661 -
Not sure I get it, what exactly are you (The OP) proposing?
Do you wish to move some of the current accolades to trials?
If so: Which ones?
OR are you proposing to create new accolades to be gained through trials?
Are there powers or stat gains associated with any of these particular accolades?
OR is this just about accolade badges? -
I don't mind having to unlock Cim, but I would like to have some alternative mission arcs to do it with. I have put roughly 40 toons through the same mission arc, they need some variety.
In my opinion, the Midnighter's need some lovin, more access locations, a new zone or three and an expansion of Cim would be very very sweet, and adding a Deadelus or Sister Arailia TF would be cake. But most importantly some new unlock mission arcs! -
. . . OK, I am guilty of many of the things of Forbin's list. . .
And actually calling it dumb was unkind of me, but I do not understand why they made it any different than the other purchased travel powers. -
Quote:Both Walk and Rocket Board are working exactly as the devs intended. Nothing is broken. Get used to it.
They could still work much better though. It would certainly be nice if at the very least your toggles restored when you turned the power off. Seriously though, Ninja Run and Beast Run and Steam Jump do not cause de-toggle, why should any other purchased travel power?
And if that's exactly what the Dev's intended. . . Well then that's kinda dumb in my opinion. -
I have 41 on the same server with my first account, and 10 on the same server with a second account. In the beginning I only added the second account to be able to manage my SGs, but since then I have gotten into alt fever.
Yes please, add another page, Yay for 60 per account!
(Edited for poor counting) -
Base/SG NPCs are on a lot of wish lists.
Add a few more to your list, functional NPCs like a Trainer, a Market Rep, a Hero Corps Analyst, a Tailor and a Vendor. Other NPCs could include completely cosmetic or fluff types, like Cleaning Staff (Humans or Robots), a Butler and Maids. -
The more I think on this the more I like the idea of continued XP. The reward could be something as simple as Reward Merits for every XXX amount of XP gained with maybe a badge for reaching a significant benchmark. Or perhaps something a bit more substantial, I guess for me the exact details are really less important than the acknowledgement of your continuation.
Quote:For the most part I agree, but I think they could stand an improvement in overall quality as well. . .I like cutscenes.
Although, I would like the option to skip the long ones when I have seen them 20 times.
Isn't NCSoft Korean owned? That is the land of animation these days, perhaps they could do some actual cartoon cell animation if it were not too technically challenging to develop? -
I always wanted a Phone Booth change emote! When activated a phone booth appears that your toon steps into and then steps out of in the new costume.
As for the Darkness theme, perhaps your toon steps into a shadow then steps out in the new costume. (Then the same animation could be used for my phone booth! Heh heh heh.) -
Good point Leo_G, I had not considered level 50 debt. Great ideas, excellent thread contribution!
Some great ideas here. New music and beach would be major cool!
Giving Praetorians access to AE would also be a great benefit. Moving the RWZ AE to Pocket D makes good sense to me.
A trial staging area also makes sense, if the staging room were limited to toons who were actually able to be in incarnate trails it would save a lot of grief for League Leaders who have to boot non-qualified toons before they can get started. People outside the room would still be able to join via the Que so they wouldn't HAVE to be there of course.
Having vendors and a Market spot also makes good sense to me.
One idea kicking around in my head would require more contacts and mission arcs run from Pocket D. Pocket D "Merits" (D Bucks? Or seasonally themed and named thingies like Candy Hearts, Chocolate Rabbit Eggs or Firecrackers ect. . .) or something of that nature, made equal too and interchangeable with Candy Canes, used the same way to purchase costume parts or unique invention sets like the Winter Travel Power set. -
I really like the idea of gaining a reward of some type where the next level would have been. Gaining a reward merit (Or two!) every time you refill your XP bar would be very cool.
In many respects I agree that Pocket D should become more of a co-op social hub. AE & Market access would help a lot for that, so would a "Trial Assembly Room". I would love to see more co-op mission arcs and contacts based out of Pocket D all year round as well and not just for holiday events.
On the other hand, I can see closing the winter ski slopes seasonally, but I do think their current season is way too short. -
At least now you can pass through them instead of being trapped in a room by them!
Quote:Of all the things Lord Misogyny could be using female mind slaves for, I'm pretty sure "beat the crap out of Statesman" is about the only one that works precisely in the opposite direction of his implied goals. It's not like there's a way to make your minions bow down and kiss your feet whilst trembling in awe.
Hm m m I would imagine that they could use the /petsay Praise emote which would accomplish the same thing. -
The FX can get to be ridiculously overwhelming at times, 'specially in league trials like the Underground. There will be some many different FXs (Effects) going on that you cannot find targets or see anything in the cavern, I will really like to be able to use a slider to tone them down, way down! And lets be honest, many other players will often willfully choose the most intrusive and annoying colors possible for their powers. . .
I really like the idea of a prestige badge(s), if not a running total for each individual toon then maybe an account wide badge(s) for total player prestige. Either way or maybe even both, I see nothing wrong with awarding this badge(s).
I think the team leader can already click (On the map) on a target if it shows on the map and accomplish exactly what you want. But only the team leader. Otherwise, if the target is not on the map, you can have all your team mates target YOU and they will then attack YOUR target. Perhaps not exactly what you want, but it should help you accomplish some of what you are asking for.