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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post

    One word.

    Do you remember this?
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Psynder13 View Post
    The 3D was worthless just like 90% of the other 3D movies ever made. Im so sick of it MAKE IT GO AWAY!
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    Saw it in 3D. Emerged with a headache.
    Get yourself a pair of Those.
    Originally Posted by CaptainFoamerang View Post
    If you're the type whose enjoyment can be sustained by sheer werewolf maulings and Matrix-esque gunfights, it's worthwhile
    Sounds good enough for me, but I´m still waiting for a Werewolf: the Apocalypse movie.
  3. You should really read the Cracked article 7 Awesome Super Powers (Ruined by Science)... which I won´t link as that would probably get me banned.

    That said, I´d pick Grant Invisibility.
    Just imagine how much fun you could have with it, for example make someone you really don´t like invisible while he´s crossing the street
  4. As long as it´s only the tanks who die repeatedly, they can complain as much as they want because they still did a good job.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
    the male hat/helmet is patently ridiculous.
    True, BUT if that´s a hairstyle instead of just part of a helmet, then we finally could make good bunny ears that don´t look like you just mugged a Playmate.
  6. Romantically Apocalyptic - A comic about the few human survivors of a nuclear war... none of them is what I would call sane.
    Interesting style and more than just a few times really weird.

    Super Stupor - sadly discontinued, but still fun.
    Oh, and this is pretty much the only SFW strip

    quite a few of them are actually outright evil... but still great fun
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BlackJoker View Post
    IE a good person could be made a villain and an utter monster could be made a shining hero with the well.
    Stefan Richter was searching for the well to cure his friends mustard gas poisoning and thus save his life.
    Doesn´t sound like a complete monster to me.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by houtex View Post
    That would be a good reason for me to finally roll a female toon to lead them.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by jwbullfrog View Post
    um, I've been here for 5 years and I have no idea what a Treespec is either.
    Treespec is short for Tree of Thorns Respecification Trial aka Redside Respec Trial.
  10. wtf?!
    Furry Buzz Lightyear Ôo
  11. As long as he stays away from further ****** Star Wars I don´t really care what he does.
    And yes, Han did indeed shoot first!
  12. What side do you pick more than others?

    Blue... there are simply more people to play with.

    What play style do you prefer?

    I tank so I am! But Blasters are fun too.

    What power set(s) do you favor?

    Willpower Have to restrain myself from picking it on every toon where it´s available.

    What zones do you like the most?

    First Ward and Croatoa

    Do you usually play as a male or female (word of hatred) ''toon''?

    male and huge... slightly more huge

    Views on Role Playing?

    only P&P


    Exalted and Zukunft
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
    You will embrace the hate.

    He looks like some kind of demented monkey.
  14. Nos482


    And now something almost completely random

    What? I've been itching to post this since I saw this thread. Just be happy I could restrain myself so long
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    As for not having any male pieces. Well if all you play is male characters, don't look at it as "What?! No costume pieces for my character that truthfully, I never would of likely used all but one piece anyways?!" and think of it as "I guess I save 5 bucks this week!"

    Not to mention there was talk before that people were willing to have packs based purely on gender made, and when it's done...complaints.
    Only thing is, I wanted those masks for my male and huge toons for years. Not to speak of a sash for my WS.
    The five bucks saved don´t really make up for me still not getting them.
    Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
    Welcome to 3 weeks ago.
    While I´m sure it will surprise you, some of us don´t spend their entire time on the forums.
    Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
    And the second part of my post, when we report bugs over and over again in the Beta forums, major game breaking ones at that, and they still push it live complete with bugs?
    Then you can take it as a proof that the devs just don´t like you personally
    Probably would break something else if they just fix it w/o lots of extra coding.
    Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
    They say this was planned before the whole gender equality thread. I still think as adults they should have known better. As another person said, you don't buy one kid ice cream and not the other kids.
    If they´d at least go the whole way and add gender specific packs for male and huge only.
    Like I suggested in another thread DE (including the Devoured-Cthulhu head) for huge and BP (with their fancy masks made usable) for male.
    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    You have the option to role a female avatar and use the costume pieces. You choose not to, therefore you didn't want ice cream.
    I choose not to roll females 'cause I don´t want to look at a female butt all the time... and the way they walk is just brrr.
    Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
    Granted, that may just be my perception of things.
    No, it isn´t.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
    And just as a quick post, thought i would post up what the MPAA thinks of the blackout of some sites already!
    Now there´s a surprise...
  17. No masks for male and huge?

    Yay, first costume pack I definetly won´t buy... ever.

    Hey Devs, now that you´re going with one-gender-only-costume-packs, how about a huge only Devouring Earth pack (I´m thinking Cthulhu-headed Devoured here)?
    Or male only BP pack... you know with all those fancy masks in it.
  18. You know the rules, Steelclaw:

    pics or it didn´t happen
  19. MLP is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaayyy too cute for my liking, but Discord is cool.

    What can I say, I like tricksters.

    Oh, and if I one day get arrested for punching out a pony... I´d like you to know, it will be only your fault Kioshi.