*spoilers* The Freedom Phalanx are incompetent!
I honestly, truly wish I could argue with you. I really wish I could. I'd love to defend - well, any of them, really.
I wish.
I've given up on the writing team.
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Kill the waaaabbit, kill the waaaaabbit, Kiiiiiill the waaaaabbiiiitt..
Oh wait, I'm sorry.
Nice post.
This whole series of events hinges on the heroes being incompetent hostile jerks with tons of baggage, who more or less allow this to happen through their angst and ineptitude. And it really serves to ruin the Freedom Phalanx, when none of this would have happened if heroes hadn't made numerous, very immediately obvious mistakes. And here I thought that Synapse getting incapacitated off-screen was just a battle cut for time. I've no doubt he got tagged because he did something stupid, too.
D-list villain pulls off a Nemesis grade plot and the blue team has permanent possession of the idiotball.
Much like that other game, the writers seem to have decided that the blueside is going to take body blow after body blow (and like it) to tell the redside story.
D-list villain pulls off a Nemesis grade plot and the blue team has permanent possession of the idiotball. |
Let me explain. So we need Malaise to mind-ride with Sister Psyche. He uses the Dirge of Chaos to sew destruction, and he needs Psyche to strain herself trying to stop the thing. Here are a few questions that need to be answered:
1. Why would she do that in the first place?
2. Could she not tell what would happen?
3. Would she not have a contingency plan?
Those are not unanswerable questions. Let's see...
1. When I go down to re-interrogate Malaise, a huge wave of Longbow soldiers descend to attack us, maddened by the Dirge. We can't stop them without killing them, so Sister Psyche has no choice but to step in.
2. Yes, she could tell what would happen, but she's confident that she has it handled because...
3. She knocks Malaise out, believing him to have been incapacitated. Only it turns out Malaise has grown stronger and his psychic power is active even when he's unconscious, or he's able to force himself back into consciousness. It's something Psyche couldn't have known about because he couldn't do that the last time they met.
You can have the heroes fail, even make mistakes without making them come off like they're incompetent. Sister Psyche gets mind-ridden by Malaise not because of unforeseen consequences or a tactical mistake, but because she acts like a brash idiot and gets burned for it.
One of the most important things a writer needs to do before finalising a story, or even a story chapter, is to "switch hats" to become his own detractor and try to punch as many holes as he can in his own story. Why did this happen? Why didn't that happen? Why couldn't this character do this? How could that character do that? What about past continuity? How can this flow into future continuity? A writer needs to do this to himself, because otherwise his audience will do it to him, and that's by far the worse alternative.
All of this is to say that I don't think the Freedom Phalanx needed to be presented as such unpleasant, incompetent people, and story could still have come out with the same general plot.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
And, really, if you wanted Malaise dead, why not just shoot him at Blitz's place? You had your chance. He was alone, unguarded, he attacked you. You had every opportunity to shoot an arrow through his head. You've shot your friends in the back and kidnapped your own wife. What did you think was going to happen? Who did you think was going to interrogate Malaise, the powerful psychic if NOT your wife, the other powerful psychic? Why arrest him, send him to your wife AND THEN break into a secure facility to kill him? You idiot?
If you play the hero side of the arc, then your hero is there to stop him. Now a vigilante might let him get away with it, but it's quite clear you're character isn't allowed to be a vigilante in the SSA.
And if you play the villain side, then Manticore actually gets defeated himself and Malaise hands himself over to the police, so Manticore doesn't have a chance then either.
Main Hero: Mazey - level 50 + 1 fire/fire/fire blaster.
Main Villain: Chained Bot - level 50 + 1 Robot/FF Mastermind.
BattleEngine - "And the prize for the most level headed response ever goes to Mazey"
I agree with you Sam. Funny part for me is that while playing the arcs as a Villain, in 3-5, I wanted to STOP being a villain and kill Malaise and Darrin myself, cause they are dicks too.
Worst bit fro me was the Cutscene at teh end of Part 3, where Mal tells Sis to read his mind..to find out what is going to happen. And she says NO. Wtf. cahnce to find out the devious plot..no, I wont use my super powers and instead rely on teh good will of the guy trying to KILL me. Genius
Worst bit fro me was the Cutscene at teh end of Part 3, where Mal tells Sis to read his mind..to find out what is going to happen. And she says NO. Wtf. cahnce to find out the devious plot..no, I wont use my super powers and instead rely on teh good will of the guy trying to KILL me. Genius
You've shot your friends in the back and kidnapped your own wife. What did you think was going to happen? Who did you think was going to interrogate Malaise, the powerful psychic if NOT your wife, the other powerful psychic? Why arrest him, send him to your wife AND THEN break into a secure facility to kill him? You idiot?
Not to say I don't agree w/ mostly what you said, but a thing here and there that are off.
I wanted to STOP being a villain and kill Malaise and Darrin myself, cause they are dicks too.

@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Um...I dont think you were paying attention. It WOULD have been a good idea, right then. Because she IS the most powerful psychic around, much stronger than Mal, and at that time, her mind was NOT weakened by the dirge. So yeah, smart guy, it would have been a GREAT idea to read his mind right then and see what the plan was.
The point in being a villain? You mean..do what I want, regardless, take from people I dont like, hurt people I dislike, try to get more power myself?
Hmmmm that sounds a LOT like a villain choosing to bump off mal and darrin, and hog the credit myself, killing the people I dislike, who are clearly just using me for their own ends. Yep..sounds plenty villainous to me.
The point in being a villain? You mean..do what I want, regardless, take from people I dont like, hurt people I dislike, try to get more power myself?
Hmmmm that sounds a LOT like a villain choosing to bump off mal and darrin, and hog the credit myself, killing the people I dislike, who are clearly just using me for their own ends. Yep..sounds plenty villainous to me. |

@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
You made it sound like you wanted to kill them because they were being jerks
![]() |
"Man, you're a jerk." <blam>
"Get off my lawn!" <blam>
"What are you looking at?" <blam>
"You call this medium rare?" <blam>
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
I've got it, I know just how to fix this.
Hm, I suppose that Manticore could cut a deal with the devil to bring Statesman back to life, the only cost being that Sister P would never remember that she married him or his secret identity......
Wait a minute....
I've seen this plot before....
/toggleoff snarkmode
Writer of In-Game fiction: Just Completed: My Summer Vacation. My older things are now being archived at Fanfiction.net http://www.fanfiction.net/~jwbullfrog until I come up with a better solution.
Another novel-long post. Let me grab some coffee....at 12am when I have to get up at 5 >_>

Well I think other people have covered it. It's not like the two big comic book representatives of our niche are doing a better job, currently.
But I'm the stupid pancake that keeps buying them hoping they get better, so who am I to judge?
Still love my Co* though!
Even with the plothole issues. I can't argue with that, Sam, but I think that's ultimately the point. The new goal is to make "US" the new big heroes that can see solutions they can't, to be the savioirs they haven't been able to... etc, etc. Same for villainside. I wouldn't be at all surprised that the loss of Statesman diminishes Recluse's power, and is the springboard for the next SSA, or the villain finish of the current one. Either way.
I'm not saying that we become the leaders of the Freedom Phalanx or Arachnos, but that their power and influence wanes, needing us to do what they can't. This has already been hinted at with the balance of power obviously being changed in the new villain starting content.
Villainside, you used to be told how 'grateful' you should be to serve Arachnos and Recluse's 'Project Destiny'. Now it's more 'It's us against them, we'll let you do what you want, they'll put you back in jail... what sounds better?' Linerally you find out about "Project Destiny" later, but that's not the focus.
It's more about putting the power into the hands of the player(s). That's how I'm reading it anyway. Because of that, I'm willing to see where they're taking it.
Basically, I don't think they're incompetent because of bad writing, I think they're incompetent by design.
I could be wrong though, but my storyteller's gut says otherwise.
"I play characters. I have to have a very strong visual appearance, backstory, name, etc. to get involved with a character, otherwise I simply won't play it very long. I'm not an RPer by any stretch of the imagination, but character concept is very important for me."- Back Alley Brawler
I couldn't agree more.
The blueside story arc is a litany of one failure after another.
I'm reserving final judgement for the conclusion of the story but so far I don't see much to recommend a purchase of the entire story.
The blueside story arc is a litany of one failure after another.

@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
It's more about putting the power into the hands of the player(s). That's how I'm reading it anyway. Because of that, I'm willing to see where they're taking it.
Basically, I don't think they're incompetent because of bad writing, I think they're incompetent by design. I could be wrong though, but my storyteller's gut says otherwise. |
For example, with the fifth part of the SSA, I had proposed this scenario for Statesman's death:
Players exit the cave, cut scene begins as normal, Darrin Wade then tells States he does kill... and nothing happens. Statesman than hold up a glowing chunk and taunts Wade that he figured out this was some kind of trap, checked around before hand, and smashed it. Wade is forced to 'retreat' with the cover of a small army of Rularuu that you aid States in taking down. Then, Wade reveals he had a backup plan the whole time, just in case his first failed, and now he caught you too! States dies, but before Wade can get to you, you break free, and prove yourself to be a lot stronger than wade had anticipated. then it proceeds as normal.
States gets points for recognizing a trap.
Wade gets points for planning in the event of failure besides just running.
And player is given points, being able to break binds that stopped even Statesman and proceeding to force a genuine retreat out of Wade.
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Even with the plothole issues. I can't argue with that, Sam, but I think that's ultimately the point. The new goal is to make "US" the new big heroes that can see solutions they can't, to be the savioirs they haven't been able to... etc, etc.
Here's a little example. When Manticore and Liberty were arguing and she told him in no uncertain terms that if he doesn't leave, she WILL fight him, I was genuinely excited. I KNOW Miss Liberty can snap the guy in half with one hand. I've fought her, I know what she can do. Even in her worst moment, I can still respect her power. And even in her worst moment, I can still at least understand her conduct. Again, she comes off as the most reasonable of them all.
But Manticore screws up repeatedly, acts like a dick, then attacks his friends. I get the impression the only reason he didn't shoot an arrow at Liberty was because he knew he couldn't beat her, so he went to get backup. And the Statesman just leaves his friends hanging, to get picked off one by one.
I get that we were supposed to be put on an even level with the Freedom Phalanx, put above them, even. But we didn't have to reduce them to... To THIS to do it. That's like certain comic book writers repeatedly trying to "bring Superman down," to make him more of a jerk, make him kill people and so forth, because he's too good and too pure and not interesting enough.
The Freedom Phalanx used to be the benchmark, the best of the best, the veteran heroes who've already saved the world many times over, the people we aspire to be like. They used to be the people that, when we finally got to be on their level and fight alongside or against them, it really felt like we were finally playing in the big leagues. Now... Now the Freedom Phalanx is not a lot better than the Shining Stars.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
Let me explain. So we need Malaise to mind-ride with Sister Psyche. He uses the Dirge of Chaos to sew destruction, and he needs Psyche to strain herself trying to stop the thing. Here are a few questions that need to be answered: 1. Why would she do that in the first place? |
If she did NOT absorb the Dirge of Chaos, it would be affecting YOU as well as all the Longbow. Since the effect of the Dirge is to send people into a blind rage, it would remove your control of your own character, which is A) Not possible with the game engine, and B) a very bad idea for any dev team to do in the first place.
If you pay attention to the flavor text, it specifically states that you feel Sister Psyche's mind protecting your own mind from the Dirge, enabling you to remain clearheaded. She's only protecting 3 people from it: You, herself, and Aurora. She's letting the rest of the base descend into chaos. The most people she would be protecting from it would be 10, if you are running the arc with a full team.
Also, the thing you seem to be discounting entirely: The Freedom Phalanx are only human, and have flaws just like anyone else. They also make mistakes, just like anyone else. The entire point of this arc is that Darrin Wade's plan worked, and if the Phalanx did everything you said they should have done, it would not have.
Manticore is a jerk. That was established a long time ago. But you can't entirely blame him for Alexis dying. She was going to be killed regardless of who was coming to save her. Whether it be just you and Manticore, or all of the Phalanx and the entirety of the US military, it wouldn't have mattered, because she was dead before anyone even showed up.
Statesman wasn't leaving people in the lurch that depended on him for protection. He left people that he had every reason to believe could take care of themselves to their own devices for a while. Saying that he flew off when he was needed is a disservice to the rest of the Phalanx, implying that they are so weak they can't handle anything without Statesman there to hold their hand.
Psyche got suckered in by the fact that she really believed that Malaise was redeemable. I suspect he never actually "turned over a new leaf", he was just good enough at hiding his intentions from a fellow mind reader that she never picked up on it. He was a double agent the whole time, I'm betting.
Liberty went off the deep end, but can you blame her? How would you react if YOUR mother were murdered?
The villains pulled off a plan successfully by playing on the fact that the Phalanx would splinter if you pushed the right buttons. Wade has been planning this for over a decade and knew damn well how the Phalanx would react. Kill one person and you throw the whole team into chaos, and he knew it.
You're not giving Wade enough credit for doing his homework on the psychological profiles of the Phalanx. He was pulling their strings the whole time. He KNEW that Statesman would fly off on his own, and he KNEW that Manticore would insist on saving Alexis by himself to make up for screwing up in the first place. And he also knew that Sister Psyche would underestimate the threat that Malaise posed, because she thought she knew his capabilities.
Simply put, the villains won because they came up with a plan that played on the frictions present between members of the Phalanx, and counted on them reacting a certain way. Which they did.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
I've had a lot of mean things to say about the SSAs since SSA3, but I figured that since they're obviously going to have such a prominent place in City of Heroes lore (and since I cooled off a bit), I might as well run them just so I know what they're about. To my surprise, the stores themselves aren't that bad, but the characters... Dear Lord the characters!
The Freedom Phalanx are incompetent and more than that, they're horrible people! Manticore is probably the worst. We now know that the Statesman is the one who dies, bit if we had to ask WHY, it's all because Manticore is failure and a jerk.
This is the most evident when he's seen speaking with Ms. Liberty in the Malaise interrogation mission, where he acts like an insensitive *******, suggesting that Alexis' death was "just a mistake" to her still-grieving daughter. Dude, Liberty just lost her mother. Show some respect and sympathy. Or, failing that, get your priorities straight. You want to get in on the interrogation. If you're rude to Liberty... SHE WON'T LET YOU! Be nice to her, apologise, promise to make up for it, then when she lets you in to see Malaise, shoot him in the head. You fail both as a friend AND as a meta-human!
And then when the Dirge of Chaos starts playing, making Longbow agents kill each other and putting Psyche and Aurora in extreme danger, Manticore shows up to kill Malaise anyway - WITH COPS TO HELP HIM - and says the dumbest thing I've ever heard coming out of a character. "The Dirge of Chaos wasn't my doing, but it makes my plan easier." What was your plan, Manticore? Get your wife possessed and killed. Weren't you the one shedding crocodile tears about how you had to be there to protect her? Now you come back, the base is on full alert, bodies litter the floors and your first reaction is to go "Yes, now I don't have to explain why I attacked the base!" Did it not occur to you that YOUR WIFE might be in mortal danger, and that you should maybe go help her? Nope. Longbow are killing each other, and that's gooood. Insensitive, incompetent ***.
And, really, if you wanted Malaise dead, why not just shoot him at Blitz's place? You had your chance. He was alone, unguarded, he attacked you. You had every opportunity to shoot an arrow through his head. You've shot your friends in the back and kidnapped your own wife. What did you think was going to happen? Who did you think was going to interrogate Malaise, the powerful psychic if NOT your wife, the other powerful psychic? Why arrest him, send him to your wife AND THEN break into a secure facility to kill him? You idiot?
And the Statesman's not far behind. I get that he's become infamous for having blamed Ms. Liberty for Alexis' death, the dick, but let's talk about that some more. Why ARE you blaming Liberty, States? Because she hoped Malaise could be saved? That was all Sister Psyche's idea. She was the one who stood up for him and defended him and so on, which is right out of her line at the end of that same arc. Far as I could tell, Liberty merely supported her friend, both out of hope and because she thought Psyche knew what she was doing. What did you expect her to do, States? Punch Sister Psyche and put Malaise in jail? Maybe YOU should have spoken with Sister Psyche at the time.
And, really, how insensitive is that of the guy, to blame his own granddaughter for Alexis' death. Yeah, I know, you lost a daughter. Guess what, jerkface - she lost her mother! Not only did your daughter die, your granddaughter was devastated, but instead of focusing on what you have left, you fly into a rage over stuff that's not even her own fault. You're the premier hero, States. You're the one who's supposed to help others with their problems and their grief, especially YOUR OWN GRANDDAUGHTER!
No. He flies away "to clear his head." And it turns out he's done that before, which I wasn't aware of. Did it not occur to you that if someone's going after your daughter, that he may go after your granddaughter, too? Or is her grief and potential death just not important enough to break you out of your emo state? So, when the going gets tough, you take off and abandon your team to fend for themselves when you pretty much know they'll get dead or put in a coma? You jerk?
And why blame Ms. Liberty, of all people? Back to that, yes. Blame Manticore, I get that. He screwed up big. But why not blame yourself? You approved of this operation. You sent your daughter into an incredibly obvious trap, didn't go to protect her yourself, and instead entrusted her life to the guy that once shot you in the back? And you're surprised something bad happened? How old are you, dude?
Sister Psyche doesn't come off like a horrible person so much in this, even though she seems to have a very short temper, but she comes off as VERY incompetent. I mean, Psyche, what did you think was going to happen? Malaise told you he was next, he more or less told you he intends to kill you. What did you think would happen when you absorbed all the negative energy from the Dirge of Chaos? WHY did you absorb all the negative energy from the Dirge of Chaos? There was no immediate pressing threat that called for such drastic action. I was on my way to you when you did that. You were protected. What purpose did that serve, other than because it was annoying you?
And, OK, let's go with the logic that there's some real reason to absorb the nasty from the Dirge. You KNOW Malaise will try to attack you psychically as soon as you're vilnerable, so here's an idea: Force-choke him, slam his head into the ground, knock him out, THEN absorb the energy from the Dirge. That way, even if he has something planned, he'll have to sleep off a concussion before he can do it. Or if you think you can't do both, have Aurora force-choke him until he passes out and keep him suffocated while you do this, just in case he tried something funny?
I get the feeling that Ms. Liberty is supposed to come off like the jerkish one of the lot, just because that's how she came off in the comic books, but of all the Phalanx members in this story, she's probably the more level-headed one. Well, except for Aurora Borealis, who's a lot like a puppy in this. Liberty's pissed off at Manticore, because he screwed up. She's pissed off at her grandfather because he was a jerk and abandoned her. She stands by her decision to help Malaise even knowing it was a mistake because she chose to believe that he could be helped.
This whole series of events hinges on the heroes being incompetent hostile jerks with tons of baggage, who more or less allow this to happen through their angst and ineptitude. And it really serves to ruin the Freedom Phalanx, when none of this would have happened if heroes hadn't made numerous, very immediately obvious mistakes. And here I thought that Synapse getting incapacitated off-screen was just a battle cut for time. I've no doubt he got tagged because he did something stupid, too.