AE Reward Rolls




I am trying to build some inf to slot up my SS/Fire brute (my first 50) and I was just curious when doing the AE farm maps which reward rolls were the most efficient for building inf?

I'm not sure this is the correct place to be posting this and I apologize if it isn't but was hoping someone in this thread would know.

Thanks in advance.



i personally roll like this

never gold

35-39 silver

20-24 bronze



I do 10-14 bronze. You can get the Steadfast Uniques, Regen Tissue + Regen and -Kbs.

25-29 Silver. I've gotten some good Kin Coms.
35-39 Silver. I've gotten alot of Oblits
40-44 Silver. I've gotten alot of ToD.

35-39 Gold. I've gotten alot of Oblit quads and LotG 7.5's and Miracle + Recovs

Depending on how good you are at it, there's nothing wrong with trying a Gold on occasion. You can spend the 3000 tickets on crappy rolls as easily as 1 crappy roll. On a certain ambush farm, my SS/Fire brute or Fire/Fire tank can easily get 1500 tickets in less than 3 minutes. Yes, i know exactly how long because it's a timed mission. Get 800-900 tickets and pop the glowie to cap. Rinse and repeat.



Thanks for the quick responses. I've already tried the lower level rolls I was incorrectly assuming you would get recipes of only that level range as in only as high as 24 on a 20-24 roll.. oops lol.

I was rolling on the level 45-50 golds and not making any money so wanted to see if there was a better more consistent way so thanks again for responding.



I've rolled bronze 10-14, 20-24, 25-29, and 35-39.

My impression was that 10-14 had decent returns but was very crowded, to the point where the overnight sales on several of the better things in the pool (the knockback protections especially) were not enough to be worth posting them. It seems a great many people roll there. For a change of pace I level-locked a toon at 10 to roll on the pool for minimum level shinies. The prices are very attractive, but it seems demand is not very high and so things take a while to move. I'd rather use the market slot to move more smaller paydays than one big payday that might take four or five times as long to come in.

Bronze 35-39 seemed similarly crowded, but I only rolled it two or three times. (Counting rolls as earning 9k or 9,999 tickets, depending how I felt at the time, and then rolling them all at once.) Higher crafting costs plus a lot of competition made it seem not worth the effort, but I suppose had I spent a few more days learning the pool and what sells well I might have worked around that.

Bronze in the 20s is where I spend all my tickets at present. I've experimented with gold rolls, but it's not very satisfying for me to spend ~15 minutes climbing to the ticket cap and then blowing the lot on three rolls when all three could be crap. I did get very lucky by mistake once and rolled a kinetic combat triple (100 million instant sale) on gold when I meant to be clicking bronze, though.

@Exabecquerel | 50s:
1 corr (fire/kin), 1 widow (tuna), 3 MM (bots/ff, demons/dark, demons/traps), 2 brutes (ss/wp, kin/sr)
1 def (kin/dp), 2 trollers (fire/rad, earth/storm), 2 scrappers (spines/dark, kat/sr)



I do 2 gold rolls at 35-39 then I move down to silver 30-34 for the balance of tickets on hand.

I used to never go with the gold rolls as I hated to spend 15 minutes getting to 9k tickets and seeing them go away in 2 or 3 rolls of crap.

I have since gotten my SS/FA runs down to 6min for 9k tickets. At that pace I find it hard to pass up the chance to roll 18-20 times an hour with a shot at Kin Combat Triples and LotG's +7.5 recharge among other goodies. Hell thats the same thing as being able to collect 4 A merits of rolls and hour.

Global: @Kelig



Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
I've been told that bronze outearns silver on a roll-by-roll basis, never mind ticket-by-ticket... I almost never farm AE so I haven't verified this result. [occasionally I will take a level-locked character in and make a bunch of 30 or 32 or 33 or 35 commons.]
I've read the same thing on this board before, but I had a spare 9k tickets tonight and so rolled silver 35-39 instead. Not having 150 or so recipes to sort through was nice. Blowing the lot, minus a remainder, just about filled my recipe inventory once so I flew straight over the the Cap BM to check the last 5 for each. It transpired everything I rolled was moving for above my minimum threshold to list (4M) except I think one recipe. So I threw that one away and crafted and posted the rest. I got a pair of Kinetic Combat Dam/Ends, a LotG Defense, and an Obliteration triple for big ticket stuff, plus about seven other IOs I expect to move for about 10M or less. Total expected sales of 261,000,000 for 8,880 tickets, with prices generally on the low end of or a bit below the bottom of the last 5. The LotG I know I can get with bronze too, though.

It's only one set of rolls, but that's fairly close to or better than what I've been doing on bronze rolls the past month. A lot of value hangs on those big paydays, though. Given the smaller number of rolls per ticket pile, I imagine silver will end up with bigger swings in average payout than bronze does.

@Exabecquerel | 50s:
1 corr (fire/kin), 1 widow (tuna), 3 MM (bots/ff, demons/dark, demons/traps), 2 brutes (ss/wp, kin/sr)
1 def (kin/dp), 2 trollers (fire/rad, earth/storm), 2 scrappers (spines/dark, kat/sr)



In terms of bronze vs silver, I did an experiment trading 9999 tix for all bronze 30 or silver 30 rolls. Then I crafted the worthy rolls and sold them. Here are my results.

Bronze wins in terms of profit, about x1.6 silver. However, bronze will take up more time to craft and sell since there are about 70+ recipes to craft vs 15+ for silver. Samnell's profit with silver is consistent with mine, about 200+ mil for 9000 tix. All the crafted silvers sold in about 2 weeks.
I roll bronze when I have room and silver when I don't.



I've been rolling top tier I doing this wrong? My Earth/Ice/Ice can max her tickets in about 10-15 minutes.

I get about 1,500 tickets a run and I usually stop at 5,000. The best bang for my time would be to do the low silver and bronze rolls?



I can't agree with bronze per roll makes more money. I rolled all my rolls silver today and got several Oblits, achilles chance for debuff (like 50mil or so), Eradications and some others i can't think of atm. I rolled a few bronze yesterday and only got some air bursts, nightmare, serendipity and other stuff i deleted on the spot.

There's really no rhyme or reason to it. See what tops off at what level and roll where some of the highest paying recipes are. 15-19 silver got me 2 achilles procs today as it tops at 20.

Like purples, random is random. Rolling silver or bronze or gold don't mean you gonna hit jackpot on every roll, or even half of them. Noone can really say, just roll here. I've gotten LotG 7.5's on gold lev 45-50 just as often as a lev 35-39 gold roll. *shrug* I wish you could say, "just roll .....".

What i would like to see is the actual level of the recipe drop in the level range that you choose. I think that'd be an awesome way to help the markets middle ranges where there are 0 available. I might actually play toons under 50, then.



I roll 34-39 silver, I make about 750mill every 10runs(on a good day) I make as low as 200mill. Fire farm, clearing the whole hallway in 5minutes on a claw/fire brute = 22k prestige. I did not record the inf per run, I dont worry about due to drops and mainly making INF for Prestige later on. Saved up about 20billion in a week. That's without pvp farming . I made about 4.6mill prestige

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Originally Posted by Samnell View Post
My impression was that 10-14 had decent returns but was very crowded, to the point where the overnight sales on several of the better things in the pool (the knockback protections especially) were not enough to be worth posting them.
This is always the problem with asking how to make lots of inf on the forums. Many other people read these posts and follow the same advice. When lots of people do the same thing it causes an increase in supply, which results in a decrease in price, because people would rather sell quickly than clog up market slots with stuff that doesn't sell.

The way to make money on the market is to sell what is in high demand and short supply. Since that varies on a daily basis, there's really not one answer. You need to evaluate this yourself by looking at the market, gauging what the supply and demand are, and then do what your research tells you will make you the most money.

That is, once you've got your tickets, check the market and see what's selling for a lot, has a lot of bids, recent sales and a very small supply. Then make rolls that will hit the largest number of those items.

I find the best approach is to make bronze rolls when I need uncommon recipes that are very expensive (Reactive Armor, for example). I'll roll at a level that will get me what I want, and if I get them, great. If not, I'll sell the good stuff that I don't need.

I personally don't like the 10-14 range because it excludes Reactive Armor and Kinetic Combat, which are always in high demand, and I use them all the time in my own bids.



Originally Posted by Its_Me_Matt View Post
I roll 34-39 silver, I make about 750mill every 10runs(on a good day) I make as low as 200mill. Fire farm, clearing the whole hallway in 5minutes on a claw/fire brute = 22k prestige. I did not record the inf per run, I dont worry about due to drops and mainly making INF for Prestige later on. Saved up about 20billion in a week. That's without pvp farming . I made about 4.6mill prestige
I can save you 2 minutes per run. I do, probably, the same ambush farm. Watch your tickets. When you hit 800 or so, pop the glowie. You should cap in about 3 minutes without clearing the whole hall. Unless you just want the extra prestige.



Originally Posted by eryq2 View Post
Watch your tickets. When you hit 800 or so, pop the glowie.
I stop at 750tickets. Bonus gives 1/2 of the cap.

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Originally Posted by Its_Me_Matt View Post
I stop at 750tickets. Bonus gives 1/2 of the cap.
Ok. I just wondered why you cleared the whole hallway because at that point youre already capped. It takes me less than 3 minutes to cap it and half the ambush is still there. lol



Originally Posted by eryq2 View Post
Ok. I just wondered why you cleared the whole hallway because at that point youre already capped. It takes me less than 3 minutes to cap it and half the ambush is still there. lol
It takes me under 90 seconds to earn 750 tickets on a Claws/Electric Brute, and I can do that at level 8 with nothing slotted. See my thread HERE.

Goodbye and thanks for all the fish.
I've moved on to Diablo 3, TopDoc-1304



Originally Posted by TopDoc View Post
It takes me under 90 seconds to earn 750 tickets on a Claws/Electric Brute, and I can do that at level 8 with nothing slotted. See my thread HERE.
Cool. 750 is half of the cap tho. So, 750x2 and 90x2. So, 1500=180 secs= 3 mins. About the same as i said above.

Your point? Nm. After reading your link it seems like youre just liking Claws/Elec brutes and trying to get others to like them. lol.

Your Build shows alot of taunt auras and purples scattered in them. You can use those same Taunt recipes to build up the SNL defense in /FA, too. It don't take much more to build a good SS/FA build. It all boils down to what you want. I, personally, don't care for /Electric outside of Powersink. Mix in Burn from /FA and Healing Flames and /FA is just as good. Its damage output is as much of it's survivability as other sets defense/resists powers.

Footstomp+Burn+KO BLOW is just as fun of a combo as any in Claws, imo.



Originally Posted by eryq2 View Post
Cool. 750 is half of the cap tho. So, 750x2 and 90x2. So, 1500=180 secs= 3 mins. About the same as i said above.

Your point?
I should have phrased it better. It takes under 90 seconds to earn 750 tickets from defeats. Start timing once inside the mission, less than 90 seconds later I'm clicking the Mission Complete glowie to cap at 1500 tickets and exit.

Goodbye and thanks for all the fish.
I've moved on to Diablo 3, TopDoc-1304



Originally Posted by eryq2 View Post
Like purples, random is random. Rolling silver or bronze or gold don't mean you gonna hit jackpot on every roll, or even half of them. Noone can really say, just roll here. I've gotten LotG 7.5's on gold lev 45-50 just as often as a lev 35-39 gold roll.
From my experiment:
9999 tix = 142 bronze 30 rolls

Sales over: ___# of sales
>=20 mil________4
10-19.9 mil____11
5-9.9 mil______29
500k-4.9 mil___39

So out of 142 rolls, 1/3 were trash. Only 4 rolls were over 20 mil. 1/4 were worth under 5 mil. Of course, the values of the rolls are dependent on its relative worth on the market. At the time I rolled bronze-30, the big sellers were Reactive armor, Basilisk gaze and LotG Def.
The top 25 bronze sales net 280 mil in profit. The top 70 bronze sales net 380 mil. Basically, the farmer only needs 25 good bronze-30 rolls out of 142 to match the profit from 19 silver-30 rolls. Even if half the bronze rolls were worthless, the rest of the good rolls could net about 350 mil. Also, there's a lot more chances to get good rolls in bronze than in silver.
Still, YMMV and the market value may change.