Level 2 PvP tonight @11 PM Eastern on Champion




Like the topic says: Level 2 PvP is going down tonight, starting @ 11PM EDT (8PM PDT). The idea is to just make a new alt, street sweep to level 2, then hop into arena. I'll be throwing Inf at people who show up, randomly and also some for the winners. I've had a few people offer to give more Inf to the event. So far it's a 1 billion prize pool, so lots to go around. (One thing to note is Arena often bugs out, so please try to make it to pocket D to avoid that happening)

A few points:

  • Level 2 only (you can bring a lvl 1 if you want but will be a lot weaker). That means no exemplaring to level 5 and pretending like you're level 2.
    This is for fun!
  • Only Banned AT is stalkers because no one will have perception.
  • Depending on how many show, we may do a few different modes: 2v2v2vetc, 8v8, FFA, and so on
  • Grand prize to whoever gets the most kills over the course of the night
  • Random participation prizes (hopefully up to 50 mil or more)
  • Max recovery
  • No Insps
  • No travel powers
  • No Heal decay/travel suppression
  • Bring your friends!

For more info, pst @Hemm

p.s. I'll be in some arena matches on Victory at 9PM Eastern, so I may not get tells around that time.



Oooooooo NIce im coming!




I am not a big fan of PvP, but this sounds awesome! Hope I can make it.




Might want to remember when making a new toon to add the Arena channel to your chat list so the event can coordinate.

Also remember the /arenalist command, so you don't have to sprint to Port Oaks. (No Pocked D at lvl 2.)



Originally Posted by Shadow Wail View Post
Any additional rules on ATs?
As of tonight, It's just stalkers that are banned.. everything else is free game. And for anyone planning to try real hard to win: the first place prize will be the biggest, but there will be a lot more Inf thrown around just for participating. Prize pool is up to 2 bil now.



I'm giving out Inf prizes, and you can always send me more, which I would add right into the pot.



I had lots of fun tonight thanks for hosting Hemm!!




It was a lot of fun!
Thanks for putting this together Hemm!

Originally Posted by Wavicle View Post
CoH players are stupid and incompetent compared to WoW players.
As was said in Gran Torino, "Your world is nothing more than all the tiny things you've left behind", let CoH be one of those things. Don't forget, forgive.



I agree it was a lot of fun. I'll try to think of something besides FFA that will be accessible to more people (e.g. those not accustomed to team PvP play). So, more of this next week!