I've been playing old contacts




the low level contacts are terrible. level 12 in Steel. Missions I have gotten:
defeat 10 hellions,
report to Boomtown Security Chief - defeat 10 clockwork in Boomtown
report to Boomtown Security Chief - defeat 10 trolls in Boomtown
go to KR and talk to hero corps agent
defeat 10 council in Steel
defeat 10 council in Steel (got this one right after the other council)
get weapons from CoT

One door mission out of 7 missions, assuming get weapons from CoT is a door mission, I didn't do it yet. And even worse - there are almost no council in Steel anymore. 5th Column is wiping them out. So finding 10 took quite awhile.

On the other hand I am doing Neil Kendrick missions as well. It is a story arc mission telling about the history of Freakshow. The actual missions are about the same as doing a radio mission. They are scattered around the city - including Crey's Folly and Atlas - but with all of the transport options at level 35 getting around is easy. And it is cool getting the information. I'm not really accomplishing anything, just getting information, but it's interesting.



Sounds to me like, other than the Security Chief ones and Hero Corps, you've been clicking the top mission rather than the bottom. Old contacts would give two mission options, the top one would be a hunt mission and the bottom one would be a door mission.

Main Hero: Mazey - level 50 + 1 fire/fire/fire blaster.
Main Villain: Chained Bot - level 50 + 1 Robot/FF Mastermind.

BattleEngine - "And the prize for the most level headed response ever goes to Mazey"



really? All this time and I had no idea there was that pattern.



Yup. Gets really interesting when you're doing a story arc, and the arc missions are all on the bottom half, and then the arc needs a street hunt. Of course, back then, they didn't have Story Arc Titles in the mission descriptions, so you'd just keep on clicking the bottom one, wondering "What the hell does this have to do with anything?" until the non-arc missions run out and all that's left is the street hunt... and then you realize what happened.

Hasn't happened to me in years, but when I was new and hadn't figured out how the contact dialog was organized, it happened to me all the time.




Plus, once you've wrung all the regular missions out of a contact, they insist on giving you three hunt missions before they'll finally let you go for good. I suppose those are the "top choice" missions I haven't taken before, but still, ugh.


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



I create a LOT of alts. Got so freaking tired of the old contact BS and constant zone changing and traveling to have a mission objective quote one line of dialogue, that I switched to doing the first 22 levels in AE. I go straight from AP to KR at level 1. Created some quickie Boss/Lt missions that cut the leveling time by more than 2/3 and yield 1000's in valuable AE tickets.

I know a lot of folks frown on early stage "power leveling" but I feel better and getting my characters to the fun levels much, much quicker is a real stress relief.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Last time I did any 'legacy' arcs was for the Flashback badges. Never looked back.

I only do the 'zone arcs' now (Hollows, Faultline, etc...) or TFs.
When I started the Hollows were newish. At level 5 everyone went there for teaming. Then at 20 everyone went to Striga for teams.

I know I did some regular contacts back then, but probably very few.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Last time I did any 'legacy' arcs was for the Flashback badges. Never looked back.

I only do the 'zone arcs' now (Hollows, Faultline, etc...) or TFs.
I'm completely the opposite. I'll almost always choose an old arc over a new one because the old ones make almost no assumptions about my character's nature, personality or motivations. By contrast, I try to never, ever run the Hollows, Striga or Croatoa because all three zones represent by far the worst content in the game, from my point of view. Sure, Roy Cooling is horribly written, but these three zone "arcs" are not arcs at all. They're a combination of random missions that have nothing to do with each other just passing for a story. And this "story" ends in a Task Force, most of which I haven't even run.

I do agree that all the Security Chief garbage and forced introductions are stupid, and have always been stupid. No, there's no need to "introduce" people to the Hollow. This hasn't been new content for the last seven years. No, I don't need to have ALL my contacts drop what they're doing and insist I be introduced to a zone via its zone chief. And I ESPECIALLY hate the PvP Liaison missions. I know about PvP! It's crap! How many times do I need to be reminded of it?!?

That said, I don't mind travelling between zones. I prefer to travel, as a point of fact. The city feels so small and static when the next mission is always in that door over there 200 yards down the street. It's part of why City of Villains feels even smaller than it actually is. And unlike the meaningless CoV "story arcs" where you're told to go to three places and do three things and nothing comes of it, City of Heroes stories at least leave you with some lore revelation as a reward.

It scares me, and it scares me greatly, that the old story arcs will be "improved" like Atlas Park was. What I mean by this is it scares me that all the old fully functional and very decent story arcs will be chucked in the bin, to be replaced with just one very short arc that's 50% conversations and 30% cutscenes and 15% scripted events.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.