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  1. Red_Raccoon

    Hours in Game

    I suspect the mechanic behind calculating the total hours on a character can be a bit buggy at times. Most of the time I check the total hours on a given toon it looks correct, but there have been times when I've gotten a result that's been way off (like hundred of hours on a lowbie I've hardly played at all).

    If you really have 9,334 hours logged onto one character in just 2 years and 3 months of real time, that means you've spent an average of about 11-12 a day logged on to that one character over that span of time. Somehow I'm guessing that's not correct.
  2. Red_Raccoon

    Turrets as mobs?

    Originally Posted by sykoholic001 View Post
    Nope... no time gap between getting the mish and running it. Read the newspaper, accepted the mish, and ran it immediately thereafter.
    Very weird, must be just that mission screwed up somehow.
    Interestingly enough, I was offered that same mission just the other day, but picked another one instead. Now I wish I hadn't, sounds like fun. Or at least something different.
  3. Red_Raccoon

    Turrets as mobs?

    I've run a lot of newspaper missions but have never encountered a mission like this. What enemy group was named in the mission description, if any? Did the turrets at all fit with the mission description or the dialogue?

    Funny things happen with newspaper/radio missions when a patch occurs between when you accept the misson and when you run it. Often one enemy group getting switched to another happens. Was this possibly the case here?
  4. I'm pretty sure they're saying "Purple Monkey Dishwasher."
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StarGeek View Post
    It's still there, at least on my display, but only barely selectable. It's only half visible. Zealous, on the other hand, isn't available at all, as it seems to have dropped below the selectable range on the window and there isn't a scroll bar for me to get to it, nor is the window resizable
    I wonder if this is related to the problem I've had with the supergroup window. I've notice that my group window no longer scrolls all the way down to the bottom of the list. I can still see all the members by simply reversing the list order & putting the bottom names on top, but I thought it was strange. That window is not vertically resizable either.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Trilby View Post
    I personally welcome our base-based overlords.
    All our us are belong to base?
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Twilightdusk View Post
    Maybe there could be an option togglable from control-generating base items that can turn base defenses to "training mode" making them attack anyone in the base.
    Danger Room?
  8. Red_Raccoon

    Is this legit?

    Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
    I strongly believe that instead of going to croatoa, you could have spoken to the one in atlas, or the one in steel.
    This came up in another thread a while back and some one claimed they completed the mission by talking to the rep in Kings. I haven't tried it myself, but it does sound like ANY Hero Corp rep will work.
  9. Unfortunately I had to log out last night before I got any help with this issue. I saw upon logging in today that there's an announcement about the bug and that they're working on it. I figured I'd quit the strike force and try again after they fix it. However, abandoning the arc doesn't look to be a choice, unless I'm missing something. Fortunately, this time I was able to get a GM to auto complete the mission for me, so I can now move on.

    However, I have to ask: is there really no way to quit a SSA once you've started it? Or is that a bug too?
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark_Impact View Post
    I don't see the point of having a friend report the name. Just submit a ticket yourself explaining situation just like you did here. Support will probably be more likely to rename the group for you if you're up front about it.

    I once read a post by a player who contacted support after finding out that they had inadvertantly chosen a character name that was already in violation of an existing copyright. They siad support allowed them to change the character name. I suspect the same would work for a supergroup.
  11. I'm experiencing this same problem myself, in fact I came to boards to ask what I was missing in trying to complete this mission and then saw this thread. Looks like I will have to file a petition as well.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
    Well don't worry, the splash page spoils everything before you even get into mission 1 so don't feel too disappointed
    I assumed that the "reveal" the OP was referring to was the identity of the villain seen in the final cut scenes from arcs #1 &#2, not the death aluded to in the splash page.
  13. Red_Raccoon

    The Blue Room

    Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
    The Matrix Room is the much smaller black box under the blue box. Fly under the black box and then type /stuck.
    Ah, okay. The instructions I had only mentioned the blue box, I wasn't sure what the black blox was. Then I'm guessing the blue box must actually house the interior of the arena? I believe that's where I kept ending up with /stuck.
  14. Red_Raccoon

    The Blue Room

    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    Odd. When the last thread about this was posted (maybe 3 weeks ago), I checked to see if I could still get in there and had no problem.
    I was able to get underneath the map of PI just fine, and I could see and fly over to the big blue box sitting underneath the arena. The problem was getting inside the blue box into the actual matrix room. I tried /stuck while possitioned underneath the box, and also while next to it. Each time it put me back on the surface of the map rather than inside the matrix room. Was I doing something wrong?

    This was about a year ago, or longer. Maybe it wasn't working for a while and but does now, I'll have to try again.
  15. Red_Raccoon

    The Blue Room

    Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
    There was a thread about it recently and people claimed that it was still possible. Last time I did it (a while ago), there was a door on Rikti Monkey Island in Peregrine that is partially buried in land. If you log out near the door, then log back in, your character will exit the door and get stuck in the land. Typing /stuck puts you underneath the map and from there you can fly to the blue room (it's under the Arena).
    Last time I tried this (maybe a year ago now) /stuck kept putting me back above ground near the Arena. I don't know if this was a fix or if I was just unlucky, but I tried it several times with the same result each time.
  16. Red_Raccoon

    Free Account

    Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
    I have heard dozens of testimonials in this thread about how easy it is to get SOs and DOs at 15-30. Or, that they are completely unnecessary. Both of these positions have merit, yet in the end are untenable in the context of this conversation, since we are discussing marketing, not gameplay.
    I don't understand that last sentence. I just looked back over this thread, your posts especially, and it seems to me the conversation is squarely about gameplay. The only marketing you've discussed is in the context of how gameplay is used to (or fails to) market the game to new players. I don't understand drawing a distinction between the two, since no non-gameplay based marketing has been brought up in this thread. So the question remains, if enhancements are not necessary to gameplay, how does that negatively affect marketing?

    You've suggested that Ironblade and others can't properly relate to the experience of new players because they are now veteran gamers. But I actually think your view may be skewed by your veteran experience. Consider the possibility that you are so used to always having plenty of inf that you can no longer imagine the game even being playable without being constantly equipped with the best enhancements available. But as has already been stated, new players don't come into the game with that assumption. They don't know that their build "sucks" because they don't have all SOs by the time they are level 23. To a newbie, a character that a vet would consider "unplayable" may indeed be very playable (and fun). I cringe when I look at the slotting and builds of some of my older characters and wonder now how I muddled through, but I didn't have any problem playing them at the time. I enjoyed playing them. Nobody told me I wasn't supposed to.

    You started this thread talking about your wife. At one point, you mentioned a few specific things that she had issues with, but nothing that really had anything to do with not earning enough inf to spend on enhancements. Has she complained about not having enough inf or enhancements? Does she get frustrated because the enemies seem too difficult for her? You mentioned she was having fun, that sounds like a possitive experience.

    What I'm asking is, does she, the new player, think there is a problem, or did you, the veteran, decide there is a problem because she can't slot her character like you think she should?
  17. Red_Raccoon

    Free Account

    Originally Posted by The_Spad_EU View Post
    Please stop spelling it "enchancement", it's "enhancement",
    Sorry, I guess?

    Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
    Some of my best SDCC memories are from Dick's Last Resort.
    For me as well. That place has been a SDCC tradition for me.
  18. Red_Raccoon

    Free Account

    Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
    However, the city is overwhelming to her. Using maps, trains, jet packs, slotting powers. All new to her.
    I can sypathize with that. This was my first (and still my only) MMO. A lot of the game was overwhelming to me when I started, and I still feel shakey on some aspects of it. But having more inf to spend on enchancements won't fix any of that. In fact it would probably only make the game more complicated.

    The enchancement system is a bit complicated. I was confused by it when I started, and didn't want to spend a lot of time figuring it out right away. So I didn't worry much about enchancements, I just went out there and fought stuff, and mostly slotted whatever dropped. The last thing I wanted to do was jump head first into buying and slotting the right enchancements, even had I the inf to do so (which I didn't). Even as a very casual gamer, I didn't find playing the game with poorly slotted chracter particularly frustrating. Challenging at times, but always fun. Learning how to slot properly was never something I felt necessary, just the next step in the evolution of my playing experience. One I didn't take until I was ready for it.

    So really, I don't think not having the funds to fully take advantage of the enchancement system is a drawback for newbies. It may even be a good thing. Let them figure out things like maps, trains, and jetpacks first and worry about slotting enhancements later.
  19. Red_Raccoon

    Free Account

    Once I learned how to generate all the inf I needed via the market, it became my practice to always kit out every character with the best possible enchancements as soon as they become available. At level 12, I fill every slot with level 15 DOs. At 17 they they all get replaced with level 20 DOs. At level 22, each characer is completely decked out with SOs. Then I start replacing those with IOs. Etc etc.

    I admit I find it hard to imagine playing a character that doesn't have a full set of DOs after level 12 or a full set of SOs/IOs after level 22. I haven't had to do so in a long time. I'm spoiled.

    But this wasn't always the case. There have been a few times that I've logged on to a lowbie that I haven't played since my first few months of subscription--characters I haven't played since before I knew how to earn from the market or even knew how to slot efficiently--and I've been amused to see things like level 18 characters with lots of TOs, or level 27 characters rocking plenty of DOs (even quite a few empty slots or slots with outleveled enchancements)

    The thing is, I remember having fun playing those characters. It didn't matter that I didn't have the best possible enchancements. Sure, the game was harder then and I died more. But what game isn't more difficult when you're new than when you're more experienced?

    For a vet that goes freebie, the downgrading of enchancements will likely be a bit of a shock. But new freebie players won't know the difference. They won't know that their playing experience is supposed to be "horrid" just because a mission which is a breeze to us vets may be a little challenging to them (many may actually enjoy the challenge). So I'm not too worried about the newbies playing on their free accounts. If I enjoyed the game in my early days with no huge bankroll of inf and a stable of mostly crappy enchancements, I'm sure they can too.

    As for not wanting to spend any money on the game, I can certainly appreciate waiting until a player is sure that he/she actually likes playing. But for anyone who decides to stick around, the experience will be very limited unless you are willing to buy something at some point. That's deliberate. NCsoft doesn't want people playing completely for free--they make zero money from that. Think of a totally free account as an extended trial. You CAN keep the trial going forever if you really want to, but NCsoft is hoping you won't. Eventually they want free players to either subscribe or at least engage in a few market transactions from time to time. It was never their intention, nor their promise, to give players a full gaming experience for absolutely nothing.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Badaxe View Post
    Do you swap between two separate accounts on the same PC?

    I do, and I've noticed that when I do I sometimes get the fog of war problem as well as the current zone displayed for each character in the character list will be messed up.
    I do, now that I set up a free account for my wife, and that's about the time I noticed the issue. I had a feeling that might be the cause, but wasn't sure.
  21. Red_Raccoon

    First Ward

    I've noticed that the contact you talk to to access the portal does not appear on the map as a contact (at least not after the first time you talk to them) but the portal itself is marked with a red dot. It took me forever to figure this out when I was trying to get back to First Ward from Cap.
  22. I've been having the map problem too--a zone map will appear mostly uncovered to a character who's never been there before, or else the map will appear mostly fogged out to a character that's been all over the zone already.

    I haven't noticed any other anomolies.
  23. Red_Raccoon

    Stuck in SSD2

    Originally Posted by GATE-keeper View Post
    iirc, it makes the "destructible object" sound instead.

    When you click on the glowie, you are given muliple options to select. I've noticed that other glowies that offer multiple options also make the "destructible object" sound instead of the usual glowie sound. There's a few of them in some of the newer arcs.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
    $9.99 bought you two I believe.

    I think it went $5.99 for 1, $9.99 for 2, and $19.99 for 5. Obviously the $19.99 was the best deal.
    That appears to match the current rate. I believe under the new market system, 1 slot is 480 points, 2 cost 800 points, and 5 go for 1600. That translates to $6.00, $10.00, and $20.00 respectively.

    Wait, they snuck in a 1 cent surcharge per transaction!
  25. I thought the First Ward story arcs were great.

    They never promised that First Ward would offer moral choices or branching story arcs, and I never assumed those options would be there, so I wasn't disappointed to not find them.

    Did I feel that some of the things my character had to do in these story arcs were out of character? Sure, but I feel that way about a lot of story arcs in the game. I think that's unavoidable unless they implement a system of choice-making far more advanced than anything we've seen so far in this game.