Ideas for future rewards (veteran or other)




Don't know if I'm posting in the right place, as it's been a LONG time since I've been on the forums and they've changed.

75 month Vet badge is nifty for some - but looking forward to something a bit more monumental for ALL -

A bonus slot

Yep - something like that - new slot that can be placed wherever on your toon from lvl 1.

Another idea around the same idea - trading in a power choice for 2-3 slots.

I'm extremely thankful for the Devs hearing what was being discussed several years back with the inherit fitness pool - that leaves me a few options on my toons for new powers, but in some sets, I really have no additions that I want to make...but I COULD use some more slots to give me more versatility and such with existing powers!

Just throwing out a thought - maybe that would be too difficult to do, I don't know, but I really like the idea and think that it gives us more ability to fine tune our characters!

that's all...


@Celt on VICTORY!
Heroes - Mr. BoJangles, Boom-stick, GalacticCelt, Hap Hazard, Judas Cradle, Knotwork, Riddle of Flame, Archangel Lucius, Boomerang, Mrs. BoJangles
Villains - Mike Brady



Obligatory "the suggestion forum is here" message.

I'd be all for a vet reward that grants an extra enhancement slot or two, but at this point it's going to take nearly seven years before a new player will see that reward, and in the right hands it could provide a very tangible benefit for veterans over new players. It could mean an extra IO proc or better IO set bonuses on powers that are just one shy of getting that bonus now.

As for the idea of trading in a power for bonus slots, I saw a suggestion during the i19 beta to create a new power pool to replace Fitness. Every power within it would give you two more slots. I liked the idea then, and I still like the idea now. I can't really think of too many characters where I'd actually take said power pool, but it'd be a nice addition to the one or two that I have that really could use an extra two slots.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Although I thoroughly enjoy the CoX game and community, I've often thought that the Vet badge rewards were underwhelming.

Paying $180 a year for an online video game, Veterans (after a certain year) should be given something that really sticks out from the rest of the group.

A new powerset comes to mind. I have no idea what archetype or kind of power. Just sayin'...



How about a badge/power called "Little Black Book" that contains the unlisted numbers of all the NPC contacts so as a veteran you can call them from the start rather than waiting for them to finally give you their phone number after 4-5 missions. This would really be nice on those low level TFs where you exemp below your travel power, or for the annoying contacts like Madeline Casey who sends you to a million different zones.

We don' need no stinkin' signatures!



New Powerset as a vet reward? That would be the single most nerdrage-generating idea ever in the history of CoX, I daesay. People still rant that CAPES aren't unlockable until L20. (and then, only SOME capes.) A Veteran Gate on a powerset, besides being counterproductive to making powers actually AVAILABLE to players, would probably generate great ill-will towards those players who had it.

And the Slot idea, super-overpowered... I could think of SOOOO many things to do with a single slot -- it would really give an unfair advantage, imo. (and since it would, apparently, be for every character you have... sheesh. Very powerful.)

Arc #6015 - Coming Unglued

"A good n00b-sauce is based on a good n00b-roux." - The Masque



Originally Posted by Suspicious_Pkg View Post
How about a badge/power called "Little Black Book" that contains the unlisted numbers of all the NPC contacts so as a veteran you can call them from the start rather than waiting for them to finally give you their phone number after 4-5 missions. This would really be nice on those low level TFs where you exemp below your travel power, or for the annoying contacts like Madeline Casey who sends you to a million different zones.
I like this one!

Arc #6015 - Coming Unglued

"A good n00b-sauce is based on a good n00b-roux." - The Masque



Originally Posted by galadiman View Post
I like this one!
I, too, think that would be a fine Veteran Reward.



Originally Posted by Ray_Ray View Post
Although I thoroughly enjoy the CoX game and community, I've often thought that the Vet badge rewards were underwhelming.

Paying $180 a year for an online video game, Veterans (after a certain year) should be given something that really sticks out from the rest of the group.

A new powerset comes to mind. I have no idea what archetype or kind of power. Just sayin'...
Vet rewards are meant to be fluff. They aren't supposed to be anything nearly as large as a new powerset.

You pay $180 a year to play the game. The Vet rewards are thrown in for free. You do NOT pay $180 for the Vet rewards.

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~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



Originally Posted by Suspicious_Pkg View Post
How about a badge/power called "Little Black Book" that contains the unlisted numbers of all the NPC contacts so as a veteran you can call them from the start rather than waiting for them to finally give you their phone number after 4-5 missions. This would really be nice on those low level TFs where you exemp below your travel power, or for the annoying contacts like Madeline Casey who sends you to a million different zones.
Efforts have already been undertaken to reduce this, and I suspect eventually it will be fully fixed without the need for a vet reward. Many contacts already cough up their phone number after 1 mission.

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Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
Efforts have already been undertaken to reduce this, and I suspect eventually it will be fully fixed without the need for a vet reward. Many contacts already cough up their phone number after 1 mission.
Aye, but some don't give you their number until you're almost done with them. Heck, I did one of the level 1-5 contacts the other day, and didn't get the guy's number until I was level 5, and done with him anyways. Fixing that would be great, but if it's not fixed for everyone, a Vet reward for it would be nice.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



1. Twenty levels worth of XP for new toons in one click. Seriously, after 6+ years playing, doesn't anyone really need to re-level a new toon any more?

2. Carp Melee. Just a temp power that allows me to hit another player with a fish. Because when some noobs says "we can't start until we have a healer" he's going to get it.



One more vote for the "Black Book" idea.

Also, there should be a whole slew of temp powers like Carp Melee but personally I would swap out for the Sea Bass alternate animation.

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Originally Posted by gameboy1234 View Post
1. Twenty levels worth of XP for new toons in one click. Seriously, after 6+ years playing, doesn't anyone really need to re-level a new toon any more?
This is a horrible idea.

I'll explain why.

How did you first learn how to play the game? If you're anything like me, or thousands of other players, you wandered around confused about how everything works for a few days before you met a veteran player who was leveling a new character, and they took you along with them and showed you the ropes.

If those veteran players can suddenly jump to level 20, there is going to be a severe shortage of low level characters played by people who actually know what they are doing. That is going to make getting into the game a LOT harder for those players who don't realize the forums exist to ask questions in. I remembered that a veteran player helped me out when I first started, so now that I have become one myself I help newbies out, and when they become veterans they will (hopefully) do the same.

Furthermore, allowing veteran players to skip the first 20 levels entirely would cause a HUGE backlash among the playerbase. How would YOU feel if suddenly someone who has been playing for longer than you could skip the first 20 levels, but you still had to slog through them? There would probably be some resentment of that player.

There's enough whining about how veteran players have an unfair advantage already (It's not really true, but the whining happens regardless). If the ability to jump straight to level 20 was handed out as a veteran reward, the complaints that veterans have an unfair advantage would be much more justified.

2. Carp Melee. Just a temp power that allows me to hit another player with a fish. Because when some noobs says "we can't start until we have a healer" he's going to get it.
Now, this one I like.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by Suspicious_Pkg View Post
How about a badge/power called "Little Black Book" that contains the unlisted numbers of all the NPC contacts so as a veteran you can call them from the start rather than waiting for them to finally give you their phone number after 4-5 missions. This would really be nice on those low level TFs where you exemp below your travel power, or for the annoying contacts like Madeline Casey who sends you to a million different zones.
Aye & Aye again!! im all for this