Stalkers are what?




I'm trying to figure out what my toon is going to be"scrapper if Blueside but not sure about red side" and Scrapper and Brute seem pretty strait forward. I looked through the guides and did some searching but can't sem to find what a Stalker really is.

They attack from stealth for major damage I know. Other than that I think they get scrapper type powers.

Where is stalker in the damage range? Seems like they should be ahead of scrappers and brutes due to the nature of the stalkers attacks ect.. But I have not read that anywhere.

Are they just scrappers with stealth? Do you stealth in groups? that seems a little bothersome with the rush rush rush types i used to play with a long time ago.

Thanks for any information you guys want to give me.



Bah I just read the stalker guides and read over and over...."Stalkers don't team well" Either those guides are way out of date and things have changed or I guess I will look elsewhere. Seems counter productive to create a character in a mmo that doesnt team well.

I hope this is outdated or wrong.



They're essentially Scrappers that trade an AoE attack*, some hit points, and a large chunk of the maxhp cap, for a bit of extra single target burst if you take the time to set up AS. They also trade one of the powers from their secondary for Hide - which provides a little bit of defense (1.875% to all outside of hidden status, add in another 3.75% to all and 37.5% to AoE while in hidden status) and just enough stealth (150') that you can stand next to snipers without aggroing them, at 0 endurance cost.

The base damage modifier is lower, but they get a base of 10% chance to critical on any attack which can scale up with team size, since you get an extra 3% chance to critical for each teammate within 30' of you. That extra critical chance boosts your over-time damage up past Scrapper levels (assuming the same attack chain) on small/medium-sized teams provided your team doesn't scatter to the four winds every fight. That's also not factoring in the guaranteed criticals from hidden status.

As to whether or not the trade is worthwhile... well, that's up to each person to decide for themselves. Personally I think that Stalkers still are on the short end of the melee stick overall - the lack of AoE in most sets and all secondaries hurts in PvE - but they can do some respectable damage (to a single target, they're potentially the highest damage melee AT in the game with the 31% critical rate on a full team) and can be very sturdy if built well.

* - Electric Melee for Stalkers doesn't trade an AoE attack, it trades a damageless AoE stun to pick up Assassin's Shock. Essentially they get something for nothing there.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



Originally Posted by Wyvernclaw View Post
I'm trying to figure out what my toon is going to be"scrapper if Blueside but not sure about red side" and Scrapper and Brute seem pretty strait forward. I looked through the guides and did some searching but can't sem to find what a Stalker really is.

They attack from stealth for major damage I know. Other than that I think they get scrapper type powers.

Where is stalker in the damage range? Seems like they should be ahead of scrappers and brutes due to the nature of the stalkers attacks ect.. But I have not read that anywhere.

Are they just scrappers with stealth? Do you stealth in groups? that seems a little bothersome with the rush rush rush types i used to play with a long time ago.

Thanks for any information you guys want to give me.
Below both for damage.

They are, think *tactical* they can put an enemy down, faster then almost ANY AT, bar maybe a blaster. They have *tricks*. The AS is a nice AoE debuff control-thing.

But truth being, as AWESOME as stalkers are. They are more of an odd class, they just DON'T have a place on a team really.

But if you think of them as anything, think of them as Scrapper-blasters.



Thanks for the information guys..If I go redside i will pick another At. Stalkers do sound neat but seem a little more advanced. That along with the less team friendly means i will save the stalker for a alt.

Thanks again.



Originally Posted by Wyvernclaw View Post
Bah I just read the stalker guides and read over and over...."Stalkers don't team well" Either those guides are way out of date and things have changed or I guess I will look elsewhere. Seems counter productive to create a character in a mmo that doesnt team well.

I hope this is outdated or wrong.
Stalkers team well; they - like Scrappers, honestly - just don't bring much to the team except damage.

Like every AT, what they bring to the team is dependant on the player far more than the build. For example, Corruptors are considered great for teams, but is that /Rad who has Radiant Aura on auto and stands 50' behind everyone else in the group pretending to be a h34lz0r really doing anything to help? One of the reasons why people say they don't team well has to do with a "must stay hidden at all times" mentality that a lot of Stalker players settle into, and an insistence of some people that Assassin's Strike must be the first attack in every spawn and have to wait for the interrupt each and every time. Another reason is the aforementioned tradeoff in AoE damage (not that most of the sets don't have some form of AoE).

There were also a lot of idiots who thought that playing a Stalker meant "hit Assassin's Strike, run away, come back when rehidden". Some still think that, sadly. You can kindof guess how that leads teams to feel about Stalkers.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



That guide is wrong. Sorta.

A Stalker is a Blapper with stealth and mez protection. Sorta.

The issue with stalkers and teaming has more to do with pacing. There's a set period of time (I forget if it's 6 or 8 seconds) before hide re-engages after you stop attacking and getting attacked. That means that it takes you a little bit to get yourself setup for the opening Buildup -> ASSASSINSTRIKE.

So, some stalkers modify their playstyle on teams to be more like scrappers and just go start stabbing whatever has the most HP.

However, I won't give you rose-colored lenses. Stalkers still aren't highly sought after on teams. That said, if you have a group of friends you team with regularly, don't worry.

Edit: Siolfir already put it well: Don't rely on hide/AS on teams as much - go with the team flow and you'll be fine.



Originally Posted by Tonality View Post
A Stalker is a Blapper with stealth and mez protection. Sorta.
This is exactly how I view my stalkers.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



I think part of the teaming thing depends on what server you're on. I've had absolutely no problem getting on teams/strike forces on Freedumb since the stalker changes; more and more people became aware of the massive change for the better and the AT has, at least there, lost much of its stigma. Really, a stalker is more desirable than a scrapper in large team situations (as long as they can crank out some AoE as in Electric and Spines, even katana/broadsword with some tricks) because of the higher damage with crits. The hp difference isn't a huge deal with defense based sets, but with others it can kind of suck.

So you have to be very choosy with your powersets unless you really know what you're doing. They have a slight learning curve, but great potential. If you just want to bash stuff, the stalker probably isn't your best choice; but if you like the style of play that forces you to think a little more, in return possibly offering a slightly higher reward, then you should try them out.

The Inspiration Maker's Guide [i12] UPDATED with POPMENUS and Movement Binds!
A Flash in the Dark: The Electric/Ninjitsu Stalker [i23]
Kheldian Inspiration Macros UPDATED with POPMENUS and Movement Binds!
Guide to the Katana~Ninja Blade/Electric [i23]



I treat playing my DM/Nin as if I need to get rid of the problem mobs in a spawn for my team asap.

Debuffers, mezzers, and high damage dealers. Anything that can put a crimp into smooth teaming should be the stalker's first target.



Originally Posted by Akuma_Mishima View Post
I treat playing my DM/Nin as if I need to get rid of the problem mobs in a spawn for my team asap.

Debuffers, mezzers, and high damage dealers. Anything that can put a crimp into smooth teaming should be the stalker's first target.
My targetting system, It works I swear:

"Problem Mobs"-> Bright Colored Costums -> Rikti Monkeys....

Damn rikti monies always st33ling my coffee



Originally Posted by Not_Epsilon View Post
Damn rikti monies always st33ling my coffee

I lol'd



Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
* - Electric Melee for Stalkers doesn't trade an AoE attack, it trades a damageless AoE stun to pick up Assassin's Shock. Essentially they get something for nothing there.
I found Electric Melee a good place to start on a scrapper to help understand how stalkers play and still have some AoE potential. The powerset isnt as great on single target as the others, granted, but it puts out good DPS if you actually try. Pair with a defense/utility based secondary (examples: Ninjitsu, Energy Aura) and you'll have alot of fun.

@Mazzo Grave
Webmaster Grave, Virtueverse!
Energy/Energy Blaster Guide
Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
you *******!!!!



Imho a Stalker is even better in a (big) team than a scrapper because even when you´re unhidden you have a chance to crit which increases with every member joining the team. THIS is what has made stalkers that much better than scrappers for teams (for me)



Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
There were also a lot of idiots who thought that playing a Stalker meant "hit Assassin's Strike, run away, come back when rehidden". Some still think that, sadly. You can kindof guess how that leads teams to feel about Stalkers.
The sentiment still remains. Not that long ago I was on a PUG RSF. Yes I still do them. I'm a glutton for punishment I guess. There were two granite Brutes utterly failing to control aggro. They just kept punching the same AV while the other AVs ran around chewing the faces off of the squishies. Once the squishies were down, the AVs ganged up on the Brutes, who now had no support, and yay another failed PUG RSF.

So after half the team had quit those remaining decided the mistake that led to the failure of this particular RSF was that there was a Stalker on the team. I kid you not.



Originally Posted by Tonality View Post
However, I won't give you rose-colored lenses. Stalkers still aren't highly sought after on teams.
That's not the fault of the AT but people who don't know any better.

That said, I've found that usually players will team with whoever is available. The call goes out "LFM" and the four players who reply get the slot, regardless of AT. I think I've only ever twice been told "I don't want a stalker", and that was back before the buffs.

Stalkers are still paying for their past weaknesses, when shall we be free?!
/em weep



Originally Posted by Wyvernclaw View Post
Bah I just read the stalker guides and read over and over...."Stalkers don't team well" Either those guides are way out of date and things have changed or I guess I will look elsewhere. Seems counter productive to create a character in a mmo that doesnt team well.

I hope this is outdated or wrong.
They do team well and function MUCH better in teams. especially when paired with characters with pets.



Originally Posted by Clave_Dark_5 View Post
That's not the fault of the AT but people who don't know any better.

That said, I've found that usually players will team with whoever is available. The call goes out "LFM" and the four players who reply get the slot, regardless of AT. I think I've only ever twice been told "I don't want a stalker", and that was back before the buffs.

Stalkers are still paying for their past weaknesses, when shall we be free?!
/em weep
I'm in complete agreement.



Back about a year ago, I tried a Stalker, and I wasnt totally thrilled with it, and it was rough trying to get a team because people wanted heals or AoE damage red side, so I started making teams of Stalkers.

Its acctually amazing just how quickly a Stalker Player learns to team with other Stalkers.After mid way through the first mission with 7 Stalkers on the team, we started gathering in the mob and almost as if we where mind linked, we would all start mentally watching each other to pick a seprate target and each of us would fire off our Assassin Strikes.

That was prolly the most Zen like experiance iv had in this game, and we dropped mobs in short order.The remaining Baddies left from our starting Alpha was met with a flurry of pain, and after all lay dead on the floor, all the Stalkers would dissapear once more, and all would go silent.

Then the Wailing and Gnashing of Teeth Started again, and not 1 Stalker died during this all Stalker team.

Makes me wish for the good ol days.



Hah, that sounds like fun. I've been on teams with 1 or 2 other stalkers before and noticed the same effect. We would watch each other and select seperate targets.

I've been wanting to try an all stalker team for a while. I'd love to see 8 *** hit an AV or EB all at once. Eight stalkers each choosing a target and wiping an entire spawn at once sounds like fun too.



8 Stalkers that AS a spawn...

- 60% unresistable, unaffected by Purple Patch Tohit Debuff.

- 90% of the spawn under a mag 5 Fear, affecting bosses as well (if they're even alive at this point).

- Plenty of opposition dispatched before the fight even has begun.



Originally Posted by Ethric View Post
8 Stalkers that AS a spawn...

- 60% unresistable, unaffected by Purple Patch Tohit Debuff.

- 90% of the spawn under a mag 5 Fear, affecting bosses as well (if they're even alive at this point).

- Plenty of opposition dispatched before the fight even has begun.
Actually, I learned that the ToHit debuff doesn't stack for multiple stalkers. According to CoD, that part of demoralize is set to not stack but the fear chances will.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Actually, I learned that the ToHit debuff doesn't stack for multiple stalkers. According to CoD, that part of demoralize is set to not stack but the fear chances will.
Iirc, isn't the target of AS, the caster of demoralize? So if all the stalkers hit 8 different targets, the effects should stack because the casters of demoralize aren't the same? If this is true, then it obviously wouldn't work on a AV, since you would have only one target to AS. (unless it had other mobs in the spawn)

"An army is a team. It lives, eats, sleeps, fights as a team. This individuality stuff is a bunch of BS." -General George Patton

-Lord Azazel



Originally Posted by Lord_Thanatos View Post
Iirc, isn't the target of AS, the caster of demoralize? So if all the stalkers hit 8 different targets, the effects should stack because the casters of demoralize aren't the same? If this is true, then it obviously wouldn't work on a AV, since you would have only one target to AS. (unless it had other mobs in the spawn)
The effect 'Demoralize' does not stack, like the Mystic Fortune card buffs. Even if different members of your team cast it on you, it can only grant 1 temp power.