Good soloing powersets?




Hey all, I'm looking for a archtype/powerset combo that's very good at soloing stuff. Doesn't have to be the BEST per se though. I just want to have a character for when I think "hrrm gee it'd be funny to go wade into 20 bosses and come out alive"



Masterminds are excellent soloists. Bots, Demons, and Thugs are generally the toughest but any of them solo quite well... which set and secondary you pick mainly determines whether you mow down large groups of weak enemies or small groups of strong ones. (Or large groups of strong ones, in a couple of cases like Bots/Traps )

Scrappers and Brutes are also good. Again, any combination works pretty well with the main differences being whether you are more AoE or single target focused and which enemy groups give you trouble. SS/Shield Brutes are among the best at mowing down hordes if you are rich (you want tons of recharge plus softcapped defense) but there are plenty of other good combinations.

VEATs and Warshades both supposedly solo very well... I haven't played either to any decent level yet but I've heard good things about them. Most of the squishier ATs (the ones with no mez protection) can be a bit tricky to solo large groups on, though it's possible with the right build. It'll be harder to do than on a melee AT or a MM though (with a couple of exceptions that usually involve a very expensive build).

Finally, if you aren't in a hurry and you really, really want to feel tough... try a Tanker. You won't defeat spawns as fast, but you'll be insanely hard to kill. Unless you go Fire/Fire... then you do take down mobs fast but you're only pretty tough instead of nearly immortal.

Cascade, level 50 Blaster (NRG/NRG since before it was cool)
Mechmeister, level 50 Bots / Traps MM
FAR too many non-50 alts to name

The Scavenger Hunt: 187076
The Instant Lair Delivery Service: 206636



The other thing, of course, is ill/rad troller. Not so much for huge groups, but stupendous on hard targets, and can clear nearly anything.

My first ill/rad soloed Frostfire at level 10. That's an elite boss -- usually regarded as a hard target. And I didn't know what I was doing. (Like, I didn't know there was a way to break mez.)



Also speaking in favor of specific powers..

1) Sometimes you want to stealth, get in and get out. Stalkers can naturally do this, though there're some issues regarding their stealth when teaming. Illusions has the best stealth power, period: their superior invisibility doesn't suppress when attacking, allowing you to pick fights (do note that linked mobs will still fight you as a group baring pulling and such) Other minor stealth (such as from dark armour, or storm summoning) can be combined with superspeed (or a stealth IO if you can afford one) for practical full stealth save for perceptive enemies.
2) Defense is not the only way to protect yourself from attacks, to-hit debuffs also work in a pinch. The best by far is hurricane from storm summoning (37.5% unbuffed on a defender and 30% for corrupter/controller, a single IO for defender drops base to-hit to the minimal softcap of 5%), if you can handle the pushback. Dark blast, dark melee and dark miasma also gives to-hit debuffs, and more controllable, though not nearly as much to-hit debuff. Of course, you can combine both dark blast with storm summoning or dark miasma too.
3) The best "control" status is confuse, being rarely resisted, often doesn't cause aggro to yourself, and lasts a long time. Both illusion and mind control offers a good single target confuse ability. Both plant control and mind offers a good AoE confuse ability.

From the above, I would also recommend illusion/storm. You get invisibility, confuse to keep big mobs from smacking you, hurricane to keep anything from hitting you, among other useful and fun abilities like freezing rain (ultimate AoE debuff: debuffs def, res, recharge, movement speeds substantially, and causes knockdown) and phantom army (summons which are invincible and likes to take aggro for you) .



There are always widows, I soloed Snaptooth at level 6 with my widow...



Vote for ILL/Rad here. Smooth sailing from 1 to 50. Mostly solo. Always welcomed on teams too if you are looking.

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Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
I'd vote to go with an MFing Warshade (guide linked in my sig). The vast array of tools available to a warshade are just overwhelmingly awesome.
Solo? I always found my Warshade a drag solo. To the extent that they wouldn't solo at all. Teams were always much more fun and entertaining.

The build I've found best for the sort of soloing the OP mentions was my Dark/WP Brute. He waded solo into a fight during the Darren Wade arc and hadn't spotted purple conning Sigil and a Prelate boss (along with the Pariah Anchorite I had spotted) and came out the other end. A stupidly tough build with excellent single target damage.



Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
Solo? I always found my Warshade a drag solo. To the extent that they wouldn't solo at all. Teams were always much more fun and entertaining.
Have you tried upping the difficulty? I find that my Warshade had trouble on the normal setting, but at around +0/x6 things just got easy.

I used to have a saying: "A Peacebringer is what the team needs, a team is what the warshade needs." Peacebringers fill in the gaps based off of what a team already has. A Warshade needed a team around to increase the spawn size and provide more food.

Nowadays, though, we can just up the spawn size on our own.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
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Soloing regular content I'd have to 2nd (or 3rd or 4th) the vote for Ill/rad controller. About the only thing my Ill/rad can't do is farm. While it has been noted that Ill/Rad is fantastic against hard targets and smaller groups, it can very well take care of larger groups of mobs. It's just more exciting. Against mobs at /x4 or lower Ill/rad is a cake walk. No real threats. However try it out at x8 and you really have to get active. Confusing trouble mobs, making sure spectral terror is located in a good spot, keeping PA out, actively locking down mobs with flash, blind, and confuse goes a long way in large groups and after a little bit of practice is not that troublesome. Try an Ill/rad out. Go to the controller forum and locate Local_man's guide for ill/rads. He has a ton of good info on leveling one and using the powers.



I'd recommend a traps/dark defender for soloing large groups, actually. Lead with seekers, drop your poison gas trap while they're distracted, laugh hysterically as they vomit (they do! They actually do!) and let loose your tenebrous tentacles -- they should all be relatively close together after trying to down those pesky drones, so you'll snare most of 'em. Drop your mortar next, throw your caltrops on 'em, and then start hitting them with alternating night fall and more tentacles, adding gloom and dark blast for bosses and lieutenants. It's a wee bit slower than normal until you IO yourself out, but it's actually quite enjoyable being able to solo 0/8 spawns at level 24. Duo with a spines/fire scrapper for added speed.

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Scrappers. Katana/Willpower or Broadsword/Shield should do the trick for easy, yet effective.

Then again, there are no bad scrapper combos, just not enough time to play them all.

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Originally Posted by Griff Mender View Post
Soloing regular content I'd have to 2nd (or 3rd or 4th) the vote for Ill/rad controller. About the only thing my Ill/rad can't do is farm. While it has been noted that Ill/Rad is fantastic against hard targets and smaller groups, it can very well take care of larger groups of mobs. It's just more exciting. Against mobs at /x4 or lower Ill/rad is a cake walk. No real threats. However try it out at x8 and you really have to get active. Confusing trouble mobs, making sure spectral terror is located in a good spot, keeping PA out, actively locking down mobs with flash, blind, and confuse goes a long way in large groups and after a little bit of practice is not that troublesome. Try an Ill/rad out. Go to the controller forum and locate Local_man's guide for ill/rads. He has a ton of good info on leveling one and using the powers.
You should probably mention the multi-billion inf build cost... perma-PA is not cheap and without it Ill/Rad is just another Controller. I'd put my Plant/Storm up against an Ill/Rad any day while PA was down.

Cascade, level 50 Blaster (NRG/NRG since before it was cool)
Mechmeister, level 50 Bots / Traps MM
FAR too many non-50 alts to name

The Scavenger Hunt: 187076
The Instant Lair Delivery Service: 206636