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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Johnny_Taxibot View Post
    Problem: Some of your team aren't able to fly, and there is a tactical benefit to provide them with flight (i.e., Group Fly). However, for others that have Fly, they'll often have it slotted they way they prefer it and dislike being defaulted to whatever the group fly is slotted for. Likewise, tanker effectiveness can often require them to be grounded, so not good to have group fly forced on them.

    Solution: Provide an opt-in dialog (similar to when being teleported) that allows person to accept the Group Fly. The dialog also needs a checkbox to save your choice as default.

    Instead of that solution it should grant you a temp power of flight for the duration that you and your team are on that map or mission.
  2. to add to your emotes suggestion they have a really nice animation already that exists in one of the newer story arcs. Its the arc where your good doppleganger helps you stop proteans invasion and dies in the process at the portal. Don't know what arc it is but I do remember running it before. That should really be a player emote.
  3. I like collecting badges but why would you continue to make badges that are only available during special times and limited times? (looks at passport and anniversary badges)

    Why not simply make this into an event that randomly triggers while doing incarnate trials and such?
  4. Noyjitat

    The Silence

    It's the lag. It has become more and more intolerable. The fix on Tuesday only partially fixed the extreme lag and the lag on shipyards and such is worse.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hercules View Post
    I haven't done a Hami raid in a while, but they seem to have handled the lag issues in 24 man BAFs quite well with the last patch.

    As far as targeting large GMs, I've never had any issues with Hami... I've only tried the Jade Spider arc once, and quit in disgust.
    They fixed the extreme super lag but still didn't fix the old real lag problem. I'm still seeing it and the entire league is still complaining about it.

    The bad thing is 24 players is alot smaller than a typical msr or hamiraid and yet the lag is still present.
  6. Happened to me several times on liberty. I've also had a bug where it appears and then disapppears too quickly before I can click it. Much like the timer had elapsed already but I knew it had not since my league was still standing there.

    They need to do away with the timer if you're on a league and just have it automatically take you to the trial when the league leader queues up the league. If you didn't want to be on the trial then why the hell are you in the league anyway? You can simply quit and leave the trial if for some reason you didn't want to be on it.
  7. Sounds fun but before they add more stuff like this they need a solution to the existing lag present in old raids and large player events.
  8. They honestly need incarnate mode for all tfs and trials. Atleast the level 50 stuff. A mode that increases the difficulty, bumps everything up to level 54, adds thread drops instead of shards, enables a random component reward and allows use of all level shifts.
  9. I think another 5 min hami raid is in order I nominate hazygreys to lead another one!

    It was very fun and extremely entertaining.

    To spice up a shipraid I'd like to get a dev to spawn some kronos during the bowl fight.
  10. hmm now if only I could buy more than 36 slots per server. If only....
  11. Ion is also the slowest firing power and can completely miss if its target is killed during activation. Pyro is near instant and hits even if it misses the initial target. Don't see what the problem is here.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Balanced View Post
    This fix does not sound like a general lag fix (which may not even be possible). It's a fix for a specific thing (or a number of related things) that are causing extreme lag in league events. I would not expect it to improve things in relation to pre-league lag; I don't know that anything short of a major engine overhaul or replacement could do so, and maybe not even that.
    Yes I'm very much aware of that. That's why I'm asking that they don't stop here and pretend that the original lag issues that have been complained about for years don't exist.

    Taking the time to fix this for trials atleast is great but I don't want to see it stop there since it was a problem way before issue 20 in shipraids and hamiraids.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Positron View Post
    Hey guys,

    Thanks to your feedback we believe we have tracked down the cause of this lag (we did something weird with Leagues), we're working to get this resolved on the live servers as soon as possible.

    Thank you for your patience, understanding, and most of all your feedback on this situation.
    Please FOR THE LOVE of GOD! Don't just fix it in trials. Fix it in everything. We had this problem in shipraids and hamiraids all this time and now that you are going to fix it for trials please fix it for everything and not just trials. The lag has gotten WORSE since issue 20 release in things that have had the lag problem all this time anyway. We've waited and waited very patiently for years to see this fixed.

    I beg you to not just fix this problem in trials fix it in everything and you will make alot of people very very happy.
  14. Noyjitat

    Email problems

    I'd try having them temporarily change your global handle to something random and then revert it back to see if it would clear all pending transactions.
  15. Date/time: Sunday, May 1st 9pm est
    Leader: Glorious Girl
    Global: @noyjitat

    Date/time: Friday, May 6th 9:30pm est
    Leader: Glorious Girl
    Global: @noyjitat

    Date/time: Sunday, May 8th 9pm est
    Leader: Glorious Girl
    Global: @noyjitat

    Date/time: Thursday, May 12th 9pm est
    Leader: Glorious Girl
    Global: @noyjitat

    Thursday you say? Being a Smallville fan I will likely not be available Friday the 13th of May. CW is broadcasting the very last episode which happens to be a 2 hour episode of Smallville on that day and that simply interferes too much with me leading Fridays shipraid. So instead I will attempt to lead one Thursday the 12th pending your interest in attending ofcourse

    For those that cannot make it on Thursday I will however seek out someone to try and host the original Friday night shipraid. (looks at ukase and @velkoth) Now that Smallville will be ending I'll be able to lead these at 9pm on Fridays once more as opposed to the current 9:30pm schedule. As it stands right now until the show ends I'll still be leading next Fridays at 9:30pm

    Should I not be able to find anyone to host it on Friday I will attempt to host one sometime after 10pm on Friday.

    Thanks for reading and as always for attending, enduring the lag and making these fun.

    *will try to remember to post additional raid times in the future*
  16. Buy a gtx 480 atleast. With the 500 series out now I don't think I'd personally buy anything older.
  17. Yes this stupid lag issue actually caused us to fail a molamba recently due to lack of time. Powers and pets where not activating as quick as they should but the timers were still the same.
  18. Noyjitat

    Email problems

    A GM explained to a friend of mine that is a bug caused by a failure to retrieve an item from a different characters email. One of your characters was claiming an attachment and failed to do so probably due to lag or a crash. You'll need to logon different characters and open the email window on each of them until you find out which character it was to fix it. It should at that point either return the items to you or place them back in the email. You probably have a bunch of invisible items right now due to this.
  19. The lag issues in mothership raids have been there for quite some time. The lag you are talking about has nothing to do with your computer. You could have a 600$ computer or a 60000$ computer and wouldn't matter. It's a problem in either network code or server hardware limitations... Possibly both. Once you get so many players in a given area or zone it's just going to happen especially when 30 or more players are involved. It happens to everyone, no matter what some might be telling you.

    Issue 20 has added to the problem however. Something about those new incarnate powers causes the lag to happen much more sooner and on smaller groups. I'm going to say its probably those diminishing buffs from the destiny power and the procs from interface. MSRs and Hamiraids have the 7 - 15 second power lag and animation rooting lag before it was usually only the 7 second lag during very large shipraids/hami/zombie/banner/rikti zone events. Now the lag has increased in those.

    Last thursday there was a patch that for some strange reason worsened the lag on all of these events and on trials. Now on Bafs the lag gets really bad once you have more than 2 full teams and not just during the escapee part.

    So again it's not you and its not your computer. It's a mess that has long time been building up to what it is now. And if the devs are really serious about adding more incarnate trials, they need to quit ignoring this problem and address it. It should definitely be addressed before any additional trials are added to the game. No logical reason to continue piling content on top of an issue like this to where players can't fully enjoy existing content due to this problem.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bashere View Post
    On Liberty we had a fail because of bad lag. The UI for everyone participating showed we dropped both within a few seconds but they both got back up. I contacted support to see if there was anyway we could salvage the situation and got the response that the problem isn't on their end.

    So my team loses out on rewards and and support is convinced the lag is my problem and seems to have nothing to do with the servers. Amazing since a massive number of players that keep reporting the lag in the BAF. But no, it's my problem.

    How, exactly, are we supposed to run the trials when no one can move? I guess for now I'm done unless these are fixed. It's too frustrating otherwise.
    Ok if they really told you that then someone at customer service really is a moron.
  21. Yes its been happening since issue 20 launch and not just on the trials. We've always had lag like this on msrs, hamiraids, zone events with many players. But that lag we got as a whole has increased most likely due to all the new incarnate powers and the diminishing buffs from destiny powers. Ship raids are laggier than ever even when the zone isn't full. Bafs and lambdas got laggier as people unlocked more incarnate powers and since the recent patch the lag has increased. Either due to some unknown bug or the rest of the people that didn't have incarnate powers now have them.

    I can't understand why this is allowed to continue in this current state. They need to put a halt on making additional trials and content until this is fixed or its just gonna be the same way on future incarnate trials. It's not fun to have to deal with this much client/network lag everytime you do a raid, zone event, or trial. 7+ seconds of power/animation lag is unacceptable.
  22. Lag is about as bad now on liberty as it normally is on MSRs for any server. About 7 seconds of power lag and movement lag rooting you in place after you use a power. MSRs are even laggier since issue 20 launch as the new buffs and such have added to server / client load. But part of whats happening in the bafs appears to be a whole other problem.

    Its like that lag you get on the city map on a the kahn taskforce where you go to destroy the troop portals. It happens only on that map for that tf as seen on the netgraph.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Winterminal View Post
    I am all for more realistic reactions to environment, as well as more detail added to travel powers. I don't think this landing would work for Super Jump, since doing that, then immediately jumping again would look strange. But again, something to make it look like you just landed from a huge leap would be great!
    It wouldn't look right so much for forward jumping but simply jumping straight up and down would possibly be ok. I think big water splash, cracking concrete or dirt / debris from landing would also be nice for when super jump is on.
  24. AOE buffs for quick recharging powers would be nice. But for it to be added I'd also want them to add buff animation or buff properties suppression. So the player being buffed could choose in the option menu to suppress the animation or to suppress one of the effects from the buff such as +speed in speedboost if all they want is the recovery and recharge. Or auto decline for those that don't like buffs at all for whatever reason.

    The most common reason why aoe buff threads are shot down is for the above lack of feature. I know I'd personally like to be able to suppress the animations of some powers, such as the Hades head fire from thermal radiation buffs and ice shields hiding most of my costume.