AE: Destroyed
AE officially now sucks. Not only it has been nerfed the mishes with just bosses are so much tougher and no one does normal mishes anymore so the new issue just screwed everything.
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You truly live up to your forum name.
AE officially now sucks. Not only it has been nerfed the mishes with just bosses are so much tougher and no one does normal mishes anymore so the new issue just screwed everything.
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NCSOFT may take away our servers and beloved dev team, but they can't break our spirit and community. with all your power, NCSOFT, your victory will be bitter-sweet. I, personally will be there to laugh at you when you face-plant into the ground.
You truly didn't think it was gonna last forever did you? I mean really.
Le Blanc 50 Dark/Dark Scrap
High Huntress 50 Archery/NRG Blast
And a goatload of others. On a goatload of servers.
Official Rickroller of Hero Con 1

AE officially now sucks. Not only it has been nerfed the mishes with just bosses are so much tougher and no one does normal mishes anymore so the new issue just screwed everything.
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You truly live up to your forum name.
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Thats right!
You truly didn't think it was gonna last forever did you? I mean really.
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Yeah, but it totally [censored] normal teaming and everything people do AE wise blows.
AE officially now sucks. Not only it has been nerfed the mishes with just bosses are so much tougher and no one does normal mishes anymore so the new issue just screwed everything.
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I'd lather not.
I know what you mean, it really sucks when things work as intended.
AE officially now sucks. Not only it has been nerfed the mishes with just bosses are so much tougher and no one does normal mishes anymore so the new issue just screwed everything.
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I'd lather not.
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But your hair could be so much shinier if you lathered!
The issue is the Devs have been doing this for 5 years... They give the players something fun, something exciting, and then when they realize people are using exploits to level too fast...they nerf the crap out of things, ripping the shiny new toy from the hands of the players... The Devs are gonna kill this game, just a matter of time now... tic toc tic toc
The issue is the Devs have been doing this for 5 years... They give the players something fun, something exciting, and then when they realize people are using exploits to level too fast...they nerf the crap out of things, ripping the shiny new toy from the hands of the players... The Devs are gonna kill this game, just a matter of time now... tic toc tic toc
[/ QUOTE ] just said they've been doing it for five years...It hasn't killed the game yet. You mean "tick" which is the sound a clock makes.
Wait, what?
I don't see no smoking craters in the ground.
Oh wait... the EXPLOIT got destroyed. Yeah it blowed up reeeal good, din'nit?
Sorry for your loss, brah. Now suck it up and play, or not, your choice.
"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."
I'm sittin' pretty on my newly-adjusted arcs; I adjusted all my enemy powers to be reasonable. I don't see any destruction here.
Oh, do you mean you can't farm the same LT-xp granting minion over and over? Shame if that's all you ever wanted to do, I guess. ...if that's all you ever wanted to do why are you even playing the game? Progress Quest sounds more your thing.
Global @Twoflower / MA Creator & Pro Indie Game Developer.
Mission Architect Works: DIY Laser Moonbase (Dev Choice!), An Internship in the Fine Art of Revenge (2009 MA Award Winner!) and many more! Plus Brand New Arcs for Issue 21!
Wait, what?
I don't see no smoking craters in the ground.
Oh wait... the EXPLOIT got destroyed. Yeah it blowed up reeeal good, din'nit?
Sorry for your loss, brah. Now suck it up and play, or not, your choice.
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That's probably because the map that had them got pulled in this patch without warning.
Back to locking xp at 46 and PLing toons the old fashion way.
That's still okay
Sounds like they fixed it. It was supposed to be a way to create awesome and fun story arcs. Not for creating boring as heck mission filled with nothing but bosses. And why does there need to be 1000's of missions like that. "ooh but my bosses are purple and your are blue. Blue sucks for power leveling!"
If the devs made a mistake, it wasn't the change that happened today, it's that they didn't have something in place to prevent AE from becoming a farm fest. It's only because they made a mistake in the first place that they had to make the change you're whining about. I can't blame them though, I didn't think people would be so gangbusters about doing such mind-numbing missions day in and day out.
Because of the high amount of xp/inf we once earned with Rikti Com Officers, CoX has received some of the highest traffic on all servers for the longest time as we PL'd our toons from 1-40 in 4 hours. It was great fun and we started to re-connect with people as we'd join teams with the goal of getting another lvl 50.
I fear that the devs may be crippling a golden opportunity. If we are leveling faster than usual, then at some point in time we're going to need to buy more character slots.
Selling slots to even 1/2 of the players because of this fast leveling, where they didn't sell them fast enough before, would equate into big money.
Current slot pricing:
1 slot costs $6.00
2 slots cost $10.00
5 slots cost $20.00
10,000 players buy:
1 slot = $60.000
2 slots = $100,000
5 slots = $200,000
50,000 players buy:
1 slot = $300,000
2 slots = $500,000
5 slots = $1,000,000
100,000 players buy:
1 slot = $600,000
2 slots = $1,000,000
5 slots = $2,000,000
This huge influx of currency will allow then to create and expand this game in ways not thought possible. They could monetarily have the chance to really compete with Blizzard and win back all those converts. But, the devs have to bite the bullet and let it go. The baby that they treasure needs to grow. They need to let the baby leave the nest.
Wherever the players take the game, let it happen. Don't resist it. Go with the flow. The players are farming to get their toons up to 50 fast.. Just let it happen. It's what the players want. It's what the players are doing. Just relent and let it go devs. We know you mean well, but sometimes you forget that we players are the ones who determine where the game should go, not you.
It's hard, I know, but we love this game because of certain things that are fun. Leveling toons this way was fun. I fear that now that you've nerfed it, this game will once again become stagnant and a golden opportunity will slip right out of your hands. A month from now, ask yourselves whether your server activity and subscriptions have grown in leaps and bounds?
Just take a deep breath.. Think about it.
I can't feel my legs..!

I believe these things just need to be left in the game. If you choose not to use faster-leveling techniques, that is your choice. Those who do not choose to farm are not hurt in anyway by people who farm. Both ways are acceptable to their supporters, and this should persist in order to keep everyone happy. Some might farm after getting bored of playing all the usual arcs on 20 different toons. It should be their option to do this and play the game without playing the same arcs. Soon enough, farms will become boring for them too, and then they can look to something new. The ultimate key to a good mmorpg is the availability of huge amounts of content (something MA helps). Players should have different routes to take, according to their decisions, which don't affect anyone else.
All the logic and data and such will not help, now.
Posi said No.
Bailiff? Call the next nerf, please!
"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."
OP, a correction. Rikti Farming: Destroyed.
OP, a correction. Rikti Farming: Destroyed.
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Oh! Just got done with my first successful run with an easier minion group and nets more xp.
Thanks Posi!
All the logic and data and such will not help, now.
Posi said No.
Bailiff? Call the next nerf, please!
[/ QUOTE ]
Yes, Posi said no, but I wonder what NCSoft in Korea (the main corporation that owns the CoH franchise) would think if they found out that they nerfed a potential goldmine for the sake of the developers visions for this game.
Corporations usually fire folks that resist them making any money for whatever reasons. If Posi doesn't want this at all, then if the subscriptions dip down once again, Posi may be looking for another job at the urgency of the main corporate body in Korea.
I don't know what kind of contractual agreements they have between Paragon Studios and NCSoft Korea, but, I know in the corporate world, if someone stops a process that could potentially make them more money based on principles, they'll toss em out and find someone who will.
Sad but true, even though Posi said no, corporate may say otherwise since they, not Posi, own the rights to the game. Dangerous territory for the developers, very dangerous territory indeed.
I can't feel my legs..!

Don't brag too much.
They're already datamining... wouldn't be hard for the CS reps to start matching up forum names to global accounts, give the number-crunchers something to focus on...
"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."
OP, a correction. Rikti Farming: Destroyed.
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Oh! Just got done with my first successful run with an easier minion group and nets more xp.
Thanks Posi!
[/ QUOTE ]
Really? So this new nerf was nerfed cancelling out the nerf to create a better MA with even more XP's? YAY for nerf nerfs..!
I can't feel my legs..!

Yes, Posi said no, but I wonder what NCSoft in Korea (the main corporation that owns the CoH franchise) would think if they found out that they nerfed a potential goldmine for the sake of the developers visions for this game.
Corporations usually fire folks that resist them making any money for whatever reasons. If Posi doesn't want this at all, then if the subscriptions dip down once again, Posi may be looking for another job at the urgency of the main corporate body in Korea.
I don't know what kind of contractual agreements they have between Paragon Studios and NCSoft Korea, but, I know in the corporate world, if someone stops a process that could potentially make them more money based on principles, they'll toss em out and find someone who will.
Sad but true, even though Posi said no, corporate may say otherwise since they, not Posi, own the rights to the game. Dangerous territory for the developers, very dangerous territory indeed.
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Since "City of Hero" fell flat in Korea, the folks at NCSoft have pretty much said, "you know your market, run with it". This is NCSoft's flagship paid-sub MMO, right now, and it's holding very steady after 5 years, which is a pretty big deal in the MMO world.
I've the feeling that as long as subscriptions don't dip too far, Posi has nothing to fear for his job. The MA system as a whole is an awesome step forward, and MOST (!) people love it for the simple fact that they can try content that they haven't seen previously.
So perhaps it won't be AS MUCH of a rise in subscriptions as originally thought, mm?
"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."
AE officially now sucks. Not only it has been nerfed the mishes with just bosses are so much tougher and no one does normal mishes anymore so the new issue just screwed everything.