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  1. What is the duration of the proc when it fires?
  2. So, for my Shield/MA Tank, I am thinking putting the proc in Storm Kick. Less than 12s recharge though. Will it work there? I had initially planned to put it in Dragon's Tail.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VKhaun View Post
    Good thing it wasn't a squirt gun disguised as a microphone.
  4. Northman


    Originally Posted by DarkSideLeague View Post
    They are currently Character Bound (the Catalysts, not the ATOs) and would only become Account Bound at BEST.

    To the OP: If you have a level 50 character who would like to upgrade an ATO to a Superior Version, claim the Catalyst and enter your enhancement window and select a slotted ATO (much like how you select a slotted SO for combining) and select the Enhancement Catalyst, which will appear on the left-hand side of your screen.

    IMPORTANT: After upgrading an ATO, it will be account-bound and cannot be sold. From what I understand, you CAN Email the enhancement to yourself, but not others. In addition, Superior ATOs cannot be slotted by characters below level 50 (or non matching ATs, obviously).
    Thank you for the replies folks. If I understand correctly I can "combine" a catalyst with, say, an IO enhancement. If I were to combine on with a level 50 Obliteration: Damage, how or how much would it improve it?
  5. Northman


    I have been away over a year. I bought a "Superpack" with saved up Paragon Points. I got a few random items. What does a Catalyst do?

  6. Looking at finishing my Ice/Ice/Cold Blaster. Can Frozen Aura and Flash Freeze be stacked
    for their sleep affect? Or does applying one or the other after the first "wake" your targets?
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Benchpresser View Post
    Dark/Dark possibly, really thinking about a Ill/dark and a Dark/Cold.

    Also a Dark/Dark Dom and a Dark/TA .. or Plant/dark.... hmmmm
    oh man. Never though about Ill/Dark.
  8. Sorry. How does Fury make Cloak of Darkness more effective?
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Northman View Post
    Lol. One with the shield. Long day....
  10. My ILL/Rad is a beast against AV's and GM's. Lots of debuff/buff and decent to good damage.
  11. Having leveled a Kat/Dark Scrapper to 50, just wondering if a Brute would be a more survivable toon?
  12. Northman


    I am just returning after over a year absence. I see Katana has been ported over to Brutes. I have a Lvl 50 Kat/DA and Lvl 50 Kat/SR Scrapper. I want to level up a new toon. Just wondering what the feedback has been on Katana so far Brute side?
  13. Northman

    So, what's new?

    Awesome. Thanks for the info.
  14. Northman

    So, what's new?

    Well, I've been away from the game for almost a year. Anything game changing I should
    know about? Besides free to play....
  15. My two cents, I kept Air Sup for when I exemp down doing Oro missions. I still use Deceive regularly on my lvl 50 ILL Rad. Great power, especially with the Contagious Confusion proc.
  16. Great feedback. Lvl 10 and smashing along...
    so many alts are going to get lonely.

  17. There are really no guides that I can find for Earth/Earth. After reading the "Dominators are Beasts" thread I thought I would roll one up. Wow. Only level 9 and this toon is just plowing through missions. Just wondering if there is a better secondary to pair with Earth than, well, Earth? Not really looking to use Fire as I have several Fire toons already. Thoughts on Earth Assault?
  18. Vote for ILL/Rad here. Smooth sailing from 1 to 50. Mostly solo. Always welcomed on teams too if you are looking.
  19. I have a buddy who plays casually (very). However its lots of fun teaming when
    he is on. Is a levelling pact worth it? I'd say the online time difference between us
    is almost 5-1. I have the feeling it will feel like a bit of a grind if I play the toon too much.
  20. Hey folks. I have just rolled up a new Dark Armor/Dual Blades Tank. However I can't find anywhere the numbers on the effects of the Dual Blades combo attacks. Where could I find them?
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Airhammer View Post
    You cannot take apart and recombine components. Once they are made they are made like any other IO. You can however construct more than one and swap them out. You could make a Spiritual and make a Musculature and swap them back and forth. There is a five minute cooldown timer on swapping.
    I did not know that! Cool.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CBeet View Post
    Personal opinions ahoy

    Short answer: Ice/Stone Tanker, plenty of tools for self softcapping, self endurance management, control, damage and aggro management.

    Long answer: In a team that needs a Tank, I want one who will hold the aggro no matter what's thrown at it. Considering one of my favorite team additions is an AoE Blaster (usually Fire, Beety like big boom) they need to be REALLY good at it. Ice Armour has two taunt auras, one does damage and the other's -recharge (damage mitigation) and -speed (stops them from running away). Similarly, because of the taunt cap being a fickle thing, it's nice if they have some way to help the team with the spillage so Stone's high ST damage and the amazing power of Fault fit the bill (either you make one or two runners go splat or you just stun them from afar, remember, Fault is a -ranged- AoE stun and knockdown).

    For survivability, Ice mostly runs off it's defense and the Dull Pain substitute. It has a PBAoE drain power which gives you endurance and a pittance of defense (also a taunt componant!) every 30 seconds with 3 SOs worth of recharge in it.. Best bit? 45 second duration for the defense so it'll stack for a bit too. It can be softcapped with just one IO (the ever useful 3% proc) and a smothering of the drain power Energy Absorption. Stone Melee's additional mitigation will compliment Ice as, IMO, Defense sets almost require a way of having a moment of breathing room for making insp or getting a good view of the battle.

    Want some more synergy? Ice will keep any enemies around you aggroed or runspeed debuffed enough that they will be soon enough as you cave in the skulls of your current targets and any enemies which run/are aggroed accidently you can retaunt/stop with Fault, which is a perma AoE stun if slotted for 2 acc 2 stun 2 recharge. AVs/GMs may be the only problem, but pop one purple and you're softcapped for good anyhow. Ice will counteract Stone's high endurance, Stone with counteract Ice's.. Uhm.. Nothing, really, it just adds to the already good mitigation.

    If you go into an IO investment, there're plenty of places to put LotGs for a high recharge builds (Fault, Hoarfrost and Energy Absorption up more often), enough attacks/controls for a high defense build and even the cheaper option of a simple +hp build works well with a defense-based Tanktroller.. You can almost think of it as a defense based Dark Armour
    Just out of curiosity, doesn't Chilling Embrace have a -dmg component too? How good is it?