level 1-10 raids




Since the devs are removing the old tutorials...can we get the devs to redo the old tutorials into some very low level 1-10 Raids?

The Outbreak Raid: A team of 8-12 Heroes get together to secure the area that is being ravaged by The Infected. The last phase of the Raid consists of the team fighting wave after wave of Infected while a small team rushes to activate terminals that secure that zone.

The Breakout Raid: A team of 8-12 villains are gathered by Kalinda to break out one of the fellow Destined Ones from the Zig. The Raid starts with entering the prison by steam rolling through guards, prisoners and Long Bow. The end of the raid includes a breaking out of two or three Destined Ones.

The rewards for these raids can be temporary powers that expire at level 11 or enhancements that follow the Going Rogue enhancements but lose their procs at level 10.

Before anyone says this is stupid or lights the flames of hate! We already have the maps, tech and other parts of this idea to make it happen...I would pay for these.




I personally don't dig raids or raiding, but I suppose it'd be no skin off my back if they did this. It'd just be another bit of the game world (like the Incarnate content, the PVP zones, or redside beyond ~level 20) that my personal preferences mean I most likely won't be seeing. Time was I'd have opposed the whole thing based on a zero-sum view of game development (stuff I'm not interested in playing = waste of development resources that could've been spent on stuff I'd like), but I'm older and mellower now.

Besides, it does look like it could be put together out of parts that are already on the shelf, as you've described it, with the possible exception of the rewards. Given that it's low-level, they could just make it hand out a small fistful of merits. Everybody seems to like those.



Originally Posted by Shadow Wail View Post
The rewards for these raids can be temporary powers that expire at level 11 or enhancements that follow the Going Rogue enhancements but lose their procs at level 10.
just a note, the GR preorder enhance procs expire at 21 and only if you actually train past lvl 20

i like the idea of temp powers though or maybe create a series of super low lvl HO type of enhances such as the hydra and titan Os which dont have a purpose to lvl 50s but are fairly nice if you exemp a lot or are still lvling



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
just a note, the GR preorder enhance procs expire at 21 and only if you actually train past lvl 20

i like the idea of temp powers though or maybe create a series of super low lvl HO type of enhances such as the hydra and titan Os which dont have a purpose to lvl 50s but are fairly nice if you exemp a lot or are still lvling
I know I wrote it out so there is a distinction between the pre-order ones and the raid enhancements.

The maps are already in the game and I think it would be awesome to use them as such.




I could get behind this idea, though I'd suggest making the reward something that doesn't expire or at least expires later than level 11. A lot of people can and do level past that pretty quick, I'd rather have something I can keep using rather than something that I'll throw away after an hour or two of running missions. They could have it be a source of those new AT-specific sets we saw, maybe. Since they're supposed to level with you, it makes sense to get them at low level. Or at least it does to me. Note: A source, not the only source. Especially if you can't exemp down and run it with a higher level character cause that'd kinda suck.

[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?



Originally Posted by Shadow Wail View Post
The Breakout Raid: A team of 8-12 villains are gathered by Kalinda to break out one of the fellow Destined Ones from the Zig. The Raid starts with entering the prison by steam rolling through guards, prisoners and Long Bow. The end of the raid includes a breaking out of two or three Destined Ones.
I have to ask, what would be done with the regular contact mission that already has you doing this? Re-write, pull it, or have two of the exact same mission at different lvls?

Then, perhaps your butt cheeks will relinquish their grip on your chin." -The_Zekiran



Originally Posted by MortisEques View Post
I have to ask, what would be done with the regular contact mission that already has you doing this? Re-write, pull it, or have two of the exact same mission at different lvls?
My scenario isn't exactly like the later storyline. many things can change or you can take the indirect approach. The future missions and the earlier missions complement each other.




Having a raid for toons under level 10 might not be much fun because often toons don't "bloom" until they have some variety on them. Mind you, aren't bank or safeguard missions essentially like mini-raids?

Blue side, don't forget the Caverns of Transcendence trial, which has a minimum of 12, with higher level toons exemplared to 14.
