Are elec dom's any good?
Don't attack me...
I'm just coming back from not playing for about a year. I am interested in making an electric dom, but they seem a bit underwhelming. A sleep patch, bleh. A jumping knockdown power, bleh. And then there's the jumping confuse power. Just looking at it...doesn't seem like it's all that powerful, nor brings anything unique to the table. What say you? |
Let's go over that again.
#1: Sleep Patch
It has a sleep patch.
A targeted AOE sleep patch.
That you can put around corners.
That you can stand in with your regeneration / recovery aura running.
That also drains your enemies endurance
And gives your team-mates endurance.
Whether or not your enemies are sleeping.
So it's a Sleep Patch + End Drain + End Recovery.
#2: It has a jumping Knockdown power
Okay, fine. If you slot it with knockback IO's, yes, it will do knockback.
Slot it with damage IO's... and it does knockdown.
So you've got a power that will knock opponents over keeping them in place.
And you've got a sleep patch that also drains endurance and gives your teammates and yourself endurance back.
And you've got a method to keep enemies on that sleep + end drain + end recovery.
You've also got something that will arc to enemies that aren't necessarily in target-aoe range.
Who cares if the enemies are strung out all over the place.
You are STILL going to hit them.
#3: It has a jumping confuse power
Let me get this straight.
A confuse power that jumps from target to target...
does not confuse the whole mob at once...
thus allowing confuse aggro to spread through-out a mob...
is somehow a Bad Thing?
It's pretty obvious that the powers you somehow see as being "weak" or "underwhelming" are simply anything but weak or underwhelming. All of those powers bring a unique experience to playing a Control Set. Those powers you wrote off.. Are Exactly Why You Would Play the Power Set to Begin With.
Speaking of Electric Primary
I have an electric/ice dom and I like him. From what I've seen from other electric doms I have noticed they tend to be more Melee orientated then other doms. Granted they have the ranged portion of the set, which I use very often, but the melee part has good damage and because of that I tend to blast them, "hold" them, then move into melee. The ranged powers of the set also do well in pvp. This Dom is the only one I take into PVP. I pvp my elec/ice dom and it's the best pvp dom I have.
Overall the elec set does lack the damage for a melee set, but that's why it has the ranged attacks. Does this help our electric doms case? Nope, but at least I have more then one ranged attack. It literally makes no sense why a dom set would have allot of melee, but no defense against it. Without a second set that had some holds it's not worth it in my opinion, but with holds from a second set I find the elec dom playable and fun.
Electric doms are not blasters and not brutes but have the powers of both at a more limited damage output ratio. You can however enjoy a run to level 50 with a nice core of powers to compliment a team. Granted you will not be the center toon of a team, but you can be one of the funnest to play. I say make one and play it. : D
I do not like elec secondary. YUCK.
"edited for spelling" I type to fast. : P
Player on Infinity server
Overlord of "The Fiend Army"
39 Level 50 Toons
I think Electric Control is one of the better control sets. It offers a lot of different, layered, control effects. Sleep, knockdown, immobilize, end drain, confuse, hold. The end recovery you get from the drains is also great!
@SBeaudway on Pinnacle, TaskForce Titans Supergroup.
I thought I should mention that the sleep patch re-sleeps awoken mobs. So, it is closer to a fear patch than a sleep patch in the way that it functions. Think Spooky +end drain +end recovery
Don't attack me...
I'm just coming back from not playing for about a year. I am interested in making an electric dom, but they seem a bit underwhelming. A sleep patch, bleh. A jumping knockdown power, bleh. And then there's the jumping confuse power. Just looking at it...doesn't seem like it's all that powerful, nor brings anything unique to the table. What say you? |
The sleep patch (which reapplies the sleep every few seconds) means it works a bit like a Fear power, things can wake up if damaged, shoot once and then go back to sleep. The End Mod it also provides is just gravy on top of this, especially coupled with :
Your PBAOE End Drain power. This won't lock things down totally, because it doesn't prevent recovery but it means you can stand in amongst the sleeping enemies and watch their blue bars shrink.
The chained knockdown starts off as awesome and then becomes a bit marginalized. It's a very slot-cheap power though. 1 Acc is enough on it (damage is rubbish so don't bother). It's also a good place for offensive procs like the Chance of Hold from the Ranged Damage set (but not the Chance for Stun from End Mod). It looks very cool.
The chained confused won't aggro. So you can cast it from afar and watch the pink madness spread without fear.
The best thing about all of these powers is that they all recharge relatively quickly. Which means on a fast moving team you aren't without something to do on every spawn.
Most secondaries are good with it too, Fire and Thorns have issues with the DoT interrupting the sleep patch but any other secondary goes with it well (some people criticizes NRG due to the knockback but I've found the ability to have controlled knockback on tap via power push to be an excellent bit of additional control vs bosses).
My Elec/Elec and Elec/Psi doms disagree with you...
The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.
If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-
I am not going to try to add to the technical feedback provided so far, but after trying multiple doms....
elec/ is my favorite dom set.
bar none.
Thanks for the responses folks. To the people freaking out about how powerful it is, and my being unaware of this...that is why I created this thread. If I knew what electric was capable of, I would be playing it and kicking butt instead of asking what it can do.
I was unaware of the fun things you could do with the sleep patch. I've been playing since CoH beta, and anytime I see "sleep" anything, I shy away from it. It usually does not suite my style of play. But I can see just how powerful it would be, especially considering it keeps re-sleeping people. Very cool stuff, and is a very unique approach to sleep mechanics. I can only imagine how awesome this would be combined with drain psyche.
I really wanted to use thorns with electric, but am considering something else now. I really want those gremlin pets...they look awesome, and sometimes that's enough for me in this game.
What is the best combo with electric for both a dom and a cont?(I know this is highly subjective, but I want some opinions on this.)
Thanks for the responses folks. To the people freaking out about how powerful it is, and my being unaware of this...that is why I created this thread. If I knew what electric was capable of, I would be playing it and kicking butt instead of asking what it can do.
I was unaware of the fun things you could do with the sleep patch. I've been playing since CoH beta, and anytime I see "sleep" anything, I shy away from it. It usually does not suite my style of play. But I can see just how powerful it would be, especially considering it keeps re-sleeping people. Very cool stuff, and is a very unique approach to sleep mechanics. I can only imagine how awesome this would be combined with drain psyche. I really wanted to use thorns with electric, but am considering something else now. I really want those gremlin pets...they look awesome, and sometimes that's enough for me in this game. ![]() What is the best combo with electric for both a dom and a cont?(I know this is highly subjective, but I want some opinions on this.) |
For a Controller, I like my Elec/Rad. Because Elec has a PB AoE aura and a nice ranged AoE control power, Electric combines well with Choking Cloud. I throw out Static Field, then run into the group with Conductive Aura and Choking Cloud running. In a short time, all the foes are held and/or drained of endurance. So far, I think Rad has the best synergy with Electric Control.
Your misunderstanding about Static Field was pretty common when the set was introduced. Sleep powers were mostly disliked by everyone but Mind Controllers and Doms. But Static Field is arguably the best Sleep power in the game. As a pulsing Sleep patch, it certainly has some functional similarities to Illusion's Spectral Terror, which is Illusion's best AoE control power.
LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control
Yeah, I've considered Elec/rad as a controller as it seems like it would be a beast. Plus, there's a ton of conceptual builds you could come up with.
We must think alike, because Elec/Earth is highest on my list right now for a dom. Although it seems /mind would mesh exceptionally well with Elec/ as it pertains to end drain.
/Thorns are my all time favorite dom secondary, but I think the dot's are going to P me off with this particular build.
Electricity set is the easiest set for soloing. Drop patch out of sight and just pick your favorites. The aura allows you to have enough endurance most of the time.
It does have some drawbacks. It lacks hard, aoe control. The confuse jump is kinda slow so you should do it afar and wait a bit.
Jolting Chain is a fun and unique power.
The sleep patch is the best power IMO. If you have two elec draining, most mobs are drained and slept. And those patches can hurt your eyes too if the color is too bright. :P
What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.
Elec Control is a pretty awesome set. I was the same way before I rolled my Elec/Earth Dom. I saw the powers and thought they were underwhelming, but you really don't understand how well the controls stack until you play it. My Dom can shut down entire mobs without mobs even noticing I'm there. Then I can go in melee and take 'em down with no aggro, in the middle of a group. That sleep patch pulses so if you attack one, it'll just get hit with the sleep again after you wake it up. It really is a great set.

Wild Streak - Lv. 50(+3) Beast Mastery/Sonic Resonance Mastermind, Amnesty - Lv. 50 Staff Fighting/Dark Armor Stalker
Let me add my 2 influence. Static field is the cornerstone of the end draining. In the process of leveling up, it works a strength multiplier because it passes end off to the less-than-ideally slotted melee folks.
Conductive aura will also pass endurance to your dom/controller, but also provides +regen. There is also brief mitigation while targets are affected by conductive aura that they stop attacking you. This feature stacks well with static field. I stand in the static field.
Jolting chain does minor damage, but the main feature is the knock down AND -end. Your elec user doesn't have -recovery per se, but you have a quickly recharging power that does significant -end. It's semantics. The chain knockdown is 'ghetto' soft-hold since foes cannot fight while in knockdown mode.
This brings me to the gremlins. Slighted by many dominators as weak, you get two pets that do -end, knockdown on heavy rotation on foes in a sleep patch. This is a mitigation machine stacking knockdowns with yours with the additional -end -- AoE style. They also do a great job of grabbing aggro from foes. If left to their own devices they over-aggro. I will cover this later.
The synaptic overload, your chaining confuse is best used in the middle of the current targets in preparation. You cast it on the NEXT spawn. I love how blasters freak when an entire spawn is fighting itself.
What some folks are pointing to, but it isn't obvious: Electric control doesn't have a lot of fast acting alpha eaters. No stone spears, no flashfire, no earthquake. The AoE hold, paralyzing blast is good, but not always available. If you are solo, you take the first contact, the alpha, at a slower pace, but the end drain can catch up quickly and make the finishing faster than you might think.
Your best friends are tanks, dark defenders, other controllers and doms with those instant controls, and masterminds geared to soak up incoming attacks.
I like electric melee. I like having 3 solid melee attacks. Of the electric control powers I would suggest to use more often than not - jolting chain. It will save your bacon.
Triumphant Defenders Forever
Psylenz FF/Psi, ArticQuark Storm/Rad, Symon BarSisyphus Bots/psn, Max VanSydow Thugs/Dk, Cyclone Symon Bots/stm, Blue Loki Ice/Cd, Widow 46526
HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.
Only the initial blast of jolting chain does -end. The chains do not.
I was going to post a comment about how I didn't really like electric control. It's an effective enough set, but doesn't really have anything great enough about it that makes me want to play it. But then I started to think about the fact that the only control sets I actually think are worth playing are plant, fire, and earth, and mabye mind. That made me realize that I might be a bit more picky then most about what I want out of a powerset.
Basically IMO, a good control set provides control, plus something else generally. For example Fire has control, plus extra damage with hot feet and imps. Plant has control, plus seeds is really the best every spawn control IMO, plus it has carrion creepers. Earth has control, plus control, plus some debuffs. Mind's main pull IMO is that it has some flexable control, plus you can do some interesting stuff with the confuse and sleep at high levels. That's why it's a maybe.
So from that perspective, when I look at Electric, I see a control set, that doesn't have much else. It can be an effective control set, if you use all the powers effectively, but it's ultimately a low damage set, and the only perk it has is Conductive Aura, and that's just not enough IMO. Course that also tend to apply to Gravity and Ice control, and plenty of people like those.
One slight advantage I see for electric control is that like plant and mind, it has a confuse and sleep power, which are cheap purple sets.
I was going to post a comment about how I didn't really like electric control. It's an effective enough set, but doesn't really have anything great enough about it that makes me want to play it. But then I started to think about the fact that the only control sets I actually think are worth playing are plant, fire, and earth, and mabye mind. That made me realize that I might be a bit more picky then most about what I want out of a powerset.
Basically IMO, a good control set provides control, plus something else generally. For example Fire has control, plus extra damage with hot feet and imps. Plant has control, plus seeds is really the best every spawn control IMO, plus it has carrion creepers. Earth has control, plus control, plus some debuffs. Mind's main pull IMO is that it has some flexable control, plus you can do some interesting stuff with the confuse and sleep at high levels. That's why it's a maybe. So from that perspective, when I look at Electric, I see a control set, that doesn't have much else. It can be an effective control set, if you use all the powers effectively, but it's ultimately a low damage set, and the only perk it has is Conductive Aura, and that's just not enough IMO. Course that also tend to apply to Gravity and Ice control, and plenty of people like those. One slight advantage I see for electric control is that like plant and mind, it has a confuse and sleep power, which are cheap purple sets. |
So from that perspective, when I look at Electric, I see a control set, that doesn't have much else. It can be an effective control set, if you use all the powers effectively, but it's ultimately a low damage set, and the only perk it has is Conductive Aura, and that's just not enough IMO. Course that also tend to apply to Gravity and Ice control, and plenty of people like those. |
It is lock down and defeat in complete safety - more so than any other set I've played.
If you set you sights on ONE power being the power that defines the set you are going to be very disappointed. Electric Control is about how the combination of effects can really shut down a mob or even several mobs if you know what you are doing. I have two Elec Doms and one Elec Controller and they can effective neutralize many foes at once. Again its the combination of effects that really make things shine..
The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.
If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-
How would Elec/kin controller work out? End drain + fulcrum shift looks tasty. And I like to move quick through missions so SB + siphon speed sounds nice.
IMO Rad would be superior.. Speed boost will not make your pets attack faster anymore.. they will move faster.. but not attack faster...
The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.
If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-
If you're daring enough, you can try an elec/ta controller rather than going the dominator route (personally, I think it's a better dominator set, but I love it paired with trick arrow). The two sets synergize quite well, and when you get oil slick arrow, it's absolutely amazing. The pets can be somewhat annoying at times, but just up your difficulty a bit and your enemies stop flying around the screen because of jolting chain.
Talen_Lee: Taking absorb pain is like branding 'H' on your forehead. Which stands for 'Failure'
Scarf_Girl: ever since I six slotted my Rp with cyber/emo Hami-O enhancements they haven't been able to touch me
I was going to post a comment about how I didn't really like electric control. It's an effective enough set, but doesn't really have anything great enough about it that makes me want to play it. But then I started to think about the fact that the only control sets I actually think are worth playing are plant, fire, and earth, and mabye mind. That made me realize that I might be a bit more picky then most about what I want out of a powerset.
Basically IMO, a good control set provides control, plus something else generally. For example Fire has control, plus extra damage with hot feet and imps. Plant has control, plus seeds is really the best every spawn control IMO, plus it has carrion creepers. Earth has control, plus control, plus some debuffs. Mind's main pull IMO is that it has some flexable control, plus you can do some interesting stuff with the confuse and sleep at high levels. That's why it's a maybe. So from that perspective, when I look at Electric, I see a control set, that doesn't have much else. It can be an effective control set, if you use all the powers effectively, but it's ultimately a low damage set, and the only perk it has is Conductive Aura, and that's just not enough IMO. Course that also tend to apply to Gravity and Ice control, and plenty of people like those. One slight advantage I see for electric control is that like plant and mind, it has a confuse and sleep power, which are cheap purple sets. |
How will Gremlins react to a lit OSA?
When there is no room left in Hell, the Dead shall walk the earth.
How would Elec/kin controller work out? End drain + fulcrum shift looks tasty. And I like to move quick through missions so SB + siphon speed sounds nice.
I'm not sure Elec/Anything Controller is going to move *that* quickly through solo missions though, at least not if you raise the difficulty much. There's just not much of a base damage output to buff there, so despite all the +dam you're never really pumping out the damage (although I guess you'd have great recharge on epic/patron attacks, so it could work out once you're in that level range - mine hasn't quite got there yet, though I did brief tests when they were in beta and the results were average at best imo).
Given Gremlins' default behaviour seems to be to rush off mid-combat to find a spawn you've not aggroed yet, I'm not sure you'd notice any difference with OSA

Don't attack me...
I'm just coming back from not playing for about a year. I am interested in making an electric dom, but they seem a bit underwhelming. A sleep patch, bleh. A jumping knockdown power, bleh. And then there's the jumping confuse power.
Just looking at it...doesn't seem like it's all that powerful, nor brings anything unique to the table.
What say you?