Looking for VG..
Unfortunate that you were kicked from your old VG. I would suggest a few VGs out there on villian side... Purebreed, The Association, Project Proteus., to name a few... there are many others but those popped into my head at this moment. Or you can check out the link in my signature and look over the ones that are there. By no means a reflection of how many that are actually out there. Good luck in finding a home.
Well I've been searching for a VG for about a week now... got kicked out of my last one for an unknown reason.
Lvl 22 Stalker Mutation, Very new this is just my 3rd week playing. I never create inventions so when I get salvage I'd gladly donate to the VG and I always fight in SG Mode Global name is @Wwolf655 Toon Name is Morbid Distruction |

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012
Thanks i will check it out
The boards do work to find a SG, Dark Alliance picked up this guy, good to have him onboard too!