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lol canadians



Post deleted by Nixon




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fixed for ya

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012




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fixed for ya

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Current favs: Champ: Frau Schmeterling-22 MM 50s: NOTW-Blaster, Cat-Girl Commando-corr, Queen of the Dawn-PB, NOTW-Def, Peterbilt-Brute, IcedTNA-Tank, Archilies-scrap, Mann Eater-stalk, Redemptive Soul-toller, Mt Fuji of A-Team-Tank, Hot Stuff Vale-Dom
My MiniCity



Woah?! Excuse me? I am not no Lord of PVPec infact if you read my original post I was sujesting to you who to speak to in order to become a PVPec Rep for Liberty. How ever I see your mouth is still sour towards me makes a lovely rep that would be.. Don't matter anyhow I'm no PVP Guru never was never will be, As for Liberty's rep not being at Sundays Events.. No idea who they even are anymore I don't follow PVPec doings anymore if you follow things I resigned from PVPec afew months back, and my resignation still sticks in my book maybe not thiers but its strong in mine and why? because I got sick of trying to keep something going when people delibretly set out to greif it, I'm here to play the game have fun and keep it fun for those invovled but in the end that turned out not to be the case so it wasn't fun anymore, and I left. Anyhow good luck becomming Libs Rep.


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I believe what Gunnr was refering to about the PVPec title holding, was underneath your names on the forums. That is all.



its already been discussed no need to start another discussion about something thats already been adressed.

My Supergroup is Ghost Legion, Insane Crusaders of Ghost Legion, Ghost Legion of Liberty, My Villiangroup is Shadow Wraiths.
My Global is @Darklite and @DazzlerDarklite



Thats why its still there? Of course, that makes sense...anyhow, this whole idea has been discussed, and hopefully no ones feelings get hurt in the process, best of hopes.






Thats why its still there? Of course, that makes sense...anyhow, this whole idea has been discussed, and hopefully no ones feelings get hurt in the process, best of hopes.

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Because she can't remove it. The head of PvPEC has to ask the moderator who coordinates with that committee to do so. Dazz has no control of that. She can only control her signature block and things in her home/account lines. That title by her name/avatar isn't under her control, that's a moderator controlled area.

Edit: As examples of this: Tax_E'x "PERC's Notable Novelist" title was added by Koschej (if I recall correctly) at the PERC 1st Chair's request when she won her contest prize. It won't be removed until a moderator takes an action to remove it (if ever). My PERC Title was removed when I resigned from PERC a couple days ago.

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



HEY! Don't bring attention to my title... I like my title.

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012



I ran events on a weekly basis until I13, and usally had a nice turn out. its all im Marketing and personality. try starting with some weekly kickball and ask a MOD in LBX to put it in the MOTD. beware thou theres some hardcore anti PvPers that are busy farming for badges so get ready for some Heat. just dont be a [censored] and your events will grow. and be creative!

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They were alot of fun hank and i was just talking about kickball on vent last nite. For everyone's info we are talking about alot of goal orented pvp events not just the 2v2 3v3 stuff im talking about capture the flag type stuff. I found that type of pvp is the best. Scince the devs sought it fit to kill base raids we have to make things work.

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And i will rule you all



All icky parts of this thread aside, I wanted to give it a bump to the top and put in $.02.

Just measuring results, looking at turnout for the one event of Gunnr/Eng's that I have attended and seeing the RV in Liberty taking on new life on a more daily basis, I would have to say that these efforts seem to be paying off.

The use of courtesy and professionalism in the organizers language used is improving, and things are moving in a good direction.

I would like to thank Gunnr for stepping up and Eng for throwing in with him to really move and shake this thing a bit.

