Electric armor




I have tried again an again to make elec armor work on a brute an i just cant stand it ! So i was wondering how was it on a tank an what secondary would u recomend for one . like would a elc/ice tanker work ?



Well, from my limited experience, Tanker armors will out perform Brute armors just on principle so electric armor on a tank will be more survivable but some more info on your previous issues with the electric armor set would be helpful.

I actually like it on brutes. I have a lvl 50 SS/Elec that is a blast to play. He resists 90% Energy, 60% Smashing and Lethal, 50% psi and about 40% everything else. The recharge combination of quick reflexes and hasten (with a little set bonus help, no purps) allows him pretty much spam foot stomp and knock-out blow as well as keeping the new heal up often. He has zero end issues with power sink and runs Tough in place of the fuzzy bear/insta death crash Tier 9 power. He chews up Malta, Carnies and Rikti. Really a fun toon to play.

Each armor set has its perks and the ones that have a "bad rap" usually just have the most vocal group of people that want different perks and since that armor doen't have those perks it "sucks".

As far as Ice goes, it has its own rap as the lowest damage set for tanks. I do have a Fire Armor/Ice but it is still in the low levels so I will defer to folks that know more than me.

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I would pair Elec/ with /SS or /Stone melee. Both very good dmg sets (especially SS), heavy on the endurance side, alot of control (especially SM)... they have a very good synergy with Elec/ and all its endurance tools.



IMO the problem everyone has with electric armor is they are looking for it to be durable. Its durability is adequate on either a brute or a tank if you know what you can get into and what is over your head.

Electric's real strength has always been as a damage dealer. Played right even the most aggresive slotting (meaning no end reduction) will still have no endurance issues. Between energize's discount and power sink you have the endurance to keep on swinging when others are eating blues like candy. Im running a Elec SS tank and i have played a friends ss elec brute. Even with the high end cost and the rage crash i have no endurance issues at the low 30 mark and I have not slotted a single end reduction.

The trouble is with so many builds out there so end heavy teams almost always have some form of endurance buffing (usually a kin but cold domination is awsome and even an emp or rad can help a ton). Ive been running alot of missions and tfs lately without that kin and I dont even miss the endurance buff (Ill always miss the recharge ). For me that is unheard of I have a phobia of a dry endurance bar and often slot my characters to what others think are excessive limits to reduce my dependance on outside buffs. With elec armor I dont have to look for that. I can instead branch out and look for a sonic or maybe a bubbler to fill in the holes I do have.

In short. End heavy tanks look for a kin to manage their blue bar. I look for a sonic/therm or a cold dom/bubbler to keep me in the green. Do I need them? No if I play smart i dont just like the end heavy built tank does not need a kin if they play smart its just nice to have that stuff when you can.

So I think elec does fine if you play to its strong points. However my experiance so far has been with a level 50 brute and only a 31 tank. The brute can be a bit rough taking alphas but it hits like a truck while the tank at 31 anyway seems to just slowly roll on through stuff. I cant wait to IO it.

*readies fire extinguisher*



For Elec/, you'll be better off with one of the secondaries with high recharge but high damage attacks. SS's KO Blow, for example. Even /Elec's Lightning Rod. I probably wouldn't so something like /Ice on it unless it was for concept.

Elec/ in higher levels, you'll probably want to grab Tough and also Hasten to help with Energize recharge. Endurance shouldn't be an issue.



By personally owning a Elec/Elec Tanker.Id suggjest Elec/Elec.The Lightning Rod attack that you can use as a Alpha on mobs not only looks cool and increases your survivability, it also hits pretty hard and knocks down the mob upon using it as a opener.

AoE is KING when it comes to Tanking.I dont care what anyone says to the contrary to it.Its a fact.

Footstomp.....KO Blow.....*Twirls finger in the air*

Footstomp doesnt compair with Lightning Rod, Thunder Strike, Chain Induction, Jaccob's Ladder, and even Thunder Clap will add far more midigation and survivability to your Armor set without having to worry about buying even Tough from your fighting Pool.

If people belive Single Target Oriented sets are the answer for Elec/ then they have to acctually seriously ask why thats belived.

Iv heard the arguments about how the Epic Pool will give thme more AoE potential, and how glorious Perma-Rage is.I call Shinanigans on these statements.

I wouldnt bother going with Stone Melee either.Its got 1 damage Aoe, and 1 short Stun AoE....So not going to effect your survivability enough, and certainly doesnt add to the damage output a Tanker can do on a team.Reality check...It Sucks.

Im surprised people suggjest Scranker Melee sets for Tankers.Then call the Tankers that do ALOT more damage, as well as AoE Damage the Scrankers.

If you want Electrical Armor to be powerful enough for you to play, get a set that doesnt suck.Heck, even Mace or Axe would be far better choices due to the massive midigation and better AoE.



Originally Posted by Fire_Minded View Post
By personally owning a Elec/Elec Tanker.Id suggjest Elec/Elec.The Lightning Rod attack that you can use as a Alpha on mobs not only looks cool and increases your survivability, it also hits pretty hard and knocks down the mob upon using it as a opener.

AoE is KING when it comes to Tanking.I dont care what anyone says to the contrary to it.Its a fact.

Footstomp.....KO Blow.....*Twirls finger in the air*

Footstomp doesnt compair with Lightning Rod, Thunder Strike, Chain Induction, Jaccob's Ladder, and even Thunder Clap will add far more midigation and survivability to your Armor set without having to worry about buying even Tough from your fighting Pool.

If people belive Single Target Oriented sets are the answer for Elec/ then they have to acctually seriously ask why thats belived.

Iv heard the arguments about how the Epic Pool will give thme more AoE potential, and how glorious Perma-Rage is.I call Shinanigans on these statements.

I wouldnt bother going with Stone Melee either.Its got 1 damage Aoe, and 1 short Stun AoE....So not going to effect your survivability enough, and certainly doesnt add to the damage output a Tanker can do on a team.Reality check...It Sucks.

Im surprised people suggjest Scranker Melee sets for Tankers.Then call the Tankers that do ALOT more damage, as well as AoE Damage the Scrankers.

If you want Electrical Armor to be powerful enough for you to play, get a set that doesnt suck.Heck, even Mace or Axe would be far better choices due to the massive midigation and better AoE.
Really? Really now?



Originally Posted by Fire_Minded View Post
By personally owning a Elec/Elec Tanker.Id suggjest Elec/Elec.The Lightning Rod attack that you can use as a Alpha on mobs not only looks cool and increases your survivability, it also hits pretty hard and knocks down the mob upon using it as a opener.

AoE is KING when it comes to Tanking.I dont care what anyone says to the contrary to it.Its a fact.

Footstomp.....KO Blow.....*Twirls finger in the air*

Footstomp doesnt compair with Lightning Rod, Thunder Strike, Chain Induction, Jaccob's Ladder, and even Thunder Clap will add far more midigation and survivability to your Armor set without having to worry about buying even Tough from your fighting Pool.

If people belive Single Target Oriented sets are the answer for Elec/ then they have to acctually seriously ask why thats belived.

Iv heard the arguments about how the Epic Pool will give thme more AoE potential, and how glorious Perma-Rage is.I call Shinanigans on these statements.

I wouldnt bother going with Stone Melee either.Its got 1 damage Aoe, and 1 short Stun AoE....So not going to effect your survivability enough, and certainly doesnt add to the damage output a Tanker can do on a team.Reality check...It Sucks.

Im surprised people suggjest Scranker Melee sets for Tankers.Then call the Tankers that do ALOT more damage, as well as AoE Damage the Scrankers.

If you want Electrical Armor to be powerful enough for you to play, get a set that doesnt suck.Heck, even Mace or Axe would be far better choices due to the massive midigation and better AoE.
Did you just diss Fault?
Well alright then lol.



Originally Posted by PapaSlade View Post
Each armor set has its perks and the ones that have a "bad rap" usually just have the most vocal group of people that want different perks and since that armor doen't have those perks it "sucks".
The only perk I look for from any melee armor is the ability to keep me alive. Pre-buff, ElA didn't do that. Post-buff, it does, doubly so on Tankers who get the heal at level 12, and who have a massive pool of Hit Points propping the resists up.

My only complaint now is Brutes and Stalkers have such a long, squishy trip to Energize. But on Tanks, ElA is golden. Sometimes literally. Thank you, Issue 16!

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Originally Posted by Redd Rumm View Post
I have tried again an again to make elec armor work on a brute an i just cant stand it ! So i was wondering how was it on a tank an what secondary would u recomend for one . like would a elc/ice tanker work ?
I'd suggest Elec/Elec.

One of the things that keeps an Elec Armor standing, is Power Sink. Drain the enemies around you before they drain you down, and then \o/ they stand around and wait.

Elec Melee helps drain them that much faster.

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I love reading Fire_Minded posts, They are often filled with such passion....

SuperStrength goes very well with Elec. First off Foot Stomp is excellent mitigation for incoming damage for the tanker. Rage also adds a nice to hit buff and an excellent damage buff. The Rage crash is often an issue for must tanks but the Elec tank who takes PowerSink can run Rage as often as he wants meaning you could pretty much have a 20% to hit buff and 80% Damage buff 80%-90% of the time. Having an Elec/SS at 50 for a while now I can tell you it works very very well.

Fire_Minded comments about Stone Melee are wrong. Stone Melee has excellent mitigation. Tremor as a knockdown and Fault as a stun both allow you to keep foes on their back or disoriented. Fault also works range ( although its small range ) and can help your friends out as well. Having an Ice/Stone tank at 50 I for over two years I can tell you that /Stone Melee is excellent mitigation.

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Originally Posted by Fire_Minded View Post

AoE is KING when it comes to Tanking.I dont care what anyone says to the contrary to it.Its a fact.
It does when you're solo, at least. If you don't want each mission to take about 2 hours, then AOE powers are your best friends. On a team, though, it might be better to take a single enemy and clobber them. You can challenge the boss and solo him/her, while your teammates mop up all the weaker mobs.

If people belive Single Target Oriented sets are the answer for Elec/ then they have to acctually seriously ask why thats belived.
It's because you never run out of end, I think. Single target is rad when you can just keep going and not need to keep popping blues.

As for me, though. I certainly prefer AOE on a tank, because I tend to play in the late late evenings and you can't always count on finding a team that late. I just taunt all the mobs into surrounding me, and then AOE the hell out of them. It's great.



The thing about AoE is that it is always great for Tanking, is now great for soloing the majority of missions, but a huge waste when taking on Bosses and higher.

The problem is that if you look at pre-change Warmace, pre-change Ice Melee, or even early-to-mid-game Fire Melee, look at how many complaints they got/get. ST damage is still very important for Tankers because the majority of the time, a well-developed Tanker isn't concerned about Minions at all, only slightly mindful of Lieutenants--where you really want to make sure you're making a big contribution is against the big baddies.

If a teammate can't handle a few straggler minions, they...well, then they probably deserve a big LTP. But if that Tanker is letting a boss slip by, there are going to be problems. ST mitigation in the forms of mez and damage are, really, just as important as AoE--unless you're a taunt bot. In which case, I'll grab any number of my non-Tanker characters and contribute more or grab some of my Tankers and speed the team along much better.

In any case, Elec Armour helps both ST and AoE by providing both better recharge and better endurance management tools than most sets at the cost of some durability. Durability that can be made up for.



The only reason I made my Fire/DB tanker as Fire rather than Electric is that Fire was full of things you could cheerfully skip or postpone. It looks to me like the Claws/Electric scrapper that's my current melee project is going to have resistance comparable to the Fire tanker when fully built.

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Gonna have to throw my weight behind elec/elec being the way to go. because of the complete lack of endurance problems you're going to have, you get to toss around your big damage AoEs as much as you want, even against single targets, and electric melee has a good supply of big damage AoEs.



My 50 Elec/Fire is a blast to play.



Originally Posted by NarfMann View Post
Gonna have to throw my weight behind elec/elec being the way to go. because of the complete lack of endurance problems you're going to have, you get to toss around your big damage AoEs as much as you want, even against single targets, and electric melee has a good supply of big damage AoEs.
I wouldn't really say a good supply of big damage AoEs...a pair of ST attacks that have splash damage, a decent damage cone (against anything not energy resistant) early on and one big AoE on a timer that begs for Hasten and IO slotting, yes.

That being said, I do love the Elec Melee set. It has a very unique feel to it.

I still wouldn't write off an Elec/SS build that would basically just repeat Punch, KO Blow, and Footstomp constantly, though.