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  1. Quote:
    "Good" Griefing Stories
    Oxymoron bells ringing.

  2. Less like a salmon and more like a canoe... (-er? -ist?), I don't fight the current and go with the flow. It's easier on the nerdrage, which I can save for the two stupid cats I live with.

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by newchemicals View Post
    I hate hunts! They are bad for teaming! The last hunt I want to do someone else's hunt.
    If I get a hunt, Contact -> Complete Mission.

    If I've used up my Complete Mission, then I move on to a different character for a day or two.

    Sometimes it takes a while to "clear out" a contact when they have nothing but hunt missions at the end of their mission list. Nobody said OCD was going to be easy.

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    But that's just my problem with it - the content EXPECTS me to have these high defences via Set bonuses and is designed to counter-act them. If I go there without them, my natural powerset defences get crushed, so I either HAVE to get those extra defences, or I need not apply. This is turning Set Inventions - and very specific Sets, as well - into essentially a gate, which in turn gets dangerously close to a specific gear rating. I need to have this much extra stats from my gear, and if I don't, I should go back to previous content and get that gear before I can run the content.
    I get why Sam says "the game is leaving me behind," because I feel the same way. The end game is just too much work (for me), and probably explains why I haven't played much lately, and why this thread discourages me from doing so even more.

  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by WanderingAries View Post
    Desk? you people have DESKS?!?!
    Not me. Looking at my picture up-thread again, I'll point out that I have two Costco workbenches as my computer tables, and use drafting chairs. That way I can either stand or sit. I also see the pic's a bit old, as I've replace the two 4:3 monitors with widescreens.

    Like Hyperstrike, I have a rack in the corner with all the computers and networking equipment. The girlfriend's computers are on the left table. The old school computer table in the front is my work laptop, since I work at home too.

    But man, you guys have some awesome computers! And Turgenev's combo computer/reading room is sweet.

  6. Quote:
    So why aren't you using AE?
    TL;DR version: Too much work.

    I used it a bit back in the day, ran some of the Dev/Guest arcs, even wrote my own arc to get the badges for my badger (and I'm sure that arc is severely broken now). I haven't been back since. It's easier to run tip or radio missions.

  7. I like a Mastermind with Demons/Time Manipulation.

    The demons could be her bound versions of the gods she owns, and time gives you "reach around the walls" effects.

    As for the look, I once made a "revived" costume for my magic character for use when rezzed or using an Awaken. The costume was all white, and I used the white glow aura. It had a very god-like feel and was almost painful to look at, especially on dark maps. But it allows for a very simple costume with stunning impact.

    So much for my input. Apparently I'm better at questioning your questions than giving pure advice.

  8. While I have at least two of every origin, mutant is far and away the most-often used for my characters. With a number of nuclear-powered suits, technology is the second-most used.

  9. [quote]will the new dimensional portal allow travel to the Praetoria starting zone?[\quote]

    I hope not. You made your choice, now live with it! (At least until level 20.)

  10. Other than my yearly subscription, I bought a $50 point pack. I haven't spent most of it, but I don't worry about grabbing stuff I want (like flying carpet for just one magic-using character).

    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    In this day-n-age it's hard to find any form of electronic entertainment that's cheaper per unit time so I consider it good value for my dollar.
    This. Gaming's my hobby and gives me more bang for my buck than anything else.

  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Pollyanna Matronic View Post
    I'll be there. Last year, I posted as much as I could as quickly as I could.
    I was posting to the forums as quickly as possible, as well. But this year they have better UStream coverage, so maybe it won't be as much of an issue as last time.

  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bullet Barrage View Post
    Basically, they just got robo-married, and decided to have robo-children. When's the robo-wedding?
    Well, California DID just negate Prop 8, so I guess robots are next...

  13. Dual pistols. My DP/Traps defender is so much fun to play.

    Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
    Whatever I am playing at the time.
    Quoted for truth. Pretty much all my characters are pretty fun, for different reasons.

  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MentalMaden View Post
    Won't do it. I'd transfer and mothball them, but I won't delete.
    Originally Posted by Necrotron_RO View Post
    I will never delete a level 50, ever.
    This. I only have about 15 50s, and I worked to get them all there. I love playing all my 50s occasionally, except my hated arrow defender, and I still won't delete him.

    Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
    I've deleted over 70 lvl 50s.
    HOLY !!! Powerplay much?

    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    I'll get an idea, I'll think about it for a day or two, then bug one of the roughly three people I know who are willing to discuss character concepts with me (Nuclear Toast will probably get cold chills from me saying that ), explain the concept, outline the problems I see with it, ask for what problems my conversation partner can add to the pile, then take some time to either explain them away or scrap the character.
    No chills. It's always interesting to see what people with real creativity can do.

  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Coulomb2 View Post
    Apparently, the thread was moved from "Player Questions" to "General Discussions".

  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
    There's "sci-fi", and there's "retro sci-fi". The pieces are for a "retro sci-fi" pack so vote accordingly.
    This is how they were designed in the player panel at the Summit. And this is how I voted.

  17. Lady Shroud and I are all set, though we might have to bug out a bit early on Saturday, as she's running the Big Sur marathon on Sunday.

  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NeoSaturn View Post
    Just add thin floating rings as a belt/glove/boot/hat options. Hey it worked for the Jetsons.
    That was a common theme for most all the parts when David drew them at the Player Summit.

  19. Dang with everybody flying into San Jose, as SFO is cheaper from Seattle. Sigh.

  20. The more you think you know...

    This time, I unchecked the "Preserve Favorites website data" and it worked. If only I could use something other than IE on my work computer. Oh well, all better now. Thanks for checking, everyone.

  21. I'd chime in, but I stopped with SSA1. My superpower of apathy fired off.

  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    What is the name of her backpack?
    It's Penny's Yang-pack.

    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    You know what I'm fixating on? She has a belly button. When can I have one of those?
    I said this PAGES ago! Yes!

  23. Plus, once you've wrung all the regular missions out of a contact, they insist on giving you three hunt missions before they'll finally let you go for good. I suppose those are the "top choice" missions I haven't taken before, but still, ugh.
