Email problems




For about the last week anytime I try to email something to myself, I get no email in my inbox and whatever item I'm sending automatically gets put back where it was an I get the message in my chatbox saying I claimed it from email.

I did /bug this last week, and got the generic response, but with this issue still going on, I figured I'd post it here and see if anyone else is having this problem.



It's probably because your email inbox is full. You're limited to 20. Cleanup your inbox, don't use it as permanent storage and you'll be able to email yourself ****.



Um, no. I'm having the same problem, and my inbox has been a vacuum for months.

MA arcs: #1669, "A New Breed Rising"



I posted and bugged this same issue a few days ago. Email is still acting up and it's getting really annoying.

MA Arc: School Spirit #89349

Original member of the Dream Team Aeon, Virtue division
"A base here or there is a small price to pay for good mad science."--Arbiter Daos



Originally Posted by FitzSimmons View Post
It's probably because your email inbox is full. You're limited to 20. Cleanup your inbox, don't use it as permanent storage and you'll be able to email yourself ****.
Nope. Empty inbox, and staying that way. Also don't use it as storage



I'm having this problem, too. I have nothing in my email box and I cannot send an email to my own global name.



That's weird, I've never had this problem and I send myself crap all the time.



Maintenance today, but email's still broken.

MA Arc: School Spirit #89349

Original member of the Dream Team Aeon, Virtue division
"A base here or there is a small price to pay for good mad science."--Arbiter Daos




MA arcs: #1669, "A New Breed Rising"



I was also having this problem, then last night I tried adding a space between Blue and Turbo (global @BlueTurbo) and it went thru. I don't recall having to add the space before, but it worked when I did last night.



I lost stuff on 2 occasions after server maintenance and although it was sent to 2nd level for resolution - I never recieved my items nor any further communication.

Sorry, in my book the email support is nil.



I'm having the same issue still today. My emails keep getting reclaimed by the same character.



A GM explained to a friend of mine that is a bug caused by a failure to retrieve an item from a different characters email. One of your characters was claiming an attachment and failed to do so probably due to lag or a crash. You'll need to logon different characters and open the email window on each of them until you find out which character it was to fix it. It should at that point either return the items to you or place them back in the email. You probably have a bunch of invisible items right now due to this.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



I've logged all my characters on and none of them have anything in their email box. Still not able to send/recieve emails. Hope that's not the only solution for this, because its not working.



I'd try having them temporarily change your global handle to something random and then revert it back to see if it would clear all pending transactions.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



Originally Posted by Noyjitat View Post
A GM explained to a friend of mine that is a bug caused by a failure to retrieve an item from a different characters email. One of your characters was claiming an attachment and failed to do so probably due to lag or a crash. You'll need to logon different characters and open the email window on each of them until you find out which character it was to fix it. It should at that point either return the items to you or place them back in the email. You probably have a bunch of invisible items right now due to this.
I'll back Everything as it isn't any pending transactions. And the items are not invisible nor pending as I use the work around of sending them to a friend who resends them to me. Those emails come in and I claim them.

Also, it is hitting the Mac and PC clients both as I use both.

Originally Posted by BlueTurbo View Post
I was also having this problem, then last night I tried adding a space between Blue and Turbo (global @BlueTurbo) and it went thru. I don't recall having to add the space before, but it worked when I did last night.
Interesting. I'll have to test this but my global name doesn't have a space even though it looks like it could.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



I used it this weekend and regularly. Are you doing this:

1. @globalid
2. add inf/enhancements
3. add notes /comments. The field won't send without this filled in.



Originally Posted by Residentx10 View Post
I used it this weekend and regularly. Are you doing this:

1. @globalid
2. add inf/enhancements
3. add notes /comments. The field won't send without this filled in.
Yes using that process. Those of us affected can send email to anyone except ourselves. when we send to ourselves we do not get the error about a missing field or anything, rather the email goes out, then the attachment is claimed and the email deleted, all immediately.

Had a 19 hour workday, and going on 16+ today, no chance to test the two-word potential solution.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Any update on this from anyone? I'm still suffering from this bug.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



This hasn't been fixed for you? I can now email my EU account from my NA account. I sent 20 crafted recipes yesterday and then I sent 500,000,000. You need to open a ticket or reinstall.



When you log in, there's a bunch of green system chat. One of the lines is a reminder of your global name. Highlight and do a copy (ctrl-c) and then paste it (ctrl-v) on to your email, so you can eliminate any possibility of typos.

Teams are the number one killer of soloists.



Originally Posted by SerialBeggar View Post
When you log in, there's a bunch of green system chat. One of the lines is a reminder of your global name. Highlight and do a copy (ctrl-c) and then paste it (ctrl-v) on to your email, so you can eliminate any possibility of typos.
I'd think most people know how to spell their own Global Chat Handle.

I've got the same issue and contacted support, general advice seems to be the following:

If you’ve recently tried to claim a mail attachment and received a message about “pending activity” or “full inventory,” or have lost an item that you had just claimed from a mail, please try the following:
1. Log on with the character that originally claimed (or tried to claim) the original mail message and attachment.
2. Clear inventory space so the character has room to acquire whatever the item was. If the character has 2 billion Inf, go spend some. If the character has 10 enhancements or a full recipe or salvage inventory, transfer them to auction house space or otherwise clear them out.
3. Create a new mail message, addressed to your own global handle, and add an attachment. Click Send.

This should reset the system, claim the original mail attachment and allow your character to send mail messages normally again.
Now this didn't fix it for me (not capped on mails, inf, salvage, recipes, inspirations, enhancements or WW/BM queue on the affected character before anyone asks. I've been back and forth with support and they simply don't know what the hell). But hopefully it'll help someone else if they check the forums first before submitting a petition.



Did you get this fixed? I experience it this morning and this is how I solved it(Next post)



Solution. This is my character Lady Attitude 2.0. I was doing maintenance on her today and I got this.

I was in a rush, and so deleted an enhancement. Notice the circled one, it popped into the tray from nowhere.

I think in my previous session last month, I claimed so many so fast that the queue filled up before the system could alert me and I logged off. So the enhancement sat there until I deleted/created space for it. Oddly, I couldn't add/send emails on this account only.



or maybe this is a queued crafted recipes that I clicked several times(sometimes, I get 3-4 of the same recipe).