26 -
That sounds like fun! That could be alot of the problem as well. Alot of our toons in the pvp community are all decked out so when we fight people who aren't it really isn't fair and I can see that turning people away. Try to set up some dates Fue, lets do it!
Older channel, figured I would throw up something on the forums to promote it. Anyone can join, invites aren't needed. Just throw it up in your tab if anyone is ever interested in pvp. We can use this to set up arena events weekly even, if anyone would like to.
17 mill banked in prestige for the VG..though that 20 mill a run sounds mighty good! Let me know @Massimo- =p
Go ahead and send me a tell @Massimo-
Dark Alliance is our VG name, you may know some of us already, we started playing around I6 and I7 so we know the level cap was 40 then. PLenty of us to give you a hand, we use ventrilo as well.
Further more way to welcome someone back there Max, way to be a jerk =p -
Swg you say!? Our SG moved over here about three years ago from good ole Swg! We played on Tempest, had some alts on Flurry. The NGE kinda killed it for all of us though. Send me a tell @Massimo-
Vista 64 bit, Nvidia G-Force 9500. Checked the drivers. Updated, issue fixed.
I'm not sure why its always one thing after another with these people but here goes. Log onto test, get it all downloaded, boot it up, and wow...darkness. Complete black screen cant see anything. It will allow me to alt tab or ctrl alt delete but beyond that nothing. I have to close the program out via task manager. Any ideas as to why the live server boots fine but test is jacked up?
The boards do work to find a SG, Dark Alliance picked up this guy, good to have him onboard too!
Don't leave meh eng! You will be missed by all in DA. You may have not been in the SG but you were.
If anyone needs vent info please send a tell to @Massimo- everyone who will be attending the raid is welcome on the UB vent.
I quit the channel. What more do you want?
Edit: Nor was I unfair. The person I silenced was using foul language with nearly every line he typed. The other person wasn't. The discussion, about television shows, wasn't the problem. One person's language was.
This devolved into criticism of me, my morals, my standards, my enforcement of the EULA. I left the channel. I don't see the problem. End of story. You have the LBx channel. Let the foul language and porn discussions with XXX language commence without any attempt at restriction now. Enjoy, you have what you want.
[/ QUOTE ]
Invite to LBx please!
@Massimo- -
Next weekend is double exp weekend. No hami raids going on then I promise you! Lots of farming!
Linix is up there with a few other people. He can be the most annoying person in the world. I'm going to talk to Dragynmaster and ICE eng and see if we can pull together a Hami raid for a couple of weeks from now. Last time worked out great, ended up with 40 or so people on the UB vent and it was very coordinated. I had a blast anyway. I watched from a buds computer, good effort from all under the circumstances. Don't let the rotten egg spoil further attempts, if we can get one going he can be an idiot as much as he wants to, we'll just watch him die as we kill the hami,
Pvp event is tonight at 9pm est in sirens call. The idea is king of the hill around hot spots. Hope to see everyone there!
First it says go to the website and apply from there, then when you go to the website and get through that mess at the top of the questions page it says something along the lines of "This is for perc approved applications only, you need to apply via the forums". Would someone like to explain how this is done or is it a never ending circle?
PvP event hosted by Ice eng, Dragynmaster and ICY-HOT is tonight at 9pm est time. Tell your friends! To my understanding the format is a vet pvper and a new pvper for teams. Should be a blast and hope to see everyone there!
why even do a Hami? The reward is NO way worth the risk/drama/hassle.... hami is dead to me..... until its changed
[/ QUOTE ]
Because we can! Anyhoo let me know when your doing it. The one I went on with you , Dragyn and Ice eng was a blast. We completed it to! I think it only took an hour or so. Wasn't to bad. It was especially easy when we just listened to one person who labled out buff phases and what teams should attack and when. It really was fun! -
As long as all can play nice, then all is good, I would hate other events to get messed up cause others think it is fun to make events not fun for everyone else.
[/ QUOTE ]
I would love to know who you are making reference to? I would love to think this is a "In general" statement but somehow I know better. -
Who!? I don't think a single one of us "griefers" as we are labled have come out there to bother anyone. We participate just like we did the first time. To be honest most of us wont even accept a lbx re-invite because of that mess to begin with. Then again I thought that was all done and over with but apparently not. Generally speaking we don't go out of our way to bother anyone at all. I know a few from the original incident said they wont come to another ship raid. We do an 8 man raid with just our sg folks and complete it with just as many merits.
You can be considered a newbie if I'm the vet that has you on his team, cause damn your a good emp =O Great fun tonight in RV btw.
I would also like to know the answer to this. We always plan stuff between our SGs (Guardians of Paradise, Paragonian freedom force avengers, Killer Nation, Dark Alliance, Paragon Militia, Burnin Trees, United brotherhood of heroes) always fun, so heck can a griefer apply?
We at Dark Alliance have your back Gunnr, call on us if needed