Are Genericed SGs Renamable?
A close fried in game had their SG generic-ed.
They did get to choose another name eventually, though I think there was a bit of back and forth with support over it.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617
Going to echo Catwhoorg on this one. The only ones who may be able to help are the folks in support. There is no mechanic in place to allow players to rename their SGs. Not sure if it's difficult for support to do, but at the same time, I don't think they want to be inundated with requests to rename SGs either.
If you are forming a new SG, I would play it safe and choose a unique name that you don't think is likely to violate anyone's intellectual properties. Calling your SG "The X-Men" or "Dr. Xaviers School For the Gifted" is probably a bad idea. Of course, some time ago, I saw an two different SGs that were named for TV shows and all the members that I saw lurking around were taken directly from those TV shows. Not sure how long either one of these lasted, of course.
- Garielle
There was a large VG with a name of some anime something or other. Their uniforms were copies of the characters of that show and the list goes on. They were genericked and their name was changed to something else.
So it's happened before. Don't know what that means for you though.
I don't see the point of having a friend report the name. Just submit a ticket yourself explaining situation just like you did here. Support will probably be more likely to rename the group for you if you're up front about it.
I would never tell anyone to petition their own VG name in order to have a GM look at it and force the active leader to rename it.
But perhaps if someone else petitioned your VG's name out of "disgust" or "spite"...
Someone reported one of my SGs a while back. It was named with the URL of the COH related blog I was working on way back in the day before I realized that I just wasn't that interesting, even to myself. Having it genericed was a relief since I hadn't been maintaining the blog for a couple of years. I responded to the email and the GM changed the name. I even gave him 4 of my other similarly named SGs to rename. It was all handled cordially.
Teams are the number one killer of soloists.
I don't see the point of having a friend report the name. Just submit a ticket yourself explaining situation just like you did here. Support will probably be more likely to rename the group for you if you're up front about it.
I once read a post by a player who contacted support after finding out that they had inadvertantly chosen a character name that was already in violation of an existing copyright. They siad support allowed them to change the character name. I suspect the same would work for a supergroup.
For anyone who's been there, if a VG/SG gets it's named genericed, do you get the option of renaming it or does it stay "GenericSG-39004" forever?
Background: I recently inherited an SG. My alt is the only character who's logged in for over a year. It's got a working base, storage and couple of million prestige. The perfect little personal lair. Problem is it has a horrible, cringe-making copyrighted name. Not even a subtle one but a popular TV show name. I've been using the alt just for emailed storage because I don't even like logging him in. The name bothers me that much. (Why did I join it in the first place? It was a favour - long story.)
So... If I get a friend to report the SG name for the EULA violation, will I get the option of renaming it?
"He may be arrogant, but he happens to be correct" - Ellis
"The server is full of crazies" - New_Dark_Age
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