Is there any hope for claws/elec?




As a long time player im used to the suxage that the pre 22 game is.

I started a claws/elec brute when the last round of powerset proliferation brought claws over.
That toon is now at lvl 27 (as of last night). And its HORRIBLE. I wanna love this toon, I do. But I just cant.
Im running at -1 X6 difficulty, maybe thats the problem. But its faceplant after faceplant.
Im hopin that energize changes things but I have my doubts.

As a comparision im running up kat/wp and fire/rgn scrappers, those toons are around lvl 33ish. At lvl 24 with those toons I turned the difficulty up to +1 X6.
Now, I know comparing a kat/wp scrap to a claws/elec brute isnt a fair comparision but still...

With no access to mids I cant post a build. However I can tell you I have my 3 elec toggle armors (forget names but all are 3 slotted with resistance SO's), grounded and lightning field. From my primary I have my attacks up to spin without takin the taunt. stamina was takin at 20 and I have CJ.

So, please tell me it gets better. Or tell me what im doin wrong.

Originally Posted by Shadow Ravenwolf View Post
My favorite combo is Faceplant/DebtCap with the TeamWipe Ancillary

Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
Yeah, I like Blasters too.



Claws has some mitigation in its set with shockwave, but not a ton. This lends to being more reliant on the secondary. With kat, you have +def, and regen has great heals.

With energize coming so late in Electric Armor, you're looking at a decent amount of time without any way to really regain HP. Also, given a pre-IO build, powers like energize aren't going to be always available when you need it. So, yes, you probably do feel squishy.

In terms of your power picks, drop swipe for followup. Hold off on Lightning Field for a few more levels and pick up focus. You'll get some knockdown from that attack, which should help your survival some. I usually pick up lightning field at 30, as stamina is well-slotted by then and that's when I have room for it.

Then, for solo, drop the difficulty to 0/4 and turn off bosses if you haven't yet. That's probably what's hurting you so much now.



<-- owner of lvl 50 softcapped claws/sr scrap.

To reiterate, All my attacks up to and including spin have been takin.

Ok, skip lightning field for a couple lvls and pick what up in the meantime? My travel power?
Ill wait till my temp travel expires then do a respec.

You think changin from -1 X6 diff to +0 X4 will make that much of a difference?
Im getting shredded pulling mobs off packs with focus, I cant see how increasing mob lvl will help.

But I do thank you for your response and will try your suggestion about the difficulty change!

Originally Posted by Shadow Ravenwolf View Post
My favorite combo is Faceplant/DebtCap with the TeamWipe Ancillary

Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
Yeah, I like Blasters too.



Originally Posted by JamMasterJMS View Post
<-- owner of lvl 50 softcapped claws/sr scrap.

To reiterate, All my attacks up to and including spin have been takin.

Ok, skip lightning field for a couple lvls and pick what up in the meantime? My travel power?
Ill wait till my temp travel expires then do a respec.

You think changin from -1 X6 diff to +0 X4 will make that much of a difference?
Im getting shredded pulling mobs off packs with focus, I cant see how increasing mob lvl will help.

But I do thank you for your response and will try your suggestion about the difficulty change!
<--- Owner of all things Brute.

(Well, not exactly, but I know my brutes)

You'll want to grab tough and possibly weave if you decide to layer on some defense with IO's on your build. Tough and Energize will change things for you.

I'm assuming you have the following attacks:

That's up to and including spin.

I'm suggesting these powers instead:

Here's how I'd go 1-40 on the build using SO's. I'd frankenslot IO's at level 30 with whatever is cheapest on the market to get some better numbers in your attacks. For a final build, stack on melee or S/L defense to improve your survivability.

Villain Plan by Mids' Villain Designer 1.601

Click this DataLink to open the build!

Level 40 Magic Brute
Primary Power Set: Claws
Secondary Power Set: Electric Armor
Power Pool: Fitness
Power Pool: Leaping
Power Pool: Fighting

Villain Profile:
Level 1: Strike -- Acc(A), Acc(3), EndRdx(5), Dmg(13), RechRdx(19), Dmg(37)
Level 1: Charged Armor -- ResDam(A), ResDam(17), ResDam(23), EndRdx(34)
Level 2: Slash -- Acc(A), Acc(3), EndRdx(5), Dmg(13), RechRdx(19), Dmg(37)
Level 4: Conductive Shield -- ResDam(A), ResDam(17), ResDam(23), EndRdx(34)
Level 6: Spin -- Acc(A), Acc(7), EndRdx(7), Dmg(11), RechRdx(15), Dmg(33)
Level 8: Follow Up -- Acc(A), Acc(9), EndRdx(9), Dmg(11), RechRdx(15), RechRdx(34)
Level 10: Hurdle -- Jump(A)
Level 12: Combat Jumping -- DefBuff(A)
Level 14: Super Jump -- Empty(A)
Level 16: Health -- Heal(A), Heal(37), Heal(40)
Level 18: Static Shield -- EndRdx(A), ResDam(40), ResDam(40)
Level 20: Stamina -- EndMod(A), EndMod(21), EndMod(21)
Level 22: Grounded -- S'fstPrt-ResKB(A)
Level 24: Focus -- Acc(A), Acc(25), EndRdx(25), Dmg(27), RechRdx(27)
Level 26: Lightning Reflexes -- Run(A)
Level 28: Energize -- Heal(A), Heal(29), RechRdx(29), RechRdx(33), RechRdx(33)
Level 30: Lightning Field -- EndRdx(A), EndRdx(31), Acc(31), Dmg(31)
Level 32: Boxing -- Empty(A)
Level 35: Power Sink -- EndMod(A), EndMod(36), RechRdx(36), RechRdx(36)
Level 38: Tough -- ResDam(A), ResDam(39), ResDam(39), EndRdx(39)
Level 41: [Empty]
Level 44: [Empty]
Level 47: [Empty]
Level 49: [Empty]
Level 1: Brawl -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Sprint -- Empty(A)
Level 2: Rest -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Fury
Set Bonus Totals:
  • Knockback (Mag -4)
  • Knockup (Mag -4)
Set Bonuses:
Steadfast Protection
  • Knockback Protection (Mag -4)



As Tonality mentioned, picking up Followup and Focus (and dropping Swipe to compensate) would make a significant improvement to your attack chain. Followup is a decent but not outstanding attack on its own, but provides a modest boost to damage and tohit for 10 seconds. The damage boost is nice but not dramatic on a Brute with so much damage boost from fury; the tohit can be a significant aid, since it is easily made permanent, and possibly doublestacked. Focus is both the strongest single-target attack in Claws and a source of guaranteed knockdown, letting you juggle the more dangerous enemies and significantly increasing survivability. Those Longbow Wardens aren't so dangerous when they're spending the better part of the fight picking themselves up off the floor.

On the overall survivability front, yes, Tough and Energize will help. Shockwave can be either amazing or annoying depending on the terrain and playstyle, but unless you are adamantly opposed to knockback, it's usually a good thing. Power Sink will help a bunch, both to provide endless endurance and to deprive your enemies of it, limiting them to their weaker attacks.

Rule number six of an empathy defender is NEVER underestimate a blaster's ability to die. I don't care if he has CM, Fort, both RAs, bubbles (both FF and Sonic), and is fighting next to a Storm defender with hurricane on. If there is a way to die in that situation, the blaster will find it.



I was thinking spin was the attack right before eviscerate(?), hence why I said all the attacks up to spin. I didnt realize that was the lvl 6 attack. Sorry for the confusion.
I do have focus and follow-up as well. With no swipe.

I guess ill tough it out to 28 and energize and try to work in fighting as well.
Thanks for all replys.

Tonality, with the swappin out of lightning field and superjump, thats basically the build im using.

Originally Posted by Shadow Ravenwolf View Post
My favorite combo is Faceplant/DebtCap with the TeamWipe Ancillary

Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
Yeah, I like Blasters too.



What server are you on?

I have a few Electric's and prior to IO's once I hit L22 and could slot SO's in my armors things were pretty good. L22-25 were usually spent in BB killing Shivan's and getting the time badge. Before PVE in PVP got so messed up.

I also took tough at L22.

Arch light L50 INV/SS
Psiberia L50 Kin/Psi
Screaming Mentallica L50 Sonic/MM

Arc Voltinator L50 SS/Elec
Mind Fire Kinesis L50 Fire/Kin
Flaming Screamer L50 Fire/Sonic



Originally Posted by JamMasterJMS View Post
As a long time player im used to the suxage that the pre 22 game is.

I started a claws/elec brute when the last round of powerset proliferation brought claws over.
That toon is now at lvl 27 (as of last night). And its HORRIBLE. I wanna love this toon, I do. But I just cant.
Im running at -1 X6 difficulty, maybe thats the problem. But its faceplant after faceplant.
Im hopin that energize changes things but I have my doubts.

As a comparision im running up kat/wp and fire/rgn scrappers, those toons are around lvl 33ish. At lvl 24 with those toons I turned the difficulty up to +1 X6.
Now, I know comparing a kat/wp scrap to a claws/elec brute isnt a fair comparision but still...

With no access to mids I cant post a build. However I can tell you I have my 3 elec toggle armors (forget names but all are 3 slotted with resistance SO's), grounded and lightning field. From my primary I have my attacks up to spin without takin the taunt. stamina was takin at 20 and I have CJ.

So, please tell me it gets better. Or tell me what im doin wrong.
Alot of Electric Armor's survival comes from Power Sink, as well. Electric Armor is a late blooming set when it comes to survival.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



At level 27 +0x3 difficulty will yield the best ratio of survival and rewards IMO.

I've rolled up more Electric Armor alts since the buff to see if it's playable or not. My jury's still out. I hated ElA before. It was a laughable set. It tried to be a Resist version of Super Reflexes, but due to the nature of Defense acting as a sort of ghetto +Regen mitigation, it didn't work out so well for ElA, as with Resists you will take at least part of the damage every time, so can be nibbled to death by ducks.

Best case scenario is ElA on a Tanker. They get their heal at level 12. See? Tankers aren't all bad.

The best comics are still 10�!
My City of Heroes Blog Freedom Feature Article: "Going Rageless?"
If you only read one guide this year, make it this one.
Super Reflexes: the Golden Fox of power sets!
WARNING: I bold names.



No. i had a claw/ elc also stuck at 25 or 26 an i re-rolled to a claw/sr brute and i have not looked back since. some people can make electric armor work but i am not one of them