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  1. Trip mines already have a fairly incidental recharge for what they are. I especially don't see the point of a lower recharge if you'd have to place them out of combat away from enemies in the first place, what would you need the recharge for then anyway? Most of the drag there is the animation time if you ask me.

    But anyhoo, I'd not really be happy with the out of combat idea largely because I really don't see how it would in any way, shape or form aid my performance in a team. I already somewhat feel like a third wheel in teams when I'm there with another blaster as an energy/dev (as compared to say, a fire/energy or even an energy/energy really). Even if the mine did more damage that way I've run into precious few teams that really are up for the whole 'pulling back' idea when they can just push forward en mass with little to no danger of death.

    What I think would be interesting is if they could finagle it so that if you were within melee range (or possibly very slightly out of it) and had an enemy targeted, you'd just sort of toss a mine at them which would go off for less AoE damage than normal (since it wasn't set up properly or somesuch). Doubt something like that would ever happen though.
  2. You need to click on one of the guards to get into the zone. The clickable area is generally somewhere around their crotch for some reason.

    I think the idea is you're showing them your 'credentials' to be allowed into the zone.
  3. I think you misread that. Or I did.

    It looked like NancY was saying that the folks wanting all the boosters/future expansions to be included free in their monthly sub were being greedy. Or at least that's how I saw it.
  4. Sorry, sorry. I misremembered. It's $9.50 for a movie ticket (7 for a matinée, which I don't get to go to much). Today though I noticed they've drastically raised the prices on concessions, by about a dollar on just about everything except candy. I spent $12 on a popcorn and soda ... by some odd trick of pricing and combos it was actually cheaper to get a large of both than a medium like I wanted ... anyone out there need half a bag of slightly stale popcorn?
  5. Hmm, Ikube's energy blasts are going to be yellow and black (assuming that doesn't end up looking horrid).

    A lot of my other characters concepts and color schemes were actually specifically designed around the powersets I was using. I'll need to think some more about the rest of them though. I might actually have to make an energy/energy blaster who's blasts match the pink melee attacks just for the heck of it though.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    I'm curious as to what it would take to upset people when it comes to the boosters. Would you still be fine with it no matter what was put in them?

    [/ QUOTE ] Personally ... as long as free things of quality are still being released ... yea. Yea, I'm fine with just about anything in packs.

    If it's something I want then I'll pay for it and if there's nothing I want then I won't. Seriously, I went to the movies today and spent about twice what I did for this booster pack (more actually). These things aren't terribly expensive in the scheme of things, generally less than a non-matinée movie ticket really.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    But I'm also a little disappointed that PP, APP, PPP and Khelds haven't been mentioned in power customization. I only hope maybe at some later point.

    [/ QUOTE ] I personally wouldn't hold my breath about the EATs. They're fairly specifically tied to the lore of the game, far more so than any other powerset out there. Since in the game all (npc)PBs use white and all (npc)nictus/warshades are purple/black I don't really anticipate the ability to change that up.

    You're playing specifically the game's version of a kheld, with access to a specific storyline that treats you as one and (at one time) enemies to fight specifically designed to make it tough for you. If you're just playing a fire blaster, you're some guy(or whatever) who's a generic hero.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    It works, but it's HORRENDOUSLY slow. Take it from someone who got to 50 doing that - it AIN'T worth it.

    [/ QUOTE ] This, so very, very much this.

    I've seen some folks suggest using the trip mine in a fight when on teams but I've never had much luck with that since AoE will interrupt me and really, most things end up dead too fast for it to make much difference anyway.

    But yea, I'm pretty much QFTing here all things considered.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    I seriously doubt they'd drop badges after a side switch, it's a history of what you've done and where you've been. Besides, many are available to both and some even have hero/villain versions to differentiate. Something like Hero of the City might change to Betrayer of the City or somesuch.

    [/ QUOTE ]I may be a bit hazy on this, but weren't they originally specifically set up that way when CoV came out? Since the idea of side-switching predates the actual release and all.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I remember standing shoulder to shoulder with Ohms_ in the blaster forum taking on the likes of AnarchicGorrilla as he attempted to prove with numbers that blasters were over-powered.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    *sniff* *tearwipe* =)

    [/ QUOTE ]It's uncanny. Every once in a while I idly wonder, "Just what ever did happen to Ohms_? I never see him post anymore," and then just a couple of days later I randomly run across a recent post of yours.

    Those were fun times though.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    When? WHO KNOWS!

    The Shadow knows.

    [/ QUOTE ] So, you're actually saying that knowledge of I16 is, in fact, an evil that lurks in the hearts of men?

  12. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I'm not so sure. I think alot of people are bothered that they have to spend an xtra $10 to get very minor things like a costume piece. If we were actually offered something cool like a power set or new AT for $10....I don't think that many people would complain.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Really? Have you forgotten that they give us new powersets and the like for FREE, and yet people STILL kvetch?

    [/ QUOTE ]Indeed, and if they gave out powersets/ATs as microtransactions you'd get people saying how that was the one powerset they wanted for XYZ character and how the devs are horrible for making them pay for it since they have no money. Or other folks going on about how it's surely a sign showing that the devs will never release anything without our having to pay for it again. Blah blah blah blah.

    As cool as I think the overall idea is it'd almost have to coincide with a release of the same sort of content that was free, and even then people would find things to complain about.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    new ATs would be an interesting frontier for the microtransaction system to explore.

    [/ QUOTE ] That would actually be really quite cool, but it would cause one holy hell of a ruckus from the playerbase.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    The fact that the OP is an adult with a teenage child but has this viewpoint (and writes like a ninth grader) is really depressing.

    [/ QUOTE ] Actually, what I find kind of depressing is that's what the average ninth grader writes like.
  15. Oliin

    Cottage Rule

    [ QUOTE ]
    Not everybody lives their lives according to what mythology dictates.

    [/ QUOTE ] They've done it before ... waaaaaay back at the start. Gravity used to have no pet power. They removed a team recall power called fold space if I remember correctly and replaced it with Singularity.

    Which is both a good thing and a huge shame, as I really wanted that power on my grav/FF controller.
  16. Oh man. I'd almost forgotten about AnarchicGorrilla's posts in the blaster forum. Ahh, good times.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    It has occurred to me that a good power for a comic-bookish feel for Dual Pistols would be "Interception : Your skill with your weapons is such that you can shoot incoming attacks out of the air"; a ranged defense toggle.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Which would probably result in no tier 3 blast....

    [/ QUOTE ]I dunno. Make it a highly draining toggle then add in something that makes it so you can't do anything else while the toggle is active. Have it work like a damage toggle crossed with a dispersion bubble that only has ranged defense.

    Highly doubt anything like that would ever go in the game though.
  18. You're rather misrepresenting things there. MMOs in general function rather differently as 'free' games than normal console games do. You either have a monthly fee of some kind (with some games that's occasionally augmented by downloadable, additional stuff like CoH and I believe EQ2), or a nominally free game with considerable incentives to use the online mall to purchase additional in-game items.

    The cost of running customer support alone, not to mention all the servers involved with a game of this size is not inconsiderable.

    Most of the truly 'free' games (after initial purchase of the game in many cases) don't work their online in the same was as a MMO. They'll have code to allow a player to set themselves up as a server, or include said code into the game itself. It's pretty much all on the player's computers and the developer/publisher doesn't really have anything to do with that side of things.

    And really, when you look at it, there's generally a marked difference in quality between the $9.99 (and under) games and the $14.99 games currently on the market. For instance, this, while free to a point has an option for a monthly fee of $9.95 to have the full gameplay experience available. It's not a bad game at all (I played it at one point), but CoH is head and shoulders above it (and in my opinion above PSU as well).
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    Makes me think of the dodgeball movie

    [/ QUOTE ]Yea, that was my first thought too. Ahhh, fun film.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    i dont even understand why ppl are so against PL.
    i pay the same amount as you if i want to level faster i have the right.
    What difference does it make how fast i level? am i removing content from other players or obstructing other players from playing by doing so? No...

    [/ QUOTE ] To be honest, the biggest reason why PLing is 'wrong' as far as this game goes is as simple as, "Because the devs said so," really. I don't know that I've ever played a MMO that encouraged PLing. Most of them at least eventually ended up nerfing the common PL spots somehow.

    I don't really think that CO will be any more accepting of PLing than CoH is, but you never know I suppose.

    As far as the OP goes, I don't agree with you, but I'm really tired right now and lack the ability to respond to you very coherently, my apologies. It really is an interesting look at the matter though.
  21. AE System
    Welcome to Architect Entertainment -- Neutral
    Death for Dollars! -- Neutral
    Bare Knuckles of Rage (9304)
    Signal to Noise -- Neutral -- 67277

    Who is Kidnapping the World's Great Philosophers? -- Neutral -- 86347

    Character/Supergroup Origins
    Birth of a Fossil -- Heroic
    Secret Origins(Tech) The Snake Women of Epsilon V (42221) - Heroic
    Noah Reborn -- Heroic (2370)
    Polar Emergence Neutral Government User Interface Network (PENGUIN) #29205 - Heroic
    Jumping in Feet First - Heroic - 1345
    Midnight Bells Toll ----Villanious
    A Hero is made, Not Born. -- Heroic -- Arc# 20863
    A Mother's Nightmare -- Heroic -- #6955
    A Rose's Thorns -- Heroic -- 113224

    Classic Super-Hero/Super-Villain
    THE BOMBER --- Heroic --- Arc 16607
    In The Shadow of Statesman --Neutral--1160
    A Show to Die For! --- Heroic --- 30645
    Check... and Mate #15095 - Heroic - Mini Task Force
    Teen Phalanx Forever! -- Heroic (67335)
    This Life Immortal - (5756) Heroic
    Paradox Paradox - (69221) Heroic Stop yourself and Stellar from being erased!
    Sidekicks Can Be A Pain In The Cape - (28430)
    'Tis Nobler in the Mind - Heroic
    Deadly Sins! - 99366: fairly tough arc, can be solo'd.
    Marketing Opportunity - Villainous - 83747
    To Save A Single World - Heroic - 83744

    The String Thief, Arc ID: 15726 Neutral 1-54
    Mean People, Arc ID:16690 Neutral 1-54
    The Extadine Lab -- Heroic (2595)
    MacGuffin Delivery Service (1567) -- Villainous
    ParaCon -- Heroic (1684)
    The new and improved Lord Recluse Strike Force -- Villainous (though I wouldn't recommend against a hero )
    The Fire Bunnies - Neutral, They are only bunnies after all...
    You Say It's Your Birthday! (3630) - Neutral
    Trademark Infringement -- Heroic (2220)
    Hail to the King Neutral (34640)
    Walk On the Wild Side - Neutral - 3580
    Shirley You Jest (25474) -- Neutral
    The Invasion of the Bikini Clad Samurai Vampiresses from Outer Space! - Heroic - 61013
    Gnomish Madness (30204) - Heroic
    Doctor Nadir and the Hellion Heist (49661) - Heroic
    Laugh? I Thought I'd DIE! - Heroic
    The P.U.G. Strike force (arc 35585) -Villian
    A Translator is the Wind or the Thunder in Turns -- (2936) - Heroic
    What's in a Name? - Villainous
    None More Black, Dude! (#86312) Neutral
    Rise of the Drakule - Neutral
    Return of the Revenge of the Son of Drakule Part 2: First Blood - Neutral
    Martian Chimpanzees and the Cyborg Cheerleaders of DOOM! (Arc #69947) - Heroic
    Daytime Divas - #94504 Where else can you get a hair extension as a souvenir?
    Death to Disco! - (Neutral, 84420) A short arc that has time travel, silk shirts, platform shoes, Jimmy Carter and a chance to save Rock and Roll.
    Too Many Bunnygirls! - ID#101165(neutral). Time to stop them once and for all.
    Invasion on Earth BX1132! - Neutral - 45+ - #98943
    Ee=Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! - Neutral - 3662
    The foul-mouthed Handyman! - Neutral - 1076
    City of Norms - Neutral - 132944
    Killing The Meow Farm - 141625 - Neutral

    Fashion Apocalypse - Neutral - 14840
    The Running of the Bulls -- Heroic 29973
    A Super Team is Born -- Heroic
    Cause of How Some Silly Stealed My Wings #1481 -- Neutral
    How to Survive a Robot Uprising -- Heroic (12669)
    Dr. Duplicate's Dastardly Dare -- Neutral
    It's a Nice Day for a White Wedding (9059) -- Neutral
    TURG FICTION: Ghost in the Machine, Act I - Heroic (althoughs romantic villains could try this too )
    Rum Runners of Bloody Bay (3691) - Heroic
    Have a Blap, Blap, Blappy Day Kids! (2019)
    The Toypocalypse! (49280) - Heroic
    Fishing for Fame with Red Herring - Heroic (66861)
    Putting Out Fires: A Corporate Satire (20100) - Villainous
    The Rise and Refall of Pets'n'Things.com - Heroic - 1061
    The Cat's in the Cradle (8776) - Villainous
    Females for Hire - Neutral (Heroic and/or Mercenary motivations) (110723)

    Bricked Electronics -- Heroic (LIVE! 2180)
    The Bravuran Jobs -- Villainous (16809)
    The Black Flag Is On The Rise (Pirates!) - Villainous
    The Monstrous Regiment of Lesbian Hellions -- Heroic (27178)
    Win the 2009 Freak-Lympics (2150) - Villainous
    Ninja Crimewave! (2142) - Heroic
    Whitehawks (Arc 49364) -- Heroic
    The Internet is for Crime (53385) - Villains
    Plastic Pistol Peril (1135) - Heroic
    Friends in Need (Of Body Parts) - Villainous (31005)
    A Little RnR - Heroic (17523) click for Promotional Poster
    Mechanical Mayhem - Villainous (76721)
    Females for Hire (about a mercenary gang) - Neutral (Heroic and/or Mercenary motivations) (110723)

    The Conciliators: Simone -- Heroic (4010)
    The Fan Club -- Heroic
    Matchstick Women -- Heroic -- 3369
    Of Mentors and Legacy - Heroic - 1589
    Digital Love -- Neutral -- 3571
    A Flame the Burns Bright- 112548

    Global Domination
    Axis and Allies -- Villainous (1379)

    Global Destruction
    The Twilight of this Blue Orb -- Villainous (98529)

    Celebrity Kidnapping -- Villainous (1388)
    Easy Money -- Villainous (31490)
    The Great Diamond Heist -- Villainous (96169)

    Historical (Realistic)
    Wrinkle in Time -- Heroic(68920)

    Historical (CoH Lore)
    The War on Superadine - The Regulators in their 1980's drug war (Heroic) (Arc 7959)
    Origins - Volume 1 (57077) -- Heroic
    The Once and Future King (#71601) - Heroic

    City of Ho Ho Ho #18775 - Heroic
    Hectic Holidays -- Heroic (36999) also comedy
    Santa's Missing List - 34961

    Astoria in D Minor (41565) -- Heroic
    Dark Dreams (3615)
    D!E COUNT DADDY MACULA D!E! (10619) -- Heroic (1970's Action/Horror)
    Don't Play With The Dead (31813) -- Neutral
    The Amulet of J'gara (1709) -- Heroic
    Project: Perilous - Into the Chthonian Pit (#3586) - Neutral (Unless you happen to be a mad cultist, in which case, go nuts!)
    Small Fears -- Heroic
    Lights, Camera, Scream! (#68627) - 3 Mission arc that get's you into the B-Horror film circuit.
    Duality --Heroic -- 84105
    Hunting the Hunters --Villainous -- 93362 - Help a vampire find out who is hunting his people
    Creepy Crawlers - Arc ID: 82553 (Lv 41 - 52, a short, solo-friendly ghost story. Best played alone.)
    I Will Dance On Your Grave - Arc ID 92630 – Any level, no EBs or AVs, Voodoo, Necromancy
    Movie Monster Madness.. - 102058
    Something Comes to Yarmouth(58812) - Heroic, levels 25+ (masearch link)
    The Zombie Apocalypse Task Force: Something wicked this way comes.

    Large-Scale Crisis
    Alpha and Omega (60015) -- Heroic
    Is it Live or is it Memory-X - Arc ID #70210 - Heroic
    This Is War, Part I - the Revenge of Hro'Dtohz -- Neutral
    Win the Past, Own the Future - Heroic
    A Warrior's Friend - Heroic
    The Clockwork War -- Heroic (18672)
    Flight of the Valkyries - Precursor (20272) -- Neutral
    The Human Hive (#1632) - Neutral
    War of the Worlds - The Anakim Invasion - Part 1 -- Neutral (15006)
    War of the Worlds - The Anakim Invasion - Part 2, The Terran Revolt -- Neutral (46711)
    Bleed the Freak - Arc ID #6919 - Heroic

    The Magical Miss Fitz (5079) -- Heroic
    Chains of Blood (5492) -- Heroic
    A Deal with Destiny -- Heroic
    The Broken Chain (82378) -- heroic
    Croatoa's Great War: The Parfait Family Reunion -- Neutral -- 71880
    Rex is Missing! - Heroic - 51702
    The Tannhäuser Gate (Arc 96322)
    I Will Dance On Your Grave - Arc ID 92630 – Any level, no EBs or AVs, Voodoo, Necromancy

    Redoubt Operations #1: Fires over Kalago -- Heroic
    Red Storm Rising (Arc 4912) -- Heroic
    Whitehawks (Arc 49364) -- Heroic
    Axis and Allies -- Villainous (1379)
    Vanguard AQUA (58475) -- Neutral
    Wings of Deception, 101926

    Misc. Adventure
    Impossible Kung Fu Mission -- Nuetral (111367)
    The Portal Bandits (3326) -- Heroic
    A Glitch in the Wyre- Arc 73197-- Neutral (Fun for both the good kids and the bad kids too!)
    The Council Cargo - Arc ID: 36951 (Heroic, Lv 26 - 31, solo or team)
    Hero Therapy! (TM) - 119228

    Blowback (18575) -- Heroic
    Dream Paper -- Heroic (13030)
    Dream Paper 2: Restless Sleep -- Heroic (16797)
    Dream Paper 3: Broken Dreams -- Heroic (13064)
    Hunter of Beasts: It begins with a riot... Arc ID: 110465 - Heroic
    Females for Hire - Neutral (Heroic and/or Mercenary motivations) (110723)

    Atlantis Attacks! -- Neutral (30898) -- Click for Promotional Poster
    The Seelie War -- Heroic
    The Unseelie War -- Villainous
    [b] The Seeds of Yggdrasil[b/] -- heroic
    Tales of Cimerora, volume 1 : Of feathers and fur -- Heroic
    The Aegis Affair - Heroic - **** - 16376
    Witches and Warriors (53006)- Heroic
    Rites of the Maenads (61159) - Heroic
    The Parable of the Fruit Salad -- Heroic -- 65369
    The Eye of Balor (88176) - Heroic
    Madness And The Minotaur - Neutral - 90124

    Nemesis Plots
    Brass Reaver: Part 1 -- Neutral
    The Handbag Plot -- Heroicish -- 36414
    Rise and Fall of the Iron General -- Heroic -- 142200
    Temporal Investigations - The Taint of Tesla

    Player-Chosen Outcome
    Hunting the Dark Dragon -- Heroic
    Playing Gods -- Heroic (51106)
    Time's Maelstrom -- Heroic #147296

    Above Mars - Part 1: The Wellington -- Neutral (13215)
    Adventures of the Space Marines -- Neutral
    Adventures of the Space Marines 2 -- Neutral
    The Adventures of the United Earth Rangers -- Neutral (29549)
    The Continuing Adventures of the United Earth Rangers -- Neutral (70237)
    The Final Nemesis
    The Knights of Rularuu -- Heroic (75386)
    [color= #bbff88]Reach for the Stars -- Neutral (78904) [/color]
    Spaced Invaders --Heroic(56856)
    That Mysterious Buzzing Sound - 12774
    The Balance of Power - 26931 - Neutral
    welcome to donut world - 1233 heroic

    Un-themed Survival/AV/Time Challenges
    The Meatgrinder -- Neutral

    Grim Riddles (#1396) - Heroic]
  22. This was happening to me the other day when I had a required boss with a minimum level lower than that of the regular enemy group of the mission. Oddly it didn't do it for all the missions that had this issue, only the one.
  23. Awww, come on now. The burning forest map was going to be the map for the last mission for my Hellion lowbie arc

    That's just upsetting.
  24. Oliin

    AE: Destroyed

    [ QUOTE ]
    Some might farm after getting bored of playing all the usual arcs on 20 different toons. It should be their option to do this and play the game without playing the same arcs.

    [/ QUOTE ] Which is why they could, instead, play through any of the numerous lower-level story-based arcs that players have created. A lot of them are really quite nifty truth be told ....

    Oh wait, they're not really bored with the same-old content, they just want to level ASAP and are using that as an excuse.