Rumours about an electricity control set - any truth to them?




Is there any validity to these rumours? I mostly see them on threads that talk about i-17, or GR, and I'm curious if there are any valid sources behind them. I think it would be awesome to have an electricity set, but I don't want to get my hopes up.

I also don't like hysteria getting started over stuff that isn't true, so I'd also like to know for sure if it's not happening, so I can correct posters who say it is.



Originally Posted by Berzerker_NA View Post
Is there any validity to these rumours? I mostly see them on threads that talk about i-17, or GR, and I'm curious if there are any valid sources behind them. I think it would be awesome to have an electricity set, but I don't want to get my hopes up.

I also don't like hysteria getting started over stuff that isn't true, so I'd also like to know for sure if it's not happening, so I can correct posters who say it is.
At HeroCon, one of the new powers guys said that Electric Control was his first job on the Powers Team, and that the set was almost finished (at least, the powers coding, BAB was not there, so no one could ask about the animations).

Electric Control is coming, it is probably just a matter of finishing the animations at this point. It will probably be released with the issue release that accompanies Going Rogue (Issue 18), since the two major new Powersets (Dual Pistols and Demon Summoning) will have already been completed and tested before Going Rogue goes to beta.

New story arcs coming soon (ARC IDs will be aded when I finish the arc):
So, you want to join the Hellions? (level 1-14 Villainous arc)
Sparks & Steel (level 5-20 Heroic arc)
So you want to join the Skulls? (level 1-14 Villainous arc)



It will be a nice addition and at this point I welcome it. Not sure if I would roll a Elec controller, or not considering I took a Kin/elec to 50, but Elec is better fitted as a full blown control set then it is as blast set.

(insert further sticking a fork into the defender AT ramble here)



Hmm. I don't know what to think of an Electric Control primary.

I would, of course, roll an Electric/Storm controller immediately.

None of the other combos really grab me conceptually, except maybe Electric/Rad. Depending on what is in the primary, Electric/TA might be OK. But ... meh.

Elec/Storm definitely though.

Now, if Controllers ever get /Traps or /Dark Miasma, then hell yes to Elec/Dark and Elec/Traps.


Random AT Generation!
"I remember... the Alamo." -- Pee-wee Herman
"Oh don't worry. I always leave things to the last moment." -- The Doctor
"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan



I'd love to make an Electric/Traps. Though I'd prefer to get the Mastermind version so we can detonate our pets instead of the useless Time Bomb.



I would roll an Electric/Radiation or Electric/Kinetic ... What would be all kinds of awesome is a dmg aura in Electric Control... It would prolly make it the next lolfarming build



Originally Posted by JG_alts View Post
I would roll an Electric/Radiation or Electric/Kinetic ... What would be all kinds of awesome is a dmg aura in Electric Control... It would prolly make it the next lolfarming build
Fire would still put out more damage and thus still win the farming title. Even if I'm for Elec control, it still does feel like "peeing in the pool" of my level 50 Kin/elec. If Elec got a damage aura, it would be a huge slap into the face of defenders. I think outside of the obvious controls, stuff like sleeps, confuse, and an AoE end drain like Short Circuit is put in there versus a damage aura.




It is true,

that these are rumors.




Originally Posted by Amy_Amp View Post
Even if I'm for Elec control, it still does feel like "peeing in the pool" of my level 50 Kin/elec.

On a Defender, /Elec is a Blast set, not a control set. Sure, you get a single target hold. I guess if you are building for end drain, you kinda prevent some of the more elaborate foe attacks by keeping their end drained, but it mainly only works because the primary is Kin. Still, its a support/blast combo. Even sparky is effectively a quasi damage over time thingy, not a pet. Unless the bulk of what Electric Control does is end drain-ish, I don't see how there would be a conflict or even a valid comparison between electric blast and electric control.

If you want to Support/Blast, make a Defender. If you want to Control/Support (arguably also known as Support/Support) roll a Controller. I still believe most of the hurt feelings come from the names of the ATs, and not about encroachment of territory. Damage/Support = Corruptor, Mastermind. Support/Damage = Defender, Dominator. Damage/Damage = Blaster. Support/Support = Controller. Pick your poison.

Anyway, I never played Kin/Elec past the late 30s, and I never had an attachment to it, so I don't really quite feel how its peeing in your pool to have Electric Control .... though of course we'll have to see what the set does.

If Elec got a damage aura, it would be a huge slap into the face of defenders.
I don't agree. All that matters is that its balanced compared to the game generally and to controllers specifically. If elec did have a damage aura (and I hope it doesnt) it would simply have to be balanced vs Fire Control.

Now, I think it would be a bad idea to have a second Control set that has a damage aura, so I'm against Electric Control having one. I like that each AT has (usually) one combo or build that works a bit different. Fire Control is already the Damage-oriented control set. There shouldn't be another. However, in theory, as long as it isnt more effective than fire control, I dont see what it has to do with Defenders. There are Defenders that arguably out-control a Controller, and there are Tankers that rival scrapper damage and there are tankers that rival controllers, etc. So, I don't mind an outlier / damage type controller at all. Its just that we've already got one.

So Elec shouldnt have a damage aura (IMO). I do agree with that, just for different reasons.

I think outside of the obvious controls, stuff like sleeps, confuse, and an AoE end drain like Short Circuit is put in there versus a damage aura.
I'm hoping they avoid end drain entirely in Electric Control, or at least I hope it isnt the primary mechanism of mitigation. Oh, there will probably be some super minor end drain in all the powers, justifying why they suck a bit more than other control sets. Other than Electric Melee, most of the Elec sets in the game have this theme. But yeah, I personally want to see stuns and confuses and the like, I'm not really super excited about end draining powers.

Anyway, all in my opinion, just having a conversation, etc. I doubt we'll change each others minds, I just find it fun to discuss! Have a good one.


Random AT Generation!
"I remember... the Alamo." -- Pee-wee Herman
"Oh don't worry. I always leave things to the last moment." -- The Doctor
"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan



Originally Posted by UnicyclePeon View Post
Because I got my Kin/elec into the 40s and then saw what a Fire/kin could do with better mitigation and better damage. Considering this was my soon to be first 50, it really kind of took away the forthcoming achievement. Now you give controllers Elec and it's another case of anything you can do I can do better. Even if a Kin/elec does better damage, it's still low damage and I'm not sure controller's better mitigation doesn't more than make up for it.

Note, on something like the LGTF I will 10 out of 10 times take my Kin/elec over my Fire/kin for just the 4 EB mission alone. Too bad end drain isn't worth much in this game, or I could say I would pick my Kin/elec more often.




Elec/elec dominators? Yes please!

*edit* Oooh..then we could finally make mu characters!



Originally Posted by Amy_Amp View Post
Fire/kin could do with better mitigation and better damage.
Fair point, and I see what you mean.

The rest of my post isn't an attempt at a rebuttal, rather its just more rambling out loud opinion stuff.

To me, Kin is less about damage mitigation and more about power amplification. I personally viewed my Kin/Elec (which I only played to level 37) as a "buff / multiply the team while throwing in some damage from time to time" character. That's probably why I quit at 37.

I guess I don't normally like the defense sets as primary unless they are mitigation heavy, and especially when that mitigation takes the form of control.

I LOVE Dark Miasma, Radiation Emission, Storm Summoning, and Traps. I like Trick Arrow a lot but I hate /Archery and can't stand redraw when I'm blasting. But, Trick Arrow would definitely be a favorite primary if not for redraw. I like, but have a hard time playing (as primary), Cold Domination, Empathy, Force Field, and Sonic Resonance. I grew to dislike Kin and would never play another one, largely because when I'm going to be indulging in support as primary, don't enjoy power leveraging unless it also comes with a very heavy dose of mitigation and preferably control.

Of course, /Elec is my least fave Blast Set (having played Elec/Dev and Elec/Energy Blasters into the 30s, a Kin/Elec to 37, a Rad/Elec to 33, a Storm/Elec to 34, and a Dark/Elec to 50). I love the look but /Elec is constantly pissing me off. That probably magnified my dislike of Kin as a primary (tho I didnt like Kin/Sonic either).

Anyway, just random thoughts on a very slow work day.


Random AT Generation!
"I remember... the Alamo." -- Pee-wee Herman
"Oh don't worry. I always leave things to the last moment." -- The Doctor
"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan



Originally Posted by Seldom View Post

Elec/elec dominators? Yes please!

*edit* Oooh..then we could finally make mu characters!

Nope, you would still be missing the heal, if anything Mus are Elec/Storm Corrs with only O2 boost and perma hover/fly.

"Yes, winning all the time can be boring."

"It's amazing how well you can put up with endurance issues if you hide them under a large enough pile of bodies."

-Spiritchaser speaking on Dom Revamp



Originally Posted by Amy_Amp View Post
Fire would still put out more damage and thus still win the farming title. Even if I'm for Elec control, it still does feel like "peeing in the pool" of my level 50 Kin/elec. If Elec got a damage aura, it would be a huge slap into the face of defenders. I think outside of the obvious controls, stuff like sleeps, confuse, and an AoE end drain like Short Circuit is put in there versus a damage aura.
The /elec defender set is probably the most gimped set in the game. Every other defender blasting set has an advantage of the blaster version of having a stronger secondary effect. IE. sonic does more damage resist debuff, rad does more defense debuff, mental does more recharge slow, etc. But defender electric does exactly the same end drain as blaster electric.

Only that balances your set is that defender kins add more damage bonus to their allies/pets than controller kins.



Still holding out hope it'll turn out to be Water, Insect, Time, Atomic, Air, Chaos, Light, Fate, anything really. Though I'd play Electric if we got it. Electric is just such a "been done" concept. There's already a Blast, an Armor, an Assault, a Manipulation, and a Melee, as well as two or three APPs and a patron power pool. I would love to see a new Control set, but I'd fall over with joy if it expanded the existing character concepts. Electric would be fine for a quick-and-dirty port using existing animation assets and a few new powers.



Originally Posted by Amy_Amp View Post
Because I got my Kin/elec into the 40s and then saw what a Fire/kin could do with better mitigation and better damage.
Fire/kin... mitigation? I don't think I'd be jealous of fire/kin's mitigation by any stretch.

I say this after having leveled a pair of fire/kins together. Sure, they have decent control, but it's very binary and has very little margin for error. Either you get everything perfect and you win, or something goes wrong and you're dead before you have a chance to recover.

Earth/storm, on the other hand, now that's mitigation

I do agree the defender /elec damage is very low, and you could probably say that any AT/powerset does better damage. On the one defender I have with it, I gave up and slotted for endmod, but was lucky enough to be on a static team so doing next to no damage wasn't an issue.



Originally Posted by Lightfoot View Post
At HeroCon, one of the new powers guys said that Electric Control was his first job on the Powers Team, and that the set was almost finished (at least, the powers coding, BAB was not there, so no one could ask about the animations).

Electric Control is coming, it is probably just a matter of finishing the animations at this point. It will probably be released with the issue release that accompanies Going Rogue (Issue 18), since the two major new Powersets (Dual Pistols and Demon Summoning) will have already been completed and tested before Going Rogue goes to beta.
Sunstorm worked on Electric Control as a training exercise when he first started working for us. The set is currently sitting in the spreadsheet I have set aside for such things. It was a good effort, but by no means ready for release, and there hasn't been any announcement of us working on the set at all.

I'm not ruling out Electrical Control as a set, but it is only one of several sets that are in the wings waiting for the thumbs up to proceed with.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
Sunstorm worked on Electric Control as a training exercise when he first started working for us. The set is currently sitting in the spreadsheet I have set aside for such things. It was a good effort, but by no means ready for release, and there hasn't been any announcement of us working on the set at all.

I'm not ruling out Electrical Control as a set, but it is only one of several sets that are in the wings waiting for the thumbs up to proceed with.
If you're going to crush my dreams, at least tell us something is being done to spruce up Gravity.



At least we have a dev response on the topic. Put the rumors to bed so we can move on to the next thing.....................

@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
" are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
Sunstorm worked on Electric Control as a training exercise when he first started working for us. The set is currently sitting in the spreadsheet I have set aside for such things. It was a good effort, but by no means ready for release, and there hasn't been any announcement of us working on the set at all.

I'm not ruling out Electrical Control as a set, but it is only one of several sets that are in the wings waiting for the thumbs up to proceed with.
Thank you, Castle.

This is the kind of communication that I, as a player, have never ever gotten from any other development team of any other MMORPG that I have ever played.

This kind of openness and willingness to talk about things going on behind the scenes is refreshing, amazing, and very very very welcome. I dare say that it is practically unique among the industry, and it is the reason I consider City of Heroes to be the best MMORPG with the best community and the best development team ever.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
Sunstorm worked on Electric Control as a training exercise when he first started working for us. The set is currently sitting in the spreadsheet I have set aside for such things. It was a good effort, but by no means ready for release, and there hasn't been any announcement of us working on the set at all.

I'm not ruling out Electrical Control as a set, but it is only one of several sets that are in the wings waiting for the thumbs up to proceed with.
From what we heard from Hero Con, I thought that it was confirmed as coming soon(tm)?

[CENTER]Euro side: [B]@Orion Star[/B] & [B]@Orions Star[/B][/CENTER]



O.o so what are the other sets that are waiting on a thumbs up ????



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
Sunstorm worked on Electric Control as a training exercise when he first started working for us. The set is currently sitting in the spreadsheet I have set aside for such things. It was a good effort, but by no means ready for release, and there hasn't been any announcement of us working on the set at all.

I'm not ruling out Electrical Control as a set, but it is only one of several sets that are in the wings waiting for the thumbs up to proceed with.
*looks at Castle, looks at Sunstorm*

Hey guys, if I make you brownies, will you finish Electrical Control? Please? (If not by GOING ROGUE, then Issue 18 would be fine.)

I promise, the buzz will keep you awake and raring to go for about a week. Just let me know what alcohol you want as your flavouring and I'll send it up to Mountain View.


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