Lag / bandwidth issues
The lag issues in mothership raids have been there for quite some time. The lag you are talking about has nothing to do with your computer. You could have a 600$ computer or a 60000$ computer and wouldn't matter. It's a problem in either network code or server hardware limitations... Possibly both. Once you get so many players in a given area or zone it's just going to happen especially when 30 or more players are involved. It happens to everyone, no matter what some might be telling you.
Issue 20 has added to the problem however. Something about those new incarnate powers causes the lag to happen much more sooner and on smaller groups. I'm going to say its probably those diminishing buffs from the destiny power and the procs from interface. MSRs and Hamiraids have the 7 - 15 second power lag and animation rooting lag before it was usually only the 7 second lag during very large shipraids/hami/zombie/banner/rikti zone events. Now the lag has increased in those.
Last thursday there was a patch that for some strange reason worsened the lag on all of these events and on trials. Now on Bafs the lag gets really bad once you have more than 2 full teams and not just during the escapee part.
So again it's not you and its not your computer. It's a mess that has long time been building up to what it is now. And if the devs are really serious about adding more incarnate trials, they need to quit ignoring this problem and address it. It should definitely be addressed before any additional trials are added to the game. No logical reason to continue piling content on top of an issue like this to where players can't fully enjoy existing content due to this problem.
Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.

not sure whats going on as of late but my gameplay is worse than ever.. this drives me nuts cause i love this game. so i thought i would come here to the forums and ask for some help / advice.. for example since issue 19 if i were to join a rikti war zone raid team, when i hit my powers its like a 15 second delay i cant even turn left or right without this delay its almost like im stuck.. another example is a few of the new maps that were released i love them dont get me wrong but everything is great one second and when i enter a certain room bam the lag starts and when i pass thru that room the lag stops and things are fine. i dont know the name of this map but i believe this map is very similar maybe the same as the lambda warehouse section especially when i get close to the room with the stairs on both sides of the room. is it other players with too many powers running at the same time? is it too many on my team? is it all those extra masterminds pets or controller holds? is it to many items in that section of the map? i was stoked to see the room in AE that doesnt allow any powers running so i can make my own mission in peace. i think ya devs should make all the wentworth and black market areas like that especially in talos that one is the worst in my opinion maybe move farther away to an island or something lol.
i know its not just me cause everyone is dealing with this same thing its all ive been reading in the game chat. its not my cpu cause i play iracing and wow with no issues and coh works fine until i described above.. ive been thru the settings from ultra to recomended to basic and tweaking stuff. but im stumped and need advice i guess.. i know computers well ive built 8 gaming machines from scratch. so im aware of the basics you could say lol..
i thought maybe my internet connection could be an issue so i ran speed tests. i thought maybe something running in the background so i have turned most processes off and on testing things. but my internet is as good as anybodys from los angeles area here is my latest results:
Download Speed: 20113 kbps (2514.1 KB/sec transfer rate)
Upload Speed: 957 kbps (119.6 KB/sec transfer rate)
id be happy to sacrifice some nice graphics for better game play any day but again ive tried the basic settings to no avail. maybe its something in windows vista i need to tweak heck im not sure.. i just want to play and have fun and enjoy my time being with friends on a team. any help here would be fantastic..
ty for reading and i look forward to many more great things from COH .
no game on the market compares