Redd Rumm

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  1. LOL we "Redsiders " have been barking up that tree for years now .
    when we got the ability to make scrappers go bad i stopped asking for it .
    if i remeber correctly the reason was that something about spines screwed up brute fury just like ice. as for it being more powerful than the scrapper version i dont know. since brutes have had the nerf bat applied to the damage cap and fury .
  2. Oh well looks like there will be no Dark/psy perma dom in my future
  3. I keep hearing rumors of a dark control set for Doms and Trollers is this true ?
  4. Ok Phire i would luv to see you run dual mm's now. i think that would be awsome even tho i think you told me your were gonna try corrs now since u have all the awsome def's
  5. the damage cap i can live with .fury IMO was nerf. i fight mob after mob an my fury bar never fills . what do i have to do. i fight av's bosses eb's an x8 mobs an still no full bar
  6. I hate EA' energy cloak!! ewwwww a stealthy brute. they need to port that secondary to scrappers where a little stealth would be useful.
    its brute smash! not brute hide !
  7. You know now that u mention it would , i have never thought of that b4 ,too bad we cant color kheld powers
  8. It is never a choice between the two for me . i always have a nice mix of the two . and my elec mele /shield brute while his single target is weaker than other sets still has no problems with bosses an i can handle av's as well
    just like my km/sr scrapper can handle large mobs . most peeps who concentrate mainly on single target that i know do it for pvp , where a Aoe heavy toon = "stop attackin me im just inzone to farm "
  9. In my attempt to creat all single element doms i noticed that doms do not have access to the earth mastery app an i was wondering why is that ?
    i mean i can go 3x ice, 3x fire , 3x psy, 3x elec but no 3x earth .
    i hope that changes soon
  10. Redd Rumm

    Stalker farming?

    does LR crit out of hide ?
  11. My problem wit Dp is not Dp but the blaster secondaries that dont fit a "Natural" gunslingin guy. im sure you have noticed in pretoria the dp NPC's that also use MA, I want that !!! ohhh the fun of executioner shot + crane kick
  12. Redd Rumm

    what do i do ?

    Im used to playing Doms so i am confused on what my goal is on my elec/kin troller . what do top shelf trollrs build for ? on a dom i shoot mainly for recharge to become perma . i have no idea on what the top tier trollers aim for is it damage ,def,res, recharge,mez protect? do thy hover an spam holds from above with softcapped ranged def ? can someone dumb this down for me? i have a few purple sets saved up for a new toon. but would it be a waste on a troller ?
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
    The problem with overhyped sets is that now I feel "bad"* for making an Elec/SD scrapper the other night. I just thought Electric Melee fit her concept and Shield gave me a nice place to stick a costume emblem. I didn't know it was a dirty overhyped FOTM build, I swear!

    *Ok, not too bad. I still intend on playing her.
    You don't have to feel bad for making what you want to play with .
    some people like to feel smart by dissing popular opinion. what ever is "in"
    either they liked it first and now they are way over it, or they never liked it in the first place an every one else is a sheep for doing it . you cant win with those types . you can be on the bandwagon wit a fotm build pwning every mish. or you can be on the sideline when they dont let you join the team wit a crappy power set combo
  14. Elc /shield is not as good as it was when i first made my brute , i dont think u can call it a FotM its been around for a while now , my brute has survived all the nerfs from the critter acc buff ,to the decreased sheild charge damage ,to the fury /damage cap nerf an shango is still uber and IMO that cant be called" over hyped "
    there are not many things you can make that completly unheard of an if its good others will prolly follow suit
    i dont see many /sonic toons but as soon as someone rolls a gem then it will be called a FotM "check out my build for a fire/sonic corruptor " fire/ soni corruptors are over powerd " dont nerf my fire sonic corr " an so on .
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Suspicious_Pkg View Post
    How about a badge/power called "Little Black Book" that contains the unlisted numbers of all the NPC contacts so as a veteran you can call them from the start rather than waiting for them to finally give you their phone number after 4-5 missions. This would really be nice on those low level TFs where you exemp below your travel power, or for the annoying contacts like Madeline Casey who sends you to a million different zones.
    Aye & Aye again!! im all for this
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zandock View Post
    Might as well make use of this thread, since I'm leveling a Rad/Fire at the moment. I'm mostly just wondering how much use people get out of Blazing Aura and Hot Feet and if they're worth taking with the massive endurance cost.
    I have a lvl 50 rad /fire blaster an hot feet is a must for me. blazing aura... not so much
  17. thanx for the feed back . looks like my best bet would be end redux/resist
    even tho my permadom recharges my blue bar sometimes i still find my self popin blues in battles .
    (that damage boost looks soooo yummy tho )
  18. I have a fire /thorn/ firemastery perma dom and i have no idea which way i wanna go with him my smash lethal resit is at 49% my ranged def is at 20% what would alpha slot power would he get the most out of ? even tho im perma i find that fire bal an melt armor are really tough on my blue bar but would killing faster solve it or faster recharge to make domination even faster or the global end redux ? im sooo confused an my head hurts !
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
    So far, I have no issues with the defense busing. It means people have less ease soloing and team support still has a place. It means that there is no one-size fits all solution to every build. I have the same hope as you that it doesn't go too far. As long as def-based tanks remain viable against most content (I'm fine if a specific enemy or group gimps them the way psi hammers inv/) I don't care about any other AT being weakened, especially if it gimps blasters, defenders, dominators, etc. So far, it seems to mostly be ok. I think there are a few that are borderline (DE quartz giving +100 tohit would be broken if it wasn't so easy to take out or prevent), but I haven't seen anything completely broken yet.

    In fact, I'm hoping that anti-def enemies become slightly more common in the 35-45 range so that the whole soft-cap craze dies off completely and it becomes just one of many options. I'm curious to see what other builds people can come up with and until something more effective comes along, no one will bother.
    Why does it make any diff to u if peeps want to soft cap def ? lvling a Sr toon is hard enuff . in the 35-45 lvl range it finnaly starts to pay off an u want to take that away what are u some kinda of sadist ? being at def softcap doesnt make you untouchable by any means when a critter is garanteed to hit you once in every 5 attacks
  20. I'll make this quick.. lets say i have the cardiac slotted an i want to try nerve what happens to my cardiac after i have created the nerve an would i have to recreate to switch back? an BTW I want trapdoors powers on my elec kin troller now !!! make it happen
  21. Redd Rumm

    AE Power Combos

    Well the main thing i would make is something we should already have , A ranged+Def at like a Dp/sr toon so i can at least be dogeing bullets while i flip around like an idiot wit my guns (ill settle for a MA blaster secondary tho)
  22. Redd Rumm

    Concept Question

    in the comics they describe superman's invul as latent TK aura ( this is why his clothes dont get dirty ) so i would roll a ss/ea btw tanks would really benifit from energy aura IMO
  23. I have a Elec /Kin troller an he is very fun an when i pick up soul drain , dark consuption an dark obliteration he will be a beast ( i think).
    I have been on teams with fire /kin corruptors an the damage they pump out is awsome but I like being a troller since i like pets with SB.
  24. Redd Rumm

    AE Power Combos

    While makeing my AE arcs i tend to make my critters a little too powerful ,because they allow u to make awsome power combos like brutes with SS an Rad or MA scrappers with kin , i was wondering if we would ever be allowed to just make our own AT and combine what ever we wanted ,whether it would be a Blaster with fire blast an tanker sheild or blaster DP an scrapper MA
    who knows all i know is i wish i could play with some of the stuff i come up with in AE .