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For Liberty PvPec Rep , This program needs some life pumped back into it before it dies here on Liberty. This past sundays event was probaly one the best formats i have seen and i was very excited to participate. We had a total of 5 people show and the event was unfortunately cancelled. I blame the poor turn out on limited board activity and no Promotion in game. We need reps that are active with the PvP system and have the time to promote these events to make things work. I volunteer my self to help organize events and promote them on the server. I also have the support of @Dragynmaster, @Shock1, @CheriBomb, @cold eng, @lnk to help with geting these events rolling from the Arena to the Open zones. Everyone mentioned are experienced PvP players and active currently in Game
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Have you gone to Raid and the rest of the PVPec Committee Gunnr? Wish you the best of luck..
My Supergroup is Ghost Legion, Insane Crusaders of Ghost Legion, Ghost Legion of Liberty, My Villiangroup is Shadow Wraiths.
My Global is @Darklite and @DazzlerDarklite
Have you gone to Raid and the rest of the PVPec Committee Gunnr? Wish you the best of luck..
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What does gone to raid and rest of PvPec committee mean?? dosent make any sence
Well you just stated that you would like to sign yourself up as Libertys rep for PVPec.. Being that PvPec is a committe that does what you are planning on doing woudlnt it be wise to go to them to sign up? Or are you just planning on representing PVP on your own without the help of PVPec? PVPec stands for Player vs. Player Event Commettee.. Therefore that is why I said to go to Raid and the rest of the committee. why else?
My Supergroup is Ghost Legion, Insane Crusaders of Ghost Legion, Ghost Legion of Liberty, My Villiangroup is Shadow Wraiths.
My Global is @Darklite and @DazzlerDarklite
Actully i was approached by SgAlliance on sunday about joining the PvPec at the event. Kind of funny how not a single liberty Rep from Liberty was in sight on sunday. nor had promoted the event in game. But you still post like your the Lord of the PvPec. What iam saying is our current system is a flop on this server and we need to fix it. And seeing as how none of our current apointed commettee Reps care to do a thing about it, myself and some others in the PvP community are offering our help to make this stuff fun again. We need people working to promote pvp on server, All u guys manage to do is use the PvPec Title for your forum posts to blow up your ego's.
So pass the word around at the meeting of the Great Cheifs or what ever u call it, That Liberty wants New Reps that are active and care about PvP on the server all the time,Not Just once a month for an Event they dont evan bother to attend or when they post on the forums.
Hey hey hey....
This is liberty people...we are neither inebriated or enmeshed in drama... I can't remember what we are exactly...
***Edited for her pleasure***
I think we might None of the other servers are sexy.
Anytime an event is going on and you PvPec folks need some fodder for the grinder, hit my sexy self up if I am on.
@granite hammer
Gunnr, I think you should foster PvP however you see fit. I remember Iron Sites and some folks used to get together and do PvP things frequently. It would be great to see more happening. I know I don't PvP because I don't like the way it can degenerate into smack talking... but it doesn't mean that I wouldn't support it. I could be convinced to do more, if I see more being represented.

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012
Woah?! Excuse me? I am not no Lord of PVPec infact if you read my original post I was sujesting to you who to speak to in order to become a PVPec Rep for Liberty. How ever I see your mouth is still sour towards me makes a lovely rep that would be.. Don't matter anyhow I'm no PVP Guru never was never will be, As for Liberty's rep not being at Sundays Events.. No idea who they even are anymore I don't follow PVPec doings anymore if you follow things I resigned from PVPec afew months back, and my resignation still sticks in my book maybe not thiers but its strong in mine and why? because I got sick of trying to keep something going when people delibretly set out to greif it, I'm here to play the game have fun and keep it fun for those invovled but in the end that turned out not to be the case so it wasn't fun anymore, and I left. Anyhow good luck becomming Libs Rep.
My Supergroup is Ghost Legion, Insane Crusaders of Ghost Legion, Ghost Legion of Liberty, My Villiangroup is Shadow Wraiths.
My Global is @Darklite and @DazzlerDarklite
I apologize for jumping the gun on your statement and i really harbor no ill will towards you or anyone else for any of the events that have happened in the past. If you are refering to the RV badge event, it just shows you what kind of turn out u generate with some in game Promotion from the right kind of people. Personelly hats off to you guys for taking the plunge and signing up to do this in the 1st place when it wasnt your specialty. I know you are not a pvp guru and it took some guts to jump up and say u will take charge of the pvpec on our server and my thanks go out to u guys. Iam just looking to make this work so everyone can have fun and enjoy PvP. RV is geting active again as more and more people venture out to try the new system and now is the time to get orginized.
I think he's Canadian and that might be part of the problem.
its funny that he smack talks without even knowing who to talk about
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What are u refering to ??? Who dont i know to talk about ?
Actully i live in NY fitz , could be next door
I think he's Canadian and that might be part of the problem.
[/ QUOTE ]
Nah thats me.. and i'm a she lol
My Supergroup is Ghost Legion, Insane Crusaders of Ghost Legion, Ghost Legion of Liberty, My Villiangroup is Shadow Wraiths.
My Global is @Darklite and @DazzlerDarklite
Well, I know I don't need to justify why I wasn't there sunday but to calm waters I will. May was a severely bad month for me with Real Life so SG took over event duties for me that month. Good thing too- since my modem crashed and burned sunday afternoon anyway! (dsidnt get a new 1 till yesterday)
Nor have I EVER used my pvpec "Title" to stroke my ego.

"Well, there's going to be some light music and a short note of apology saying, 'The universe ended last week, we're really sorry, we don't know what you're doing here, didn't you get the message?'"- Steve Moffat
Ok, a few thing to sort out here:
1: Canadians are cool, in fact i love Canadians.
2: However gunnr wants to to organize something, he has my support....for what it's worth (i fell asleep, that's why i missed the last even).
3: Liberty is in fact the sexy server.
I am also throwin my vote in for liberty being the sexy server. Oh and we have been doin a little arena battles on sunday night. I grabbed some of ya out of lbx a couple weeks ago. Im the leader of the elite burners vg. We are always up for some fightin but pay no attention to anything on the boards. Send me some invites @Awesome-Sauce
I ran events on a weekly basis until I13, and usally had a nice turn out. its all im Marketing and personality. try starting with some weekly kickball and ask a MOD in LBX to put it in the MOTD. beware thou theres some hardcore anti PvPers that are busy farming for badges so get ready for some Heat. just dont be a [censored] and your events will grow. and be creative!
We at Dark Alliance have your back Gunnr, call on us if needed
I ran events on a weekly basis until I13, and usally had a nice turn out. its all im Marketing and personality. try starting with some weekly kickball and ask a MOD in LBX to put it in the MOTD. beware thou theres some hardcore anti PvPers that are busy farming for badges so get ready for some Heat. just dont be a [censored] and your events will grow. and be creative!
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They were alot of fun hank and i was just talking about kickball on vent last nite. For everyone's info we are talking about alot of goal orented pvp events not just the 2v2 3v3 stuff im talking about capture the flag type stuff. I found that type of pvp is the best. Scince the devs sought it fit to kill base raids we have to make things work.
Don't mess with us Canadian chicks... we'll rip your [censored] off.

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012
For Liberty PvPec Rep , This program needs some life pumped back into it before it dies here on Liberty. This past sundays event was probaly one the best formats i have seen and i was very excited to participate. We had a total of 5 people show and the event was unfortunately cancelled. I blame the poor turn out on limited board activity and no Promotion in game. We need reps that are active with the PvP system and have the time to promote these events to make things work. I volunteer my self to help organize events and promote them on the server. I also have the support of @Dragynmaster, @Shock1, @CheriBomb, @cold eng, @lnk to help with geting these events rolling from the Arena to the Open zones. Everyone mentioned are experienced PvP players and active currently in Game