Trials and Incarnate Trials




Hi all,

I was just wondering if it would be possible, or even desirable, to take the existing trials and turn them in to Incarnate content.

Now I don't mean to take them out of where they are in the game. The sewer trial should still be available to people at the appropriate level, as should the Eden trial, but doing these things seems to be to be so amazingly epic and requiring large amounts of cooperation and teamwork (much moreso than Lambda and BAF, even) that they could easily be included in the incarnate content.

For sub-50s (or non-Incarnates) the trials can continue to give Hydra-Os or Titan-Os but for people with their connection to the Well opened these trials could drop threads and give you the Incarnate component table at the end.

I'm not entirely sure about the Cavern of Transcendence as it is built around using very young Heroes (and tied directly in to the Hollows storyline, which I think was very well done) and wouldn't be anywhere near balanced for high level toons, and I doubt that many IO-ed out players will want to auto-exemplar back that far.

Also, this kind of leaves Villains out in the cold, as they lack trials of their own besides the respecs, which have their own specific reward.

Still, I would love to see Eden and the Sewers added as Incarnate content. I think they would fit right in.


Jazra -- Level 50 Illusion/Radiation Controller
Swayvill -- Level 50 Plant/Psi Dominator
Droshalla -- Level 50 Warshade
Latro Dectus -- Level 50 Fortunata
Starseeds -- Level 50 Elec/Storm controller



Agreed, or at least an Incarnate option when selecting the task. Crystal Titan got Well-juice. Sure. Hydra taking Well-O's again? I'd buy that. Everything and everyone (and their mother) seems to be connected to the Well now-a-days.



They honestly need incarnate mode for all tfs and trials. Atleast the level 50 stuff. A mode that increases the difficulty, bumps everything up to level 54, adds thread drops instead of shards, enables a random component reward and allows use of all level shifts.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



Originally Posted by Noyjitat View Post
They honestly need incarnate mode for all tfs and trials. Atleast the level 50 stuff. A mode that increases the difficulty, bumps everything up to level 54, adds thread drops instead of shards, enables a random component reward and allows use of all level shifts.

Would be more interesting than running the trials, that's for sure.



I'm not so sure about Incarnate Mode for the Task Forces. For me they occupy a different mental space. The Task Forces are a series of tasks that lead up to the climax and resolution of a story. Trials are one-off self-contained occurrences that require a level of teamwork and coordination unseen in Task Forces. Cavern of Transcendence needs all teammates to coordinate their actions to open the door. Sewer trial also needs coordination for the force fields, and for people to know their role with the particle cannons, etc. Eden trial less so, as it is mostly hitting things, but still you need to get the Ambrosia or it is nearly unwinnable. BAF needs coordinated teamwork for breakout, and simultaneously taking out Siege and Nightstar. Lambda needs some coordination to get the temp powers, and know how to use them properly (though admittedly it can be completed without this).

Task forces, on the other hand, are generally all about hitting things. Apex has a really cool mechanic with Battle Maiden but the rest are entirely about inflicting damage, and preventing damage from coming to you.

Noy, I would be all for an incarnate flag for the existing trials. That would get around the problem of people not wanting to exemplar down. If the Hydra and the Rikti were all level 54 that would even things out. Still not sure about the Pumicites in the Cavern, but it could probably be worked out to be balanced.

Jazra -- Level 50 Illusion/Radiation Controller
Swayvill -- Level 50 Plant/Psi Dominator
Droshalla -- Level 50 Warshade
Latro Dectus -- Level 50 Fortunata
Starseeds -- Level 50 Elec/Storm controller