direction well at all. Thats kinda why were villains but hell with it anybody who wants to try red side gimme a shout anytime.
  19. I am kinda meh about this issue so far. I think i was expecting alot more considering i12 was supposed to be a smaller issue that set up the next couple of issues. New powersets are always welcome but i think other powers are needed not just the melee power sets. The day job thing sounds knda blah considering your not getting a reward for anything other then logging out in a certain place. My opinion is a reward should be worked for not just given. Again my opinion i think i was expecting alot more. I need new zones and new powers to keep me entertained. The devs have done some really cool stuff that has surprised me in the past so hopefully ill be surprised by the new issue.
  20. I can never get videos on that damn website to work. Oh well someone let me know when it hits youtube
  21. nexxus898

    15 People

    I wasnt a huge fan of i9 thru i11. I am looking forward to i12 though. But looking at the numbers of what you had manpower wise to work with. I9 through I11 is a little bit more impresive now. I cant wait for it to get even better. Giving me my VEAT's is a great start. Look forward to the future.
  22. Looks very cool ive always kinda wanted to know the effects of my powers before choosing them. I wonder if we will be able to show power details everytime we level up and get a new power.