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  1. RosaQuartz

    Full set


    Working on getting me a full set as well, but I will never have as many as 31 fiddies.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
    "This enhancement functions as a set bonus and is always on, even if in a toggle that is turned off or even if the power is greyed out because of exemplaring. However, the bonus of this Special IO is turned off if one exemplars more than three levels below the level of the Special IO itself"
    A Level 30 Steadfast Protection, slotted in something like Fire Shield, would work until you exemplared down to level 26 or lower (more than 3 levels below the level of the IO).

    A Level 10 Steadfast Protection, slotted in the same power, would work until you exemplared to level 6 or lower.
  3. I'm a Stoner that doesn't take TP. I've made a bind that switches from Rooted to Super Jump, and I have enough recharge that it takes very little time for Rooted to come back up.

    Hitting SJ auto-turns off Rooted and vice-versa. So I can jump into melee, hit Rooted, SMASH, and SJ on to the next mob. I have a Stealth IO in SJ as well to give me that little extra half-second before everyone notices me.

    I have another bind that does the same with Granite/SJ.
  4. From my part of the country the Netherworld is a cheesy haunted house.

    As for the Spiritual Plane, I mentally associated it with the DC Comics concept of the Phantom Zone.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Diggaroo View Post
    Besides, if they should add anything to the forms, it should be faster shapeshifting (imo).
    This is the reason why I don't use multiple forms.
  6. I assume that a lot of the "vanity" powers is an attempt at monitizing potential new tech that could lead to exciting new features.

    Four-legged rigs (German Shepherds, etc.)
    Vehicles (Hoverboard)
    Interactive powers (Flying disc)
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
    Due to connections, he got into black ops. Blacker and blacker, all the way toward vigilante, and finally his government said "no go!" and he totally went whackball.
    Same thing happened to the A-Team, and they're still heroic!

    I pity the fool who thinks otherwise.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ShadowMoka View Post
    Statesman kills Dumbledore.
    Statesman is Racer X.
    Statesman tames the shrew.
    Statesman is The One.
    Statesman was a replicant.
    Statesman sends Ilsa on the plane with Laslo.
    Statesman was actually Keyser Soze.
    Statesman was the name of the sled.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kheprera View Post
    We finally allowed our oldest to see the Star Wars movies when he was 7 (last year) and kept that secret. Itwas a source of geek pride to hear screamed through the house "DARTH VADER IS HIS FATHER!?!? AAAAAAHHH!!!!"
    Did the same thing. What was especially cool was that he's also a fan of the Clone War cartoon, and Anakin is his favorite character.

    I got to watch his mouth literally fall open. Then he started sputtering. I had to pause the movie to let him catch up on all the implications.

    Three days later he was still talking about it. It was a very rewarding experience.
  10. Getting this badge was the first time I ever thought "wow, Trip Mine was extremely useful".

    TEMPEST: They are both guilty of many crimes, but, let us pose the question to you. Shall we take just Kadabra's life and spare the woman? Perhaps you... er, what are you doing?

    INGABORG (kneeling in the water): Oh, nothing. You were saying?

    TEMPEST: Um, I was saying that it is time for judgement to pass on them... what do you keep putting in the water at my comrades feet?

    INGABORG: Oh, these things? Just the second most useless power in the /Devices powerset. Oh, and I'll be saving them both. Boom.

    (TEMPEST and other Knives vaporize.)
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Judas_Ace View Post
    Why exactly is it in my face?
    I think you may need to sit back from the monitor a little bit.
  12. I have not remotely seen evidence of what the OP is describing. I've been playing and contributing on trials on all ATs, and have never been denied because of my AT.

    They only stipulation I've seen is league leaders for UG, TPN, and MoM wanting at least +2 incarnates.
  13. Taking the war walls down around Perez Park, giving it a spruce-up, and joining it up with a city zone would definitely feel like a "win".
  14. Could it also have something to do with the obilisk that Wade is using? Perhaps it traps more than just their superpowers.

    Yeah, more likely though it's "they just can't".
  15. I'm working on a new scrapper that I intend to level only through street sweeping, TFs/trials, and tip and scanner missions. However... I will not repeat content. I did the sewer trial once.
  16. Halley Phillips
    Juliana Nehring
    Dr. Ann-Marie Engles
    Tristan Caine
    Mark Freeman
    Jill Pastor
    Karen Parker
    Pavel Garnier
    Guy Denson
    Tom Bowden
    Justin Greene
    Wilson Eziquerra
    Kirsten Woods
    Lorenzo Tate
    Melanie Peebles
    Wilma Peterson
    Amanda Loomis
    Dennis Ewell
    Jake Kim
    Lou Pasterelli
    Merisel Valenzuela

    All for being redundant and out-of-the-way.

    I don't want to kill Georgia Fields or Justin Greene, just move them closer to the train.
  17. You had me at jetpack. Literally my most desired ANYTHING in this game since I started playing in 2005.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    In talking to various people, I got the impression it was mostly an aesthetics/animation issue.

    We can look into porting it over, but no guarantees that it will happen or in what timeframe we can accomplish it in.

    I love you guys, but how many times have the playerbase responded to things like this with "let US decide if we like the aesthetics" before it's taken to heart?
  19. Raptus Regaliter: To prove that he's the smartest man in the room. To take over Crey Industries, or destroy it... depends on his mood. To create a personal army of supernatural cyborgs and achieve with it as much personal power as possible.

    Kiini: To glorify the goddess of her cult with blood sacrifice, and make a little money as an assassin-for-hire while she's doing it.

    December Man: If you asked him, he wouldn't be able to tell you. All he knows is that he seems to have no empathy to the pain of others.

    Ro-Bust: She's pretty much insane, and she enjoys causing others mental anguish.

    Molm Reindar: To be the world's most perfect killer.

    Zaphoirza: To pay back the debt she feels like she owes to Raptus Regaliter, whom she doesn't actually realize is a horrible, horrible person.

    Axe Jeeves: Usually he's quite content in his job as a butler. But sometimes people upset him, and he has to kill them. With an axe.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
    The Shard Cannon should totally be proliferated to use with Assault Rifle (including Masterminds), and VEATs. It's pretty darn awesome looking.
    No reason it shouldn't be. /Robotics, /Mercennaries, AR/, and /AR for everyone.
  21. I'm a Dominator (43), a Peacebringer (36), and a Widow (30) away from having a 50 for every AT. I'll be making pushes on those guys.
  22. Thanks for the information, Zwil.

    I will not be buying these, but good luck to the ones that do.
  23. Thanks Dink, I've been wanting the Baron jacket for my Time/Beam Defender ever since before I re-rolled her from being a FF/DP Defender!
  24. I'd like to try the early run with Huntswoman Emmanate, hopefully to be done before Arial's MoLGTF run at 9:30 eastern.
  25. OK, hate to complain... but I really dislike getting attuned for the Valentine's Day tips. It should simply offer the attunement mission if you already have the Handsome/Beautiful badge.

    Also, I still haven't gotten an attunement with any of the three characters that I've re-run the Ganymede/Scratch story arcs with. All they do is send me to DJ Zero for Snaptooth. I have yet to deliver a Valentine. Clearly I'm not doing something right, but it seems like the directions for this event are not particularly clear.