Hami Raid




I'm hosting a hami on Sat. 11 at 9pm eastern. While i have done them succesfully before i'm not what you'd call a leader, i'm more of a follower. That being said, i'm looking for somebody who knows how to coordinate 50 people in a successful raid. EoE farm to happen on friday the 10 and spawning hami on fri as well. Any helpful suggestions on leading a succesful raid will be greatly appreciated. Post here if you'd like to join and/or lead it for me, or you can send me /tell in game at @lil ole me.

Forgot to mention, raid will be on blue side



I would like to join but that is the weekend I will be moving to my new house and the wife has cut off CoH until the move is complete. Maybe next time.

Anyway, good luck and I hope you have a great turn out.

Edit - You might see if City Scope can list it in their events. There were a few people on the TF Cmdr run that noted that they knew about it from them.



First tip don't spawn hami until sat when everyone is in zone. because you will have ppl that show up for the raid and do not have any eoe's



well, if you'd read my post, you'd see the spawn will happen on friday, and people can goto PI to farm the EoEs so they'll have them for saturday raid.



and if you read my post you will have alot of ppl that will not farm eoe's and will show up for the raid so you are better off waiting to spawn hami until sat



well, there's always WWs



Are you working up a list or is it just going to be a random first 50 and hope your not dc'ed for team purposes regardless of eoe's?

Also it appears the date is Saturday, 7-11-09 at 9pm est, with EOE farming on Friday 7-10. There had been a bit of confusion in the MS raid thread so clarfing the date and time.


by Star Ranger 4
WE ARE HEROES This is what we DO!
When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

MA #14724 Operation: Discredit @American Valor
Sentinel Of Liberty SG



Ummmmm, so far nobody's responded... Soo might not happen



Remember to that the majority of players don't come to the forums. I would send out reminders in the global channels when you are on playing this week.

Liberty Server (@enderbean)
Arcs on Live
#1460 Hometown Rivalry



Was quite interesting. Things were looking kinda grim when we finally made it to the blues, things got stale. Apparently we were just lacking control power so I switched to my controller and started stacking holds and things quickly changed for the better.

I also made sure to broadcast one time in atlas park before heading to the raid and I know of atleast 1 extra hero to show up shortly after that broadcast

Hami is at stage 2 now (75%) and I joined a EoE farm later that night. Hopefully Sunday will result in a dead Hami and more hami-os on the market to lower the ridiculous sky rocketing prices of hami-os; due the lack of hami raids and statesman tfs.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



Well today certainly didn't turn out as well as last nights attempt. Teams were not coordinated as well and I don't think enough people were really paying attention to request chat. There is also the little matter of that request chat drama and arguing that should of stopped much earlier....

I think the next attempt we should should have the team leaders in a special channel with the raid leader so they can better coordinate our efforts. Team leaders will need to tell people when to move when the raid leader has announced it, so for those that dont look at request chat when they should will ave a little bit of extra insurance.

As for strategy I don't fully understand what else may have been going wrong if it was just part of the tanker team not moving fast enough or the assault teams I dont know. But something I could tell is that everyone was dying from extreme AOE due to everyone being to close to the yellow that was being attacked. I'd suggest having the scrapper and melee teams focus on the south west Yellow and going clockwise around hami as they kill each yellow one by one and the blaster/controller/range team starting with the south east green and going counter clockwise. I think things may be easier that way so that not everyone is being bombarded with all that yellow damage in one spot.

Hell maybe even have a tanker per yellow and 1 tanker on hami and see how that goes.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



the 2 succesful hami raids i've done involved 2 full tank teams and 2 or more full scrapper teams, one tank taunts hami, other tanks taunt all the yellows, while remaing outside the goo. It's not a bad idea for one or both scrapper team to have a tank on it to taunt whatever yellow they attack. All the while, you have a bunch of trollers at least 2 on each green spamming holds. That would minimize yellows regen. Once yellows are down, the rest is fairly easy. That's my 2 cents



Well I could always logon my tanker next run. I was playing a scrapper originally and then switched to my controller. Which lol helped us get to hami stage 2.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



Another thing that is a must during yellow phase is blaster must attack, but try to kill the blues. This distracts the greens making them heal them instead of the yellows. If 2 blasters each attack 1 blue the greens can't heal fast enough and the yellows will die. Blue phase, blasters attack blues while trollers take care of greens with support from scrapper team. That's pretty straightforward l, right? What makes hami raids fail is people don't listen, don't know what's going on, not targeting through one person and everybody, and people leave out of frustration.



Not gonna lie, that part about people not following directions is rich.



If you're so rich then share the wealth, I'm broke



I'll spare two cents, I'm a stingy person, when people are offering to do something and you show up to help, be a dear and do just that. It defeats the purpose to act like you're two, especially when we're trying to achieve the same common goal.



When's the next one?

Warning: This post is not meant for people who are Victorian, arrogant, bloated, conventional, dreary, dull, fusty, genteel, humorless, self-important, magisterial, musty, narrow-minded, pompous, priggish, prim and proper, prissy, prudish, puffy, puritanical, self-important, staid, stilted, stodgy, straitlaced, and uninteresting in nature. This means you Bob!



i'm trying to arrange another one for this weekend or the next, all the hami raid channels seem to be dead on liberty, so i made a new one called Liberty Hami Raids, feel free to join the channel to be kept up to date on hami raids on liberty.

What i don't want to see happen again is a bunch of people come expecting to do a hami raid and there aren't enough tanks to taunt mitos, not enough scrappers to take yellows out, etc., etc.

What i have found that works is 2 full tank team each a healer and a troller, 1-2 scrapper teams, and 1-2 teams of blasters, and the rest consist of blasters. This kind of team makeup, coupled with coordination and proper instruction and team work will result in a successful raid.

Anybody reading this post who wants to do a hami raid talk to your friends, sg mates, coalies, anybody or everybody in game as many don't even come to the forums, with a little bit of work i KNOW i can pull off a successful raid. It HAS BEEN done in the past. We can do it again. GO LIBERTY!!!!!



why even do a Hami? The reward is NO way worth the risk/drama/hassle.... hami is dead to me..... until its changed

No one goes there anymore, it's too crowded...
"The potato goes in the FRONT."



Why not do a hami raid?



why even do a Hami? The reward is NO way worth the risk/drama/hassle.... hami is dead to me..... until its changed

[/ QUOTE ]

Because we can! Anyhoo let me know when your doing it. The one I went on with you , Dragyn and Ice eng was a blast. We completed it to! I think it only took an hour or so. Wasn't to bad. It was especially easy when we just listened to one person who labled out buff phases and what teams should attack and when. It really was fun!



Should establish a sign up sheet here on the forums like we did in the past. *Recalls when budokai attempted to organize a hamiraid in the thread title "gone hami raiding"

With a sign up sheet we can atleast know who is coming and who is bringing what.

Tanker team

Scrapper team / melee team 1
Scrapper team / melee team 2
Controller/blasters/khelds team 1
Controller/blasters/khelds team 2
Controller/blasters/khelds team 3

I'm suggesting 3 ranged/control teams to get those greens burned down really fast while the tanker and scrapper/melee teams focus on the yellows. Should be able to have most of the yellows and hami taunted at all times.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



Well here is my 2 cents for what it is worth I hope you succeed i really do. I had been a major part in the 4 completed raids that have been done on this server. The best one was one that we did private up till the last 30 mins. That is the one that Massi is talking about. 1st don't spawn Hami until everyone is in zone as i mentioned in my prior post, as much as you think ppl will by eoe's and farm them alot of ppl will not. The monster phase only takes about 10 mins when everyone is in zone. It is all about timeing when you do your countdown everyone has to go when you say go. It can be done with 35 ppl in zone although it is a pain. lastly at the min you need one taunt team to taunt hami and 2 scrapper teams 4 buffed well built scrappers on one mito with the blasters shooting the blues and the mito drops quick the other scrappers are just a distraction they attack the other yellows and as the 4 scrappers move around the goo they pick up the other scrappers as they go. As i said this is a min and is tougher to do but we have done it this way.



Crimson Linux made sure to ruin the moral during tonights raid. I hope everyone took the time to report and add him to global ignore. It will be the first person thats ever pissed me off enough to that point.

That raid was going terribly as it was because people were not moving during the countdown.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.