Hami Raid




Linix is up there with a few other people. He can be the most annoying person in the world. I'm going to talk to Dragynmaster and ICE eng and see if we can pull together a Hami raid for a couple of weeks from now. Last time worked out great, ended up with 40 or so people on the UB vent and it was very coordinated. I had a blast anyway. I watched from a buds computer, good effort from all under the circumstances. Don't let the rotten egg spoil further attempts, if we can get one going he can be an idiot as much as he wants to, we'll just watch him die as we kill the hami,



I always am up for a hami raid but had to work so I'm sorry I missed out and sorry if it didn't work out optimially but maybe I'll be lucky and be able to attend the next. Unfortunately I can't sign up for it without knowing a specific time/date due to work (reason I missed out this weekend). I'd do it next weekend but I was already planning my own little mini-event I guess you'd call it.



Next weekend is double exp weekend. No hami raids going on then I promise you! Lots of farming!



Teams will be forming shortly if anyone wanted to know. Better luck this time Atleast we downed 2 yellows last night.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



... guess I missed it .



I'm going to host another hami raid on 8-7-09, ie fri after x2 weekend. In order to have more time for raid i'm starting spawn ASAP after people get home from work, around 5ish eastern DST since the last raid took an hour to spawn hami, and even then with a GM's help. I ramble too much though, i'm going to compile a spread sheet of who can bring what.

Sunday's attempt we took out first bloom with great success after a few peeps switched toons to trollers. What i found worked well was 6 tanks on yellow taunt with 2 healers and tpers. at least 12 trollers, with some dmg dealers for greens, 1 team of scrappers, and a blue team of blasters and healers, if enough people come, we could have a second taunt team with 2 tanks and 4 healer and 1 or 2 kins. We didn't have a tank taunting hami yesterday as long as there were 2 trollers spamming holds on greens. At any rate, if you wish to sign up, the sign sheet is below.

On a side note, the second scrapper/melee team can also be the second taunt i mentioned, if enough tanks come.


It wouldn't hurt melee people who don't have granite to buy a raptor pack from the shards.


Tanker team

Scrapper team / melee team 1
Scrapper team / melee team 2
Controller/blasters/khelds team 1
Controller/blasters/khelds team 2
Controller/blasters/khelds team 3

I'm suggesting 3 ranged/control teams to get those greens burned down really fast while the tanker and scrapper/melee teams focus on the yellows. Should be able to have most of the yellows and hami taunted at all times.

[/ QUOTE ]



I was on the tank team. My timing was off for a couple of reasons. One, I counted down ten seconds, and still went in ahead of main thrust. When I died and everyone else was still on the rock I got PO'ed and almost left. Second, I did not know we had a vent. Knowing that would have made a huge diff. It seems that a lot of people in that last raid were noobs, or new to Hami. Knowing about the vent would have reduced the stress of Linix, inexperience, and timing.



I'll sign up for the next hamidon attempt. I didn't attend the previous ones lately, but plan to this time if it does happen. As far as what I will bring, I haven't a clue. What ever is needed the most of the following: Stone/Fire, Earth/Rad, Fire/Kin, BS/Regen, or Fire/SR. Global is @Inferno Brother and I already have 15 EoEs saved up so far. I have attended two failed hamidon's and have read up on strategies, so I have a little experience. I can follow directions nevertheless ;P



Originally Posted by My_11_Toons View Post
I was on the tank team. My timing was off for a couple of reasons. One, I counted down ten seconds, and still went in ahead of main thrust. When I died and everyone else was still on the rock I got PO'ed and almost left. Second, I did not know we had a vent. Knowing that would have made a huge diff. It seems that a lot of people in that last raid were noobs, or new to Hami. Knowing about the vent would have reduced the stress of Linix, inexperience, and timing.
You were not the only one with timing issues and while having everyone on vent would probably fix the problem, it is most likely not possible (some folks don't have it or won't use it).

One thing I did notice that was different from raids I've done in the past is the way Lil ran off the timing binds she had. They were just strung all together, one right after another, and people had to count down themselves to figure out when to go. I'm not sure everyone knew(I saw lots of people saying they were new to Hami also) exactly when to go. Past raids we've done the raid leader would send out the buff/attack announcements spread out at the appropriate intervals to take any guess work out of it.

Having some communication, at least between team leaders, would be good too. I was put in charge of one of the blaster teams (not a problem) and the only other team leader I heard from(other than in broadcast) was from the person who left me the team to go build another one. There really should be a little target coordination at least, IMO.

This is all my opinion, of course, and is in no way an attack on Lil or any of the other organizers of the raids lately. I'm just adding my two cents because, like others, I would like to see these raids become Successful weekly additions to our Liberty server. Take it for what you will.



I will be joining with my Fire/Kin Phlamepyre.



Last night's hami raid started out awesome. We removed the yellows in about 30 mins, but everything stalled on the greens. No matter how many times I repeated it, nobody would spread out, especially the trollers. They all wanted to focus on one green whilst the other 5 kept it healed. Why can't people just listen to simple english? The last raid I lead had a similar problem with the greens, but once people started following directions and the trollers spread out and tag teamed all the greens at once we were able to kill them. We will continue the raid tonight at 7pm eastern DST, and hopefully people will listen this time.



Originally Posted by Lil_ole_Me View Post
Why can't people just listen to simple english? ....and hopefully people will listen this time.

This is why Liberty is a hard server to play on. I'm guessing you never went to any of the old raids on Liberty there was always a less then 50% of the ppl there doing what the leader told them to do. It is the number 1 reason why I will never lead a raid again.

List of my toons http://cit.cohtitan.com/profile/1854



Last raid I tried going to I waited for an hour and also was one of the first to arrive yet my tank was overlooked :/

List of my toons http://cit.cohtitan.com/profile/1854