Shadow Wail

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  1. What if Lord Recluse in Praetoria isn't named after a spider but instead... he is a lord of recluses!

    He is the president of a town of hermits in the far off DE jungles of subtropical praetorian Rhode Island...a city where everything is it's opposite!
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MrHassenpheffer View Post
    I'd like to know what they are capable of producing before saying anything would offend me, there are alot of features I would gladly pay for, only one of which has been mentioned <SG transfers> there's also alot of features I would pay for to do without. also see door rooting.

    ... hard question to answer.
    It is a hard question to answer, I spent about 15 minutes typing my response above.

    I want a detailed description of the purchase, I want to see it, I also want to know if it's customizable. I want to know every possible detail of that power, I don't want to get a vague description that beam guns can stun your foes...I want numbers and expected utility!

    When it comes to the SG issues, I don't feel like we should pay for anything SG after the years of neglect and disrespect.

    I will be sooo upset if we have to pay to increase our base capacity. Having to pay to increase the capacity on storage....would really **** me off.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by OminousVoice View Post
    Captain Epic Moment: Using Self Destruct on a mob when you're only a few xp from levelling up. The result is a dead mob and you rising from the ashes like phoenix because of the ding related wakie cast. (Extra epic points if it's the last mob of a defeat all mission)
    I have done this soo many times. I used to do it infront of Noob$ then tell them that if they go to a temple inside the Nerva Forest that there is a CoT Mage and if you get there he will give you that power
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _eeek_ View Post
    "Taking the Red Line Express", or "Committing Sewercide" - intentionally getting yourself killed to utilize the medi-porter to hospital as a time-saving mode of transportation
    I call this "Pain Training"....Before the days of Self Destruct, I used to fly dead into a mob to pain train back to Fort Darwin.
  5. Shadow Wail



    I had someone show me a Elec/Fire/Stone brute that he thought was godly...but this is amazing...

    Thank you
  6. is there a line to be drawn on what gets purchased?

    Can we buy mission complete tokens? Can we buy a travel power that lets us sprint but has an attached path aura that drops nickles and dimes as my toon runs away?
  7. So the focus group was made of people who post 12 times a day?
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Psylenz View Post
    The biggest feature for danger to all Electric Control users is the first few seconds of a fight while the controls take effect. Compare it to the earth control. EC doesn't have stalagmites ( or Flashfire in the fire sets). The Electric control powers are slower in taking effect, more like earthquake. If you are on a team with a tank or brute, make sure they get a lot of the aggro nailed down so you don't take 5 or 6 attacks in reply in say chain fences.
    I resummon my stone pet to draw aggro while the controls set up on my Earth Control. Will resummoning my pets from stealth distance do the same thing?
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ketch View Post
    As for proc's in Jolting Chain, things are a bit complicated. Proc's that affect the caster, such as Decimation: Chance for build up, will only fire on casting. Jumps after that, if they do fire, would affect the pseudo pet and go to waste. Procs that will affect enemies such as Devastation: Chance to Hold or Energy Manipulator: Chance to Stun will fire on every jump.

    Is that right? It has a small chance to stun and hold the mob? ZOMG?! What else can go into JC?
  10. Shadow Wail

    AE Reward Rolls

    I've been rolling top tier I doing this wrong? My Earth/Ice/Ice can max her tickets in about 10-15 minutes.

    I get about 1,500 tickets a run and I usually stop at 5,000. The best bang for my time would be to do the low silver and bronze rolls?
  11. Shadow Wail

    level 1-10 raids

    Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
    just a note, the GR preorder enhance procs expire at 21 and only if you actually train past lvl 20

    i like the idea of temp powers though or maybe create a series of super low lvl HO type of enhances such as the hydra and titan Os which dont have a purpose to lvl 50s but are fairly nice if you exemp a lot or are still lvling
    I know I wrote it out so there is a distinction between the pre-order ones and the raid enhancements.

    The maps are already in the game and I think it would be awesome to use them as such.
  12. Shadow Wail

    level 1-10 raids

    Since the devs are removing the old tutorials...can we get the devs to redo the old tutorials into some very low level 1-10 Raids?

    The Outbreak Raid: A team of 8-12 Heroes get together to secure the area that is being ravaged by The Infected. The last phase of the Raid consists of the team fighting wave after wave of Infected while a small team rushes to activate terminals that secure that zone.

    The Breakout Raid: A team of 8-12 villains are gathered by Kalinda to break out one of the fellow Destined Ones from the Zig. The Raid starts with entering the prison by steam rolling through guards, prisoners and Long Bow. The end of the raid includes a breaking out of two or three Destined Ones.

    The rewards for these raids can be temporary powers that expire at level 11 or enhancements that follow the Going Rogue enhancements but lose their procs at level 10.

    Before anyone says this is stupid or lights the flames of hate! We already have the maps, tech and other parts of this idea to make it happen...I would pay for these.
  13. I put two of my toons in the que about three hours ago. Is it broken or is there a wait. I want my latest Dom but for some reason she isnt showing up
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Crim_the_Cold View Post
    Does anyone else think there will be a name rush on the new VIP server when it opens up?

    Think about it a brand new server with no names taken on it. I'm going to have to make a list of all the names I've wanted but never could get. That and make sure I have the day off so that I can insure that my global name doesnt get taken by anyone but me on that server. Actually thats a disturbing thought because I know there are some people who have taken the time to insure that their favorite character's name is taken by them on every server. Golden Girl for example could have be taken by someone wanting to ransom the name. Its childish but online anonymity gives some people the courage to act like jerks.
    I will take off from work to make sure I get the names I want
  15. I have a toon in almost every level range if you want me to fill in holes. I also have the map patch on so I know where the badges are.

    I'll be home in about 2 hours to set up my toons for this run, let me know if you need any zones.
  16. I use mass hypnosis and dominate along with my ST hold from dark miasma...with the megalomaniac accolade.

    The dark miasma pet also uses holds and immobs. I also use howling twilight with my ST stun to get bosses(Sonic/Dark/Psy)

    Yes in some cases, the Corr version is weaker but not useless and with megolomaniac--it is useful
  17. I use mass hypnosis and dominate along with my ST hold from dark miasma...with the megalomaniac accolade.

    The dark miasma pet also uses holds and immobs. I also use howling twilight with my ST stun to get bosses(Sonic/Dark/Psy)

    Yes in some cases, the Corr version is weaker but not useless and with megolomaniac--it is useful
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
    You could also go Earth/Fire/Leviathan which gives you access to Water Spout and Hibernate.

    But you give up the Ice Shield which is key if you are building for defense.

    That's where I'm stuck right now on my Earth/Fire Dom (45). I can't decide if I want to build a soft capped S/L build or Earth/Fire/Fire for more AoE ridiculousness. Blah.
    Bit more expensive... but go for both, we can have three builds.

    A side note about Stone Cages. Get a stealth IO and go near a mob, use your pet to bunch them together safely. Once they are bunched, I throw down cages followed by Stalagmites, QS, then EQ. While the pet is doing his ST damage I fill in with your attacks.

    As an Earth/Ice, I took Ice as my APP. I also have an Earth/Fire/Fire...same tactic.
  19. Shadow Wail

    Best Psy choice

    I am waiting for Psy/Ice Corrs
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by reiella View Post
    Marauder has more ambient light in his shots and in generally in a shinier locale?

    All I can think of is Jose Canseco...with the steroids. At least I am implying that Back Alley Brawler is now Hispanic?!
  21. 0:30--looks like a Husk of Hamiseed
    0:59--Remids me of Chemo
    1:13--looks like a Time Manipulation attack

    I am more interested in the tutorial, I finally get t see the entire Phalanx out and about actually doing something.

    On a side note: Why does Praetorian BaB look black while the Primal BaB looks like a Jose Canseco clone?!
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Because it said so in the article
    Can you show me where it says that?

    You sure do "Read" a lot of articles
  23. I had to leave right after the 2nd run, the BF Aggro!

    I'm still not too into PvP and I don't think I ever will...
  24. What kind of stuff are you giving away? Anything I can contribute?