AE: Destroyed
The fact is we all know what "exploit" actually means, just like we all know what "torture" really means.
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The only practical definition of "exploit" I can think of: "Exploit" means whatever the devs want it to mean.
It's a more useful definition than "statistical advantage" at least.
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1 To employ to the greatest possible advantage: exploit one's talents.
2 To make use of selfishly or unethically: a country that exploited peasant labor. See synonyms at manipulate.
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We're going with #2. Just because we don't know the precise point at which leveling speed triggers the devs' scrutiny, that doesn't mean it could be at any point at all, and since Positron used the phrase, "worst of the worst," it's probably a good deal higher than anything you've achieved outside the MA.
The prevalence of bipolar thinking is getting to me. I think I have to accept that people are just steamed up and not willing to acknowledge a middle ground right now.
ronntuonnthunntrovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoordenenth ur-
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As an OSU fan you make me proud to hate Michigan. I should save these posts as fodder for Hate Week when we beat your sad little Wolverines all over again.
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wow!!!!!!!! SERIOUSLY SOME OSU [censored] IS ON MY FORUM OHHHHH NOOOOO!!!!! EVERYONE OUT THERE IS A MORON PRESENT FROM OHIO see how it feels to make fun of where people are from ????
The fact is we all know what "exploit" actually means, just like we all know what "torture" really means.
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The only practical definition of "exploit" I can think of: "Exploit" means whatever the devs want it to mean.
It's a more useful definition than "statistical advantage" at least.
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1 To employ to the greatest possible advantage: exploit one's talents.
2 To make use of selfishly or unethically: a country that exploited peasant labor. See synonyms at manipulate.
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We're going with #2. Just because we don't know the precise point at which leveling speed triggers the devs' scrutiny, that doesn't mean it could be at any point at all, and since Positron used the phrase, "worst of the worst," it's probably a good deal higher than anything you've achieved outside the MA.
The prevalence of bipolar thinking is getting to me. I think I have to accept that people are just steamed up and not willing to acknowledge a middle ground right now.
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The analogy brought up in the farming thread communicated it pretty well I thought.
There is an arcade. The arcade has a game that gives out tickets that can be redeemed for various prizes. Everyone is playing the game. One day, someone figures out how to cheat the game. Everyone wins lots and lots of tickets by doing this. The Arcade owners fix the machines overnight and post a sign saying People may be kicked out of the arcade for getting lots of tickets. The only criteria for identifing the offenders is via how many tickets you get.
No one reasonable is arguing that the machines shouldn't have been fixed. The problem is the people who are on the High Score section are worried about getting too many tickets for not only themselves, but also for the guy playing the 2 player Co-op beside him from his football team, even though he isn't nearly as good.
Substitute Exp, merits, tickets, inf, prestige, or whatever other reward you want into the above and it will still work just fine.
FiberOptic, you must have lost your mind if you think that "anyone" here other than you would describe me as fanboi, that is comical. You need to check my post history mate.
In terms of the real issue regarding xp/inf you need to just come clean and admit that you made an error and all will be well.
Name calling and making yourself look out of touch with reality is not the way to go mate.
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I could come and say it plain as day, but that is not only not allowed, it's denied by all who are part of the friends and family program, plus a few goofy sycophants. Believe me if you are not a member of the friends and family program, and you try to use a few of the "features" of CoH often enough, and your not a sycophant fayboy, you'll find out what "not" being in the program means.
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Where does this mention you?
Been playing near 4 years, almost every day since I came back after a 2 month break, namely because I was having no luck making money(no, I dont marketeer, I failed business economics class in school), and came back when Shields hit. Past few weeks, guess what, I was having A BLAST. I was able to level up chars to the range I wanted within A FEW DAYS. I wasnt gonna go 1-50 in one day, hell, I went 1-25 for a couple alts in like 2-3 days, with less stress, and with all the tickets, got a few good rolls to fund them in advance! Making money, leveling chars, even bought a few more char slots to make more concepts I had in mind, and I was HAVING FUN. Now, tickets are nerfed, no one wants to farm, or do anything AE. After near 4 years, they finally did a change that upset me. Plan your stuff in advance folks, dont give people a nice shiny for 3 weeks then smack em in the face figuratively speaking. Past 3 days I've logged on for a few minutes, maybe bought a IO or two, and logged off. And this is with 40+ chars. I love farming, I love PL, I hate grind. Still here after near 4 years, but now, my will is gone. Maybe CO will be better, maybe it'll be crap, but who knows. I played Diablo 2 for 5 years, quit for this game when I was getting desperate enough to debate buying items online. Now im thinking of quitting this game because the enjoyable-ness I had past near month in terms of making/outfitting my chars is gutted down. And can't have my stuff.
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One reason you have trouble with money is you are not in the the friends and family program. The fact that this exists has always bugged me.
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The frelling what?
The fact is we all know what "exploit" actually means, just like we all know what "torture" really means.
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The only practical definition of "exploit" I can think of: "Exploit" means whatever the devs want it to mean.
It's a more useful definition than "statistical advantage" at least.
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I agree 100%.