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  1. Always enjoy the posts, Steelclaw. Keep it up!

    You forgot one though:

    "Ever notice no matter how far the evil henchmen run from the hostage when the escape is no more than 20 yards away the hostage just won't move?"
  2. Keep in mind, most of NCSoft's money comes from the Lineage games and Aion had a brisk start overseas. CoH/V will look like a smaller piece of the pie without failing or doing anything wrong.

    CoX is now working on year seven and in an almost 1 1/2 half lull between major content (yes, I'm glancing over stuff like the Posi TF change, 5th Council TF and Mission Architect). CoH lulled before CoV and it repeats now before Going Rogue.

    We all await Going Rogue eagerly. Then I want to see the magic numbers for Quarter 3 2010. If they're still that low... I'll /cry then join in DOOOM!

    Until then... OMG Electrical Control wanting will continue for me. I'm fine, you're fine we're all fine.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Castle View Post
    You *might* want to hang onto that Mission Computer. Just sayin'.
    Sigh. I have to leave it in my Hero and Villain bases.

    The Feng Shui is already in balance.

    Any chance we can get some Rikti Practice Dummies to kick around in a Dojo Room?
  4. Gremlins in Cap have Charged Bolts and Charged Brawl (at least the animations).

    I see a Tesla Cage animation in one of the photos and the looks of a single lightning arc animation steaking through another mob (can't tell what that is).

    The developers have been good to add new tricks to sets released post-Croatoa/Issue 5. I'm sure there's some new tricks (like Swap Ammo in Dual Pistols, Combos in Dual Blades, team buffs and Shield Charge in Shield, etc.) in Electrical Control (and Kinetic Melee).
  5. Rejolt

    Kinetic Melee!

    Kinetics as a set was based on boosting damage/recovery for yourself and teammates while affecting enemies in the opposite way.

    Can you imagine if your endurance, speed, damage, etc. increased as your enemies' abilities went the opposite way with each attack?
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Errant View Post
    That was me. I later interrogated War Witch and Mod 8 about PvP during the Meet and Greet, bringing up a lot of the old wounds from I13, and learning a lot more about what happened on their side with it. Long and short, it's gonna get looked at again, but the PvP community needs to show that there's a need/desire for additional adjustments to PvP, as well as a viable player base that will be affected by positively by changes.

    Server transfers helped, the leage (no U!) helps, but we do need to keep it moving and working. So, established PvP'ers, bring in the newbs. New players, try it, it's not ALWAYS as bad as ya fear/heard.

    Also, lolz Dull Blade brutes in PvP.
    I kinda hate PvP, both because I stink at it and what it brings out of people at times. That said: Rock on. CoH didn't launch with PvP but we darn sure had a ton of resources put into it for it not be more used.

    More power to you and I'll gladly be PvP fodder if it can be made more fun and to the PvP communities liking ( that two different things?). Good luck, Errant!
  7. Evil! Mainly posting here so my forum signature can be seen!

    Aaaand... Wooooo!!!

    Empathy and Force Fields are so out of my mind I don't even have any Mids plans up for them. Perhaps Demon Summoning/Force Field so I can make my own... Evil Petting Zoo!

    I made level 1 toons to camp Elec/elec names prior to Castle's post saying no real plans for Electrical Control - I'll need to hurry and resave them lol.

    How's Mary Mayhem sound for an Electrical Dominator?
  8. Closed beta friends and family starts for Going Rogue this coming week. I'd have to think the other test server is for the rest of us lunatics to test out Demon Summoning and Issue 17... soon(tm).
  9. Yeah the mind races with ideas now. Such as: "I totally did not move enough toons off my home server for this."

    While Super Reflexes makes sense with the "Chi" look of the attacks, I'm thinking Willpower for Kinetic Combat. The real question is how much range will you use, what PBAoE it has and is it a good idea to be in point blank melee with it.

    I can see blasters wanting this. Energy Blast/Kinetic Manipulation would give us 1,000s of Goku wannabes running around. Or for something less stomach turning: HADOKEN! (EDIT: It's what I get for not reading the full thread - at least I'm not the only one thinking it!).
  10. I'd make some ungodly combo of Kinetics with either Radiation Emission or Dark Miasma. Who needs to attack with that pairing!

    Ok, as I run to change my signature... OMG Electrical Control back on the table! Darn you Castle for playing with my heart strings!

    I may pre-purchase now.
  11. [QUOTE=Satanic_Hamster;2726044]Eh. Kinda saw this coming for a while.

    Just wish they'd revamp Positron's Blast...


    I just want two or three more set options for Targeted AoE that doesn't include a PvP or Purple set.

    As for lawlz set bonuses... was a fan of doing this: If you get a damage resistant bonus - you get a damage boost to that type of damage by half (Positron Fire/Cold 1.56, .78 boost to fire/cold damage, i.e.)

    Also, mez resistance gives half back in duration increases. So, 1.65 sleep resistance increases the duration of sleep powers by 0.825 and the reverse would be true (2 percent increase in Hold effects gives a 1 percent hold resistance effect). I've always though an AT that uses fire should resist fire (even blasters) and a controller should resist holds... and this would be a way to do it.
  12. I... er... um... /looks at signature...


    Ahem: Kidding aside, thanks for the direct response, Castle. I hope to see Electrical Control in the future (with some electrical mastery powers for controllers) and can't wait to see what Demon Summoning looks like in action.

    For kicks, the set I wanted -
    1: Electric Fence
    2: Shocking Bolt
    3: Electric Fences
    4: Thunderstomp (PBAoE Knockdown and stun, no damage, footstomp animation)
    5: Static Disruption (Static Discharge animation Cone Sleep and -End/-Rec intensive power).
    6: Lightning Field
    7: Shocking Blast (Thunderous Blast's animation, Targeted AoE Hold)
    8: Summon Gremlins: 2 of the rabid Death Surge guys. They'd be a little taller than the Cap versions.
    9: Hand of Zeus: Essentially Shocking Grasp melee hold with a Chain Induction effect that includes a Mag 2 Stun (made for combining with Thunderstomp).
  13. EDIT: I really need to check dates on posts more carefully lol. Best wishes, RedTomax, and thanks, Saint!
  14. Rejolt

    I need to vent!

    Originally Posted by Laevateinn View Post
    I'm stealing this line.
    What about:

    I don't negotiate with terrorists. I have Batman's writers.
  15. Rejolt

    I need to vent!

    My rule is this with speed boost:

    If you are a Defender, you must always keep track of that flashing Icon to keep it on all 7 toons.

    If you are a Corruptor, be sure to check now and again for endurance bars. Stop to give speed boost if players hit about half.

    If you are a Controller, hit anyone who is dead blank on endurance with speed boost.

    This assumes you don't already plan on a 20-second window for reapplying SB in between autofiring Transfusion (which I did when the crew I rolled with ran STF/LRSF).

    If you play a kinetic and have speed boost and choose to not use it when players need it, you don't care for team play or don't know how to play your toon.

    As for kicking, if I think kicking a player will hurt our chances versus Recluse, I'll stomach their bad play and behavior. I wouldn't have kicked until the other 6 openly demanded it or the player in question actively tried to spike the TF.

    I don't have an issue with you kicking though. The player threatened to leave. If you don't have the star and do that your chances of staying on that TF aren't good.
  16. If anyone has moved toons off of Infinity and didn't re-use the names and would be willing to share them then feel free to add them here.

    I'll get the ball rolling (names now available):

  17. Try adding up your high-speed gaming-centric web costs vs. a decent, good for browsing/work connection since you started with online gaming. Our actual games & fees come off like child's play.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
    The only financial aspect of the game I find depressing is the other games I have bought in the past 6 years that I don't play hardly at all.
    This. I recently and stupidly clicked the Antivirus XP2010 virus on my gaming rig and just now started the first Uncharted (I'm using my PS3 as a bad browser) and took the wrap off my preordered FIRST Mass Effect.

    Now that is a waste of cash. CoH/CoV has been worth every penny.
  19. To this day, it boggles my mind that cosmic balance doesn't help your team in return or buff fellow Kheldians.

    I felt a return of one buff back to each AT (accept maybe mag 2 mez resist) would do.

    Khelds would give 2.5 def per PB and 2.5 to hit per WS to each other on team.
  20. This would be a great time to annouce the villian-only, level-30 to 35 Task Force!!

    /e someone whispers in ear.

    What? They're not? Come on it's been over 4 years!! Why can't we...


    I've always wanted a second zone option for low to midlevel villians. A 15 to 25 option so players wouldn't be forced into Cap for 15 to 20 or Shark for 20 to 25, but at least there are TFs that can make those levels fly. A 30-35 TF for redsiders has always felt like a strange omission.
  21. Ugh, if they allowed for full control over minion costumes.. can you imagine the entire crew of Paragon Studios running around as your Thugs?

    "UNLEASH.... INTERN WAR! (one of you 10, get me coffee)."

    In "another" hero game, someone made Bill Roper their Nemesis. We were amused.
  22. Rejolt

    Zomg i17!!

    Wanted: A Katie TF-like event for Faultline.
    Got: An upgrade from the Positron TF that ends at the dam.
    Result: Happy (well, until I actually run it!).

    I know, I should crack on you for reporting this when it's well discussed elsewhere but about the split-up Posi TF:

    Droopy: I'm haaaaaaaapy.
  23. For more serious business...

    Who here will be farming PvP IOs once all accounts become active March 4th?

    You know... just asking.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CaptainAmazing View Post
    OMG I remember that! XD We never did find out where they spawned that from! :P
    A Nemesis Plot of land...


    As for this continuing discussion of the pricing setup for GR: Paragon Studios is free to charge whatever they want for their products. If they charged $49.99 for the expansion and given no free time with it I would have paid it gladly.

    Their setup as is helps me be patient for playing new sets with new content is all.
  25. EDIT: Removed photo link of Cyberdemon "Shoot Cyberdemon until he dies from it!" or something like it comment.

    Sadly, there are protip magazines and hint guides selling for $14.99 to $19.99 for games where you basically move left to right and hit the A button.

    I've never picked up a NASCAR racing guide, but I'm sure it's 100 glossy pages of "Turn Left."