Redd Rumm

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  1. Damn !!! just when i thought i was gettin out they bring me back in !!!!
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Commando View Post
    So how many other people, besides me, have fought Malta's Gunslingers ?
    LOL me an while im busy flipping around like an idiot ! the gunslinger just aims an 1.. 2.. 3.. im dead. im reminded of that scene in Raiders of the lost arc where the guy with the sword is showin off an Indy just pops him. its like bringing a paintball gun to Iraq.
  3. I really dont know I think I would rather have a damage buff & end redux I can pretty much figure out my own def. my Dp cold corr is kinda end heavy with me tryin to hover every where lol. My own fault for tryin to go more for concept than performance. But floating hail of bullets does look awsome (until i face plant )
  4. I dont know about Dp/Kin it seems to be a little too busy for me . just thinkin about all the cries for SB while im busy doin mah gun dance makes my head hurt i went with dp/cold. i do ok even tho its my secondary responsible for most of my killing, the pistols make me feel like im shooting spitballs on a drive by
  5. I took taunt on my wp brute . but only for selfish reasons the more aggro the faster my regen an the bigger my fury bar . an i dont like to share me aggro ! Brute Smash !!!!! I tell the squishies to stay back with there holds an mezez if u aint healing or speed boosting go hide untill i either face plant or kill every thing lol. Tanks & Brutes are like Superman an the Hulk while supes is tryin to save you Hulk only saves you by default.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rodoan View Post
    simple answer: yes.
    and I'd go so far as to guess you'll see it alot at first.

    So from now until GR launch it would be good to get the word out to the "blue side only" players that incoming blue Brutes will perform differently than tanks. I'm guessing dominators, corruptors, and stalkers may have similar issues. MM's not so much. They are visually so radically different than anything blue-side, with the exception perhaps of illusion controllers, that they will probably be treated decently from the start.
    you know i never thought about that ! Bring one of my MM's blueside an be the talk of atlas ! how fun would that be a MM on the posi !!
  7. Redd Rumm

    Electric armor

    I have tried again an again to make elec armor work on a brute an i just cant stand it ! So i was wondering how was it on a tank an what secondary would u recomend for one . like would a elc/ice tanker work ?
  8. Ummmm. No ! dont make one, pay no attention to my uber claw/sr brute sure I can take down a av ! but that doesn't concern you ( we dont speak of brute claws here) JK. when we brutes got claws i was like what a ripp off ! untill i made one an i was forced to eat every bad word i ever said about claws i dont think i have ever had a better brute. only my elc /sheild can compete wit it
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vitality View Post
    With GR coming...
    How many of you will re-roll your Tank into a Brute?
    How many of you will re-roll your Brute into a Tank?
    How many of you will stick with your Tank blueside?
    How many of you will stick with your Brute redside?

    Why will you re-roll your Tank into a Brute?
    Why will you re-roll your Brute into a Tank?
    Why will you stick with your Tank blueside?
    Why will you stick with your Brute redside?
    Oh im sorry is this a Who is better ( Tanks suck/Brutes can't tank) thread ? i must have taken a wrong turn.Oh well good luck with your trolling
  10. I mostly make concept toons based on what i would like to see in comicbooks , so its not a "replacement" issue im not loyal to any AT .
    I would like to make a "evil tanker " because Ice just seems like it would make an awsome bad guy . I have a elec /sheild brute that im takeing to blue side "Shango" the affrican god of thunder because when i made him Heroes had no elec mele . so GR will open things up for me on a whole new lvl . And i think PvP will be a lot more fun wit good stalkers an evil blappers . I look forward to truly fair pvp no more complaints of over powerd blasters an cheap stalkers if something keeps beatin you up make one yourself
  11. cryo is ok on my dp corr since i took power boost from my patron pool . but .. the set overall makes me feel like i brought a paintball gun to iraq. but i do love how awsome my toon looks . it is a very fun set . an in pvp i managed to get a few kills (mabey the fact that i had heatloss&benumb had somethin to do with that) but hey a pvp kill is a pvp kill
  12. im working on the same build i took hover so i can hover out of mele range an softcap ranged def. but with the short range an weak damage of dp im going to have to rethink my concept a little . ill mabey get the mako armor an buff up some resit also . I forsee myself hibernateing alot .
  13. Redd Rumm

    Dual Pistols

    Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
    I think the issue is mosre that RoA and FA are overpowered (especially in these days of IOs) and Hail of Bullets is more representative of where they should be.
    LOL!! this is prolly why DP is so underpowerd . people saying sets are overpowerd so the devs just figured they would just "nip it in the bud" an make it weak " hey lets nerf arrows an Ar too ! " an we can rename the game " city of weaklings"
  14. No. i had a claw/ elc also stuck at 25 or 26 an i re-rolled to a claw/sr brute and i have not looked back since. some people can make electric armor work but i am not one of them
  15. im working on a rad/ice right now an i spend a lot of time dead since he is only lvl 20 an i had to get stamina . this is my first try at a "blapper" I dont understand how this works either . Is it the life of the blapper to faceplant atleast 3 times per mish ?
  16. Remeber when we used to have to be lakeyed an your stalker mentor would run ahead an leave your lowbie to die a horrible death or how about " Mr wanna stealth every mish " never mind all the drops we could have gotten or the money we could make from killin atleast a few mobs . oh no mr stalker dont worry bout the rest of the team .
  17. Epics at 20? mabey they mean instead of waiting til lvl 24 to resepec Veats you will be abble to do it at lvl 20 ... well who cares . Tell me more about Issue 17 please !!!!!!!!!
  18. Redd Rumm


    I was about to try to roll a new brute an i was wondering Why? does EA have a stealth power. As a brute, I would thing the last thing you would want is to not draw aggro an hide. Who out there has a brute that likes to stealth missions ?
  19. If some one can tell me how to get 90% S/L resit out of fire armor ill forget all about sofcaping def !
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EricHough View Post
    I figured I should follow up with an on topic post: I don't really see the focus on hitting the soft cap as an obsession as much as it is an definite, obtainable goal that can be reached in many ways. As such, it is actually something that you can discuss constructively. With resistance you can't really do anything but take tough on top of whatever other resistance powers you might have in your primary/secondary - then you are done, no discussion needed and nothing more to do as the IO bonuses to resistance are to small and scattered to be worth much discussion. The exception to this is psi resistance - which you CAN actually get to a decent level with IO bonuses.

    So while it looks like folks are obsessed with softcapping they are no more obsessed with that than illusion controllers are with using recharge bonuses to get perma-PA or dominators at getting perma-domination. In all 3 cases you have a goal that is obtainable through IO bonuses but frequently needs a lot of work to get there without compromising the character in other ways. So you see a lot of discussion about these topics because there is actually something to talk about. Where other IO bonuses do not have benefits that are as easily delineated or are not as easy to achieve so they don't get as much discussion.
    I totally agree. its nice to have a obtainable goal a "finish line " thats not impossible to reach.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
    And hopefully one day Castle will wake up and realize how completely and patently broken this is.

    (And this is coming from someone who has an SR Blaster. And yes, I've already donned my fireproof gear.)
    So what you are saying is your blaster is so incredible you need to be nerfed? an not just you every toon like yours?
  22. for so long i have wanted to use handclap in a build let me know if it works out ( i wish they would add damage instead of kb to it ) at the least a super handclap could hurt someones ears !!
  23. Redd Rumm

    fun brutes

    So many brutes so little time ! Claws/SR-- -SS/fire--- elc mele /shield
    all are fun an will make u never play any other toon ever again.
  24. what do you intend to do about the poor SR brutes ? make them totaly useless. they have no resit untill they are half dead ! without the softcap a SR brute is like a 6th toe