New to Blasters: Explain what a 'Blapper' is

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Hey all... I'm usually a Brute/Scrapper player, but I keep wanting to try something new. Each time I try out a blaster, I end up dropping it because I'm not enjoying ranged attacks.

So I come to you guys, and ask: Just what IS a blapper, and how do you go about making one?

@Nameless Hero, Insane Sword-wielding Video Game Hero - Also a character in CoH

Yukie Bikouchi, Halfway Lost, and others



A blapper is a blaster that makes a point of taking a secondary with good melee attacks and using them as much as possible. As far as making a blapper, basically just choose a melee-oriented secondary (/elec, /nrg, /fire (although that's more melee AoE...)) and go to town. A primary whose AoEs are primarily radial instead of cones helps, since it makes them easier to use in melee.

Now, actually *surviving* said lifestyle takes a mite more finesse... I'll let those a bit more experienced with blappers talk about that.

Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.

This is what it means to be a tank!



"Blapper" is a pormanteau of 'Blaster' and 'Scrapper' - ie, a Blaster pretending, as Muon basically said, to be a Scrapper.



Each time I try out a blaster, I end up dropping it because I'm not enjoying ranged attacks.
Try this- it'll only take an hour or two:

Fire/Energy, L8, with fireball, firebreath, and Build Up.

Go to Perez, find a nice big spawn of minions and maybe a lieut or two. Target someone near the back of the spawn.
Hit Build Up, Fire Breath, run up until the breath starts, hit Fireball.

If you didn't enjoy that, you really DON'T like ranged attacks.

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



Agree with above.

So that being said, what are good blapper primaries and secondaries to try out. For primary, I would go energy as they have some great short range attacks or fire (blaze and fireball). For secondary, I would go energy, electric or fire. I have a fire/fire/fire blaster in which I chose some primary/secondary attacks that are great for blapping (hot feet, blazing aura, fire sword circle, combustion - lots of PBAOE), but she has a lot of IOs for defense. Between the defense and how fast I kill things, I could argue I am an effective blapper. Unlike a "pure blapper", I have snipe for STF and a lots of range attacks as well. I found myself blapping by accident more or less. As a concept tune, I wanted to make my character appear of pure fire, so with costume aura, blazing aura, fire shield, hot feet, I look pretty damn fiery.

If I go on a farm with a fire/kin, the fulcrum shifted version of me tends to upset some fire/kins as I kill the mob before they hit can replenish their end with trans.

Fire/fire or fire/nrg or fire/elec or can give a great blapping experience without feeling limited to only blapping. Want to try a pure blapper, then go nrg/nrg or nrg/elec IMHO.




As already mentioned, "Blapper" is a blaster playing as a scrapper. The secondary power sets of some blasters includes really strong melee attacks, mainly /elec and /nrg. The idea is to use these attacks as the heavy hitters, and it is extra fun since you have to be in melee to do it

I would say the elec/elec combo is most tuned to being a blapper. Electric primary does not have as much range dmg as most other blasters, but /elec has huge melee. Electric primary does have endurance drain, which can prevent you enemies from using any attacks against you, or perhaps just their default attack.

So a classic "blapping" session is:
1) hit the mobs with Short Circuit, and then Power Sink
2) mobs are now drained, standing around dumbfounded.
3) you can now wail away on them using melee attacks in comparative safety.

Blapping is going to involve more danger, and requires more movement and quick decisions, than just standing in the back using range attacks.

2012 -- 35 years on the Net



The other classic "safe" blapper is sonic/energy.

1) sleep group.
2) stun something.
3) blap that something into submission.
4) return to 2 until nothing is left.

If done correctly, you will only get attacked when sleep misses something (or bosses, in which case you can stack stuns to disable them).

Although I will admit I enjoy electric melee blappers more. More style.

Also consider taking Air Superiority. Some enemies are hard to mezz, but may be weaker to knockdown.

The Bacon Compels You.



I softcap my S/L then stealth into a mob for max drain psyche area, build up+aim+drain psyche, then start spamming irradiate and psychic shockwave as fast as I can.

I'll always be a "Champion" at heart. My server away from home.

"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty." - Thomas Jefferson

"With great moustache comes great responsibility" - Zee Captain



Op may want to consider something like a human only form Peacebringer: Shields that don't drop when mezzed, some big melee attacks, some ranged to fill out your chain or for runners, self heals and some controlls.
What's not to like?

Masterminds annoy everybody, sooner or later. Heck, Masterminds annoy themselves.



Ice / Energy is a good "safe" Blapper build. You get very good single target damage plus two holds and multiple stuns. And remember, just because you're a Blapper doesn't mean you should never use ranged attacks... you just don't focus on them. If you have an insanely high DPA ranged attack like Blaze or Bitter Ice Blast, you darn well want to use it.

/Electric is the highest damage melee secondary, but /Energy is safer and still good damage. Which one to pick depends on what you value more, damage or staying alive. As for primaries, Fire is the highest damage, Ice is the safest, and Electric is great if paired with /Electric for endurance drain. /Fire has great AoE but it's not really a conventional Blapper set as such.

Of course, Fire / Fire Blasters can wipe out whole spawns faster than pretty much anything else in the game (including SS / Shield Brutes)... they just die really easily. It's not so much Blapping as unleashing pure AoE destruction... Build Up + Fire Breath + Fireball + Fire Sword Circle, then follow up with Blaze and Fire Sword on anything left standing. You'll either flatten the whole spawn in seconds or eat pavement. And hey, if you play a Blaster long enough you'll definitely get used to the taste of pavement...

Cascade, level 50 Blaster (NRG/NRG since before it was cool)
Mechmeister, level 50 Bots / Traps MM
FAR too many non-50 alts to name

The Scavenger Hunt: 187076
The Instant Lair Delivery Service: 206636



Originally Posted by StrykerX View Post
Of course, Fire / Fire Blasters can wipe out whole spawns faster than pretty much anything else in the game (including SS / Shield Brutes)
The Elec/Shield Scrappers would choose to disagree with you there. When it only takes 2 powers to wipe out an entire spawn and those powers are up every 30 secs or less, you don't really get much faster.



Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
Impressive movie... still not often folks post a "Challenge Failed" video of themselves!



Originally Posted by Nameless_Hero View Post
Hey all... I'm usually a Brute/Scrapper player, but I keep wanting to try something new. Each time I try out a blaster, I end up dropping it because I'm not enjoying ranged attacks.

So I come to you guys, and ask: Just what IS a blapper, and how do you go about making one?
Blapper is a melee oriented blaster that runs in and out of melee in order to use their melee powers.

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



So it's time to explain myself.

I've got a concept that I've been wanting to make for a year now, a two-fisted pulp age hero, dual wielding pistols. Well, duh... everyone has an idea for their DP, right?

I'm just lost on how you make a blaster that can survive in melee, thus my questioning on how to make one.

Sadly I won't know more until I preorder GR and get access to it in...what, 2 months or so? That should be enough time to figure out what to do.

@Nameless Hero, Insane Sword-wielding Video Game Hero - Also a character in CoH

Yukie Bikouchi, Halfway Lost, and others



Originally Posted by Nameless_Hero View Post
So it's time to explain myself.

I've got a concept that I've been wanting to make for a year now, a two-fisted pulp age hero, dual wielding pistols. Well, duh... everyone has an idea for their DP, right?

I'm just lost on how you make a blaster that can survive in melee, thus my questioning on how to make one.

Sadly I won't know more until I preorder GR and get access to it in...what, 2 months or so? That should be enough time to figure out what to do.
Kill them faster than they kill you. Don't be afraid to eat a purple inspiration - that's what they're there for. Use the mitigation tools at your disposal - /energy's stuns or /ice's Ice Patch, for instance. If you're not dead set on being a "pure" blapper, fall back and take advantage of range when things get too sticky. A fairly popular mixed style is to use AoEs to mow down minions, then move in and wreck the bosses with your hard-hitting melee attacks.



Originally Posted by Ben_Arizona View Post
Kill them faster than they kill you. Don't be afraid to eat a purple inspiration - that's what they're there for. Use the mitigation tools at your disposal - /energy's stuns or /ice's Ice Patch, for instance. If you're not dead set on being a "pure" blapper, fall back and take advantage of range when things get too sticky. A fairly popular mixed style is to use AoEs to mow down minions, then move in and wreck the bosses with your hard-hitting melee attacks.
All good advice - in fact, even if you are deadset on being a pure blapper - "fall back and take advantage of range when things get too sticky."

The "secret" of being a Blaster is knowing when to do this.

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



Originally Posted by Nameless_Hero View Post
So it's time to explain myself.

I've got a concept that I've been wanting to make for a year now, a two-fisted pulp age hero, dual wielding pistols. Well, duh... everyone has an idea for their DP, right?

I'm just lost on how you make a blaster that can survive in melee, thus my questioning on how to make one.

Sadly I won't know more until I preorder GR and get access to it in...what, 2 months or so? That should be enough time to figure out what to do.
You basically DON'T make a blapper that can survive in melee. Blappers try to kill everything before they get killed, that is their goal. And even if you have a tank near by to taunt everything off you, you will die horrible painful death in spawns that favor aoe damage.

Blapping can be fun, don't get me wrong. However it takes experience to make it fun, and patience since you have no KB prot until at LEAST 20 (assuming you don't get stamina at 20 that is), and only if you choose the SJ travel power set. And my vote is elec/elec for great blappage. Though I think elec/energy would also make a very good blapper.



*points to the Energy/Energy guide in his sig*

My Blaster i a hybrid of sorts, much more single-target when it comes to blapping and blasting, but that's on purpose. On a team it's hard to be the AoE master with Energy/Energy due to all the knockback. However, knocking a few targets back and Slapping them with your hard-hitting Melee attacks and watching bosses get stunned makes life very tasty. Once you get the boss stunned you can clean up as you see fit, considering the biggest threat now cant fight back. If you wanna try a more single-target brawler than fire/fire, this is the next best step.

Rad/Energy is a decent option for Blapping in this style too. That is, if your not man enough to learn how to control your own knockback.

@Mazzo Grave
Webmaster Grave, Virtueverse!
Energy/Energy Blaster Guide
Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
you *******!!!!



I'm working on a very weird Ice/Electric blapper at the moment.

It involves Lightning Field, Power Sink, Ice Storm, among other things.

Chance to Heal procs in 4 different attacks (Entropic Chaos in my T1 and T2 blasts, Call of the Sandman in my fast activating blaps, Electric's blaps can slot sleep sets) Maybe a Chance for Placate in Charged Brawl.

Also decent to good defense to smashing/lethal and ranged (which covers the majority of the attacks you will encounter often)

It's going to be a very strange "What were you THINKING?!" build, but it has potential to be very fun.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by Black_Marrow View Post
*points to the Energy/Energy guide in his sig*

My Blaster i a hybrid of sorts, much more single-target when it comes to blapping and blasting, but that's on purpose. On a team it's hard to be the AoE master with Energy/Energy due to all the knockback. However, knocking a few targets back and Slapping them with your hard-hitting Melee attacks and watching bosses get stunned makes life very tasty. Once you get the boss stunned you can clean up as you see fit, considering the biggest threat now cant fight back. If you wanna try a more single-target brawler than fire/fire, this is the next best step.

Rad/Energy is a decent option for Blapping in this style too. That is, if your not man enough to learn how to control your own knockback.
Haihai Mazzo.
But... yesh. /Fire /Energy are supurb for when mobs or.. players decide to get in your melee range, thinkin' you're helpless, then you hit them with a retardedly powerful melee range attack, and they cringe.

But yes, Blappers are essentially Blasters who emphasize melee attacks over ranged.



If I might be so bold as to recommend a Ice/Ice, not for its spectacular Melee (Its melee is only meh) but because between the melee and the sick controls, you get the unique experience of freezing somebody in a block of ice, then waltzing up to them and polishing them off with a big old ice sword.

The lack of AOE is a pain, but hey, Ice Storm gives you the Slow effect, which is really nice.

Though obviously this is not a pure Blapper, it does become both easy and fun to get up close and personal with enemies, or at least I've always found it to be so.

Good against groups, but don't try it against anything that cons higher than you, you'll get nommed.

Ice/Ice Blaster. Dedication to concept is an ugly thing.
Claws/WP Brute. Sex without the angst.
Every CoX character lies somewhere on this spectrum.



im working on a rad/ice right now an i spend a lot of time dead since he is only lvl 20 an i had to get stamina . this is my first try at a "blapper" I dont understand how this works either . Is it the life of the blapper to faceplant atleast 3 times per mish ?



Originally Posted by Redd Rumm View Post
Is it the life of the blapper to faceplant atleast 3 times per mish ?
Not when you get better at it. There's definitely a learning curve to blapping. It takes some skill to get good at knowing when to jump into melee and when not to.

I wouldn't have chosen Rad/Ice to make a blapper out of, but if you can make it work, more power to you.

Rad/Fire or Rad/Mental are absolutely awesome AoE blappers, with the (rather large) catch that they will drop more often due to the nature of the PBAoE attacks (and the fact that Irradiate is DoT)

I like Electric best for blapper builds, but I'm enjoying my Rad/Mental too. If my Ice/Electric works out how I'm planning he'll be an absolute beast. Ice Storm at your feet is excellent mitigation if you slot it for slow. And since Lightning Field has such a huge radius for blasters (20 feet as opposed to the usual 8 feet) it should continue damaging them while they try to run out of the Ice Storm. And of course I'll be saying hi with Charged Brawl and Havoc Punch while all that is going on as well. Also, remember that there is no rule against using ranged attacks while you're right in someone's face.

I'm considering taking Invisibility and using it's "Only Affecting Self" limitation to my advantage. Jump in a spawn with Invisibility on and drop Invis just before throwing down Ice Storm. Since you can't affect anyone else while invisible I can leave Lightning Field on when I jump in without it alerting them to my presence. Ice Storm will scatter them (very slowly) and Lightning Field will be ticking away. It should be fun, I'll let you all know how it works out for me.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.