Best alpha slot power for a perma dom




I have a fire /thorn/ firemastery perma dom and i have no idea which way i wanna go with him my smash lethal resit is at 49% my ranged def is at 20% what would alpha slot power would he get the most out of ? even tho im perma i find that fire bal an melt armor are really tough on my blue bar but would killing faster solve it or faster recharge to make domination even faster or the global end redux ? im sooo confused an my head hurts !



How's your slotting? Alpha slot enhancements don't help much if you are already at the ED cap (at least the current ones don't)... you only get 11% that ignores ED so maybe 15% total if you're already at 90%+ from slotting (assuming an uncommon alpha slot enhancement). And that bonus only affects powers that can be slotted for the effect in question, so things like Domination aren't affected at all. I'd suggest picking whatever one you are least slotted for from your enhancements (assuming it's useful to you).

Endurance: Probably a good choice since almost nobody ED caps endurance reduction. You're likely to get the full benefit from it on a lot of powers.

Accuracy: Do you miss anything you regularly fight more than 5% of the time? If so, you might want to slot an accuracy boost since that's also something that's rarely ED capped.

Damage: Unless you had to sacrifice damage slotting to get perma-dom I'm assuming you're close to capped on damage already, so it's only worth slotting if you don't need the others.

Recharge: Do you have a lot of powers that aren't ED capped on recharge due to having to slot for global recharge bonuses? If so, this is probably your best bet unless your blue bar is hurting already. But if most of your powers are already well slotted for recharge it's another one that won't give good returns. At least until the rarer slots are released that provide a lot more ED-free recharge...

Cascade, level 50 Blaster (NRG/NRG since before it was cool)
Mechmeister, level 50 Bots / Traps MM
FAR too many non-50 alts to name

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Originally Posted by StrykerX View Post
Endurance: Probably a good choice since almost nobody ED caps endurance reduction. You're likely to get the full benefit from it on a lot of powers.
This. Permadom means you already have high recharge. High recharge means you're firing powers often. Firing powers often means you use more endurance.



thanx for the feed back . looks like my best bet would be end redux/resist
even tho my permadom recharges my blue bar sometimes i still find my self popin blues in battles .
(that damage boost looks soooo yummy tho )



I went with Musculature on mine. Accuracy is almost never a problem. With Domination firing constantly, Endurance is rarely a problem, even when I'm running Scorpion Shield + Maneuvers + Assault and spamming my attack chain... and when it is, I have Consume to help.

I was torn between Musculature and Spiritual. I run around with 185% recharge the vast majority of the time, and most of my controls are already at the ED cap for recharge slotting--adding a bit more isn't going to change much when the powers are at 280% recharge. Especially since some of Earth/'s controls don't stack with themselves (as I recall, you can only have one Volcanic Gasses out at once.) Which pretty much left me with Musculature. It was a nice boost anyway, since a few of my attacks were only at ~80% damage slotting thanks to the sets I'd used for recharge and my vet pet was almost a whole damage SO short.

That said, if my recharge were a bit closer to the 70% required for permadom, I probably would have gone with Spiritual, especially as Earth/ or Fire/. More recharge is nice, and most of the Spiritual boosts past the basic one also add to stun duration.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



I went with Spiritual for my Fire/Psi/Ice Dom. I wanted the +Heal for Drain Psyche to boost its -Regen above -1000% to combat the new level 54 AVs.



Originally Posted by Redd Rumm View Post
thanx for the feed back . looks like my best bet would be end redux/resist
even tho my permadom recharges my blue bar sometimes i still find my self popin blues in battles .
(that damage boost looks soooo yummy tho )
I'm always torn on this. I don't like having to use blues, but they do drop on their own regardless of my spec, so on the other hand I feel like it's overkill when I find myself deleting them (it's not always convenient/possible to combine them).



My guess is that it varies on powersets and playstyles.

My Mind/energy dom seems to be steady with the blue bar, but the super recharge was at the expense of damage (the KB IOs were easy +7.5% rech), so he'll go for the +Damage.

My Ice/Ice is an endurance draining monster. Firing all those powers is nasty. He's got damage, accuracy, and recharge well taken care of, so it's +Endurance for him.



The debuff bonus on Musculature with the damage might be good benefit depending on your slotting of thorn attacks.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



Originally Posted by Nicro View Post
I went with Spiritual for my Fire/Psi/Ice Dom. I wanted the +Heal for Drain Psyche to boost its -Regen above -1000% to combat the new level 54 AVs.
And you get it to pop back up a little bit more often WIN - WIN!

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